外研版英语必修四 Module 4 Great Scientists[学案]

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1、Book Module 4 Great Scientists Period Reading bring back bring down ; bring forward bring on ; bring out bring up 6. 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables andconvert vt. 转变;转化转变;转化 归附归附 改变(观点,习惯等)改变(观点,习惯等)短语:短语:be converted to “转变为;转而做转变为;转而做;”归附于归附于,其中,其

2、中 to 为为 词,后词,后接接 。Ex. After he moved to the south, . (他改吃小麦为大米他改吃小麦为大米)那家旅馆已改为疗养院。那家旅馆已改为疗养院。译:译: . Write a short summary about Yuan Longping. 参考答案:参考答案:1 invention inventor discovery discoverer founded founded (1) invented,discovered (2) find (3) found out (4) was founded 2 (1)水稻种植)水稻种植 N+现在分词现在分词

3、食肉动物食肉动物 English-speaking countries spoken English peace-loving (2) 她受邀在这部新影片中担任主角她受邀在这部新影片中担任主角 leading actor leading actress (3) keep her figure figure out 3 experiment with experiment in experiment on/opon do/ make/perform carry out an experiment We do experiments in physics twice a week.4 介;名词或动

4、名词介;名词或动名词 the keys/answers to exercises;notes to the text; the entrance to the parks; pay a visit to a sp The key to learning English well is to remember 5 有重大突破有重大突破 have been brought in 拓展:拓展: 造成,造成,取回,打倒,提出,引起,出版,抚养取回,打倒,提出,引起,出版,抚养 6 介介 名词或动名词名词或动名词 He has been converted to eating rice instead

5、of wheat. The hotel was converted to a nursing house.Book Module 4 Great Scientists Period Grammarthe Passive VoiceMay 、概述、概述1、被动语态的构成形式:、被动语态的构成形式: 2、为何使用被动语态?、为何使用被动语态?需要突出或强调动作的承受者。需要突出或强调动作的承受者。不知道或没有必不知道或没有必 要指出动作要指出动作的执行者。的执行者。3、应用时态:、应用时态: 一般过去时一般过去时 过去进行时过去进行时 过去将来过去将来 时时 过去完成时过去完成时4、注意事项注意事

6、项:情态动词的被动形式情态动词的被动形式 不定式的被动语态不定式的被动语态(有些情况则由主有些情况则由主 动表被动动表被动) 短语动词的被动语态短语动词的被动语态 有的被动形式则表示状态而非被动之意有的被动形式则表示状态而非被动之意 3过去分词作状语时,及物动词表被动,过去分词作状语时,及物动词表被动, (无需(无需 be 动词)不及物动词表完成,动词)不及物动词表完成, 动名词的被动语态。动名词的被动语态。. Complete the following sentences. 1. English (广泛应用广泛应用)all over the world. 2. The criminal (

7、被捕被捕)last month and sentenced into prison for 3 years. 3. We cant drive across the river. A bridge (在修在修 建建)over it now. 4. When I called him yesterday, a meeting (开开), so he didnt answer. 5. As everyone knows, the 29th Olympic Games (举办举办)by Beijing in the year 2008. 6. They set off early in the mo

8、rning and most of the journey (完成完成)by 4 p.m.7. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where (未定未定)yet. 8. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement (达成达成)9. Water (可可 用来发电用来发电)10. With so much work (去做去做), he has no time to go for a holiday.

9、11. The maths problem is hard (解出解出)in five minutes. 12. The boss has lots of letters (打印打印) because of his busy business. 13. Time (一定得充分一定得充分 利用利用)14. Though over 70 percent of the surface of the earth (覆盖覆盖) with water, we have no enough fresh water to drink. 15. (看看)from the moon, our earth appe

10、ars as a “blue ball.”16. The truck was stopped by a big (倒下倒下)tree just on the road. 17. No one likes (受到讥笑受到讥笑)in public. 18. I heard him sing a song just now. (变为被动变为被动)19. We saw him sitting there without doing anything . (变为被动变为被动). 反思:反思:1、如何应用主动还是被动语态?、如何应用主动还是被动语态? 2、有几种情况用主动形式或表被动、有几种情况用主动形式

11、或表被动 意义?意义? 参考答案:参考答案:1 助动词助动词 be+过去分词过去分词 3 一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时,一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时, 现在完成时现在完成时41 is widely used 2 was arrested 3 is being built 4 was being held 5 will be hosted 6 would be finished 7 havnt been decided 8 had been reached 9 can be used to generante electricity 10 to do 11 to work out 1

12、2 to be typed 13 must be made full use of 14 is covered 15 Seen 16 fallen 17 being laughed at 18 He was heard to sing a song just now. 19 He was seen sitting there without doing any thing. Book Module 4 Great Scientists Period Reading and Writing, Everyday English and Cultural Corner May 、Read the p

13、assage about Stephen Hawking and answer the following questions:1. What was Hawking famous for?2. What are the symptoms of victims of motor neurone disease?. Everyday English:Just choose the best explanation:. Cultural Corner Rockets 1. Read the passage fast and answer the following questions:How was the idea of rockets born?What are rockets used for today?2. Language points:advance vt. a. 推进;促进推进;促进e. g. advance the growth of wheat b. 提前:会期已从周五提到了周二。提前:


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