英语演讲稿:we are the world ,we are the future

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《英语演讲稿:we are the world ,we are the future》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语演讲稿:we are the world ,we are the future(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 3英语演讲稿:英语演讲稿:WeWe AreAre TheThe WorldWorld ,We,We AreAre TheThe FutureFutureWeWe AreAre TheThe WorldWorld ,We,We AreAre TheThe FutureFutureSomeoneSomeone saidsaid “we“we areare readingreading thethe firstfirst verseverse ofof thethe firstfirst chapterchapter of

2、of a a book,book, whosewhose pagespages areare infinite”.infinite”. I I dontdont knowknow whowho wrotewrote thesethese words,words, butbut IveIve alwaysalways likedliked themthem asas a a reminderreminder thatthat thethe futurefuture cancan bebe anythinganything wewe wantwant itit toto be.be. WeWe a

3、reare allall inin thethe positionposition ofof thethe farmers.farmers. IfIf wewe plantplant a a goodgood seedseed ,we,we reapreap a a goodgood harvest.harvest. IfIf wewe plantplant nothingnothing atat all,all, wewe harvestharvest nothingnothing atat all.all.WeWe areare young.young. “How“How toto spe

4、ndspend thethe youth?”youth?” ItIt isis a a meaningfulmeaningful question.question. ToTo answeranswer it,it, firstfirst I I havehave toto askask “what“what dodo youyou understandunderstand byby thethe wordword youth?”youth?” YouthYouth isis notnot a a timetime ofof life,life, itsits a a statestate o

5、fof mind.mind. ItsIts notnot a a mattermatter ofof rosyrosy cheeks,cheeks, redred lipslips oror supplesupple knees.knees. ItsIts thethe mattermatter ofof thethe will.will. ItsIts thethe freshneoffreshneof thethe deepdeep springspring ofof life.life.A A poetpoet saidsaid “To“To seesee a a worldworld

6、inin a a graingrain ofof sand,sand, andand a a heavenheaven inin a a wildwild flower,flower, holdhold infinityinfinity inin thethe palmpalm ofof youryour hand,hand, andand eternityeternity inin anan hour.hour. SeveralSeveral 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 3daysdays ago,ago, I I hadhad a a ch

7、ancechance toto listenlisten toto a a lecture.lecture. I I learntlearnt a a lotlot there.there. IdId likelike toto shareshare itit withwith allall ofof you.you. LetsLets showshow ourour rightright palms.palms. WeWe cancan seesee threethree lineslines thatthat showshow howhow ourour andand lifelife i

8、s.is. I I havehave a a shortshort lineline ofof life.life.WhatWhat aboutabout yours?yours? I I wonderedwondered whetherwhether wewe couldcould seesee ourour futurefuture inin thisthis way.way. Well,Well, letslets makemake a a fist.fist. WhereWhere isis ourour future?future?WhereWhere isis ourour lov

9、e,love, career,career, andand life?life? TellTell , , itit isis inin ourour hands.hands. ItIt isis heldheld inin ourselves.ourselves.WeWe allall wantwant thethe futurefuture toto bebe betterbetter thanthan thethe past.past. ButBut thethe futurefuture cancan gogo betterbetter itself.itself. DontDont

10、crycry becausebecause itit isis over,over, smilesmile becausebecause itit happened.happened. FromFrom thethe past,past, weveweve learntlearnt thatthat thethe lifelife isis tough,tough, butbut wewe areare tougher.tougher. WeveWeve learntlearnt thatthat wewe cantcant choosechoose howhow wewe feel,feel

11、, butbut wewe cancan choosechoose whatwhat aboutabout it.it. FailureFailure doesntdoesnt meanmean youyou dontdont havehave it,it, itit doesdoes meanmean youyou shouldshould dodo itit inin a a differentdifferent way.way. FailureFailure doesntdoesnt meanmean youyou shouldshould givegive up,up, itit do

12、esdoes meanmean youyou mustmust trytry harder.harder.AsAs whatwhat I I saidsaid atat thethe beginning,beginning, “we“we areare readingreading thethe firstfirst verseverse ofof thethe firstfirst chapterchapter ofof a a 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 3book,book, whosewhose pagespages areare in

13、finite”.infinite”. TheThe pastpast hashas gone.gone. NothingNothing wewe dodo willwill changechange it.it. ButBut thethe futurefuture isis inin frontfront ofof us.us. BelieveBelieve thatthat whatwhat wewe givegive toto thethe world,world, thethe worldworld willwill givegive toto us.us. AndAnd fromfrom todaytoday on,on, letslets bebe thethe ownersowners ofof ourselves,ourselves, andand speakspeak outout “We“We areare thethe world,world, wewe areare thethe future.”future.”



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