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1、7 种方法合理利用下班时间 Sometimes its easy to go into “lazy” mode when you leave work. You might be tempted to hit the couch and turn on the TV the minute you get home. Instead, you know you should be doing useful things like reading, cleaning your garage, or grocery shopping. The following are some tips to a

2、void the temptation of slacking off after a long day at work. Start Right Away.下班以后很容易就会陷入懒散状态,你可能一回家就忍不住窝在沙发里看电视。 其实自己也知道应该做些有用的事情,比如看书,打扫车库或去商店买些生活 必需品。下面是一些能有效预防你在下班以后陷入懒散状态的办法。现在就开 始照着做吧。 Youll lose energy if you get too much downtime. Do not wait until after you finish dinner to start working o

3、n a project. Once you are out of “the zone,” it will be difficult to get back. Keep moving and avoid sitting for too long when you get home. 闲得久了,人会没有精神。不要等到晚饭后再去开始工作,一旦离开工作状态, 会很难再重新投入进去。到家以后,要保持积极的状态,不要总是坐着。 1、Go Somewhere Else 1、去别的地方 You might reach a point where your bed or couch gets too hard

4、to ignore. If you want to jump start your personal projects then you should go out and find a place where you can work or learn new things. Being outside your comfort zone forces you to focus on your goals. 你可能会总是想赖在床上或沙发上。如果你想你的人生有一个大的飞跃,就应 该找一个能让你安心工作或学习的地方。离开那些过于安逸的环境,会迫使你 专注于你的目标。 Coffee shops a

5、re an ideal place to write your blog or catch up on the news. Being outside your house will spare you from unwanted counterproductive distractions like the TV and bed. Being in a public place will also keep you stimulated helping you stay awake longer. 咖啡馆是写博客或赶新闻的理想场所。待在家之外的地方会让你免受不必要的 干扰,如电视和床。公共场

6、所也是不错的选择,能让你大脑亢奋,保持较长时 间的清醒。 2、Practice the 10-minute Rule 2、实行十分钟准则 When working on your side projects, start by spending ten minutes on them, never less. When your times up you can stop and congratulate yourself for a job well done. If you feel like continuing with your task, then do so. 利用下班时间完成某

7、些计划时,开始的时候先花上十分钟,这十分钟是必不可 少的。时间到了后你就可以停下来,并祝贺自己干得好。如果你想继续工作, 接下来就可以正式开始了。 Dont worry if you only spent ten minutes on a side project. The important thing is you got started. Ten minutes is precious when spent on taking steps towards your goal. Chances are, youll get pumped up enough after the first

8、ten minutes that youd want to continue on. 不要觉得在这些事情上只花十分钟太少了。重要的是你开始着手进行了。当你 向你的目标靠近时,十分钟是很珍贵的。可能你花了这十分钟后就觉得有足够 的劲头继续工作了。 3、Choose Projects Close to Your Heart 3、选择你喜欢的东西 Projects you are attracted to and passionate about are easier to work on. Working on something close to your heart gives you the

9、 energy and drive to accomplish your goals. If the project isnt very exciting (such as doing laundry) give yourself a reward that you are passionate about. Its easier to dedicate your precious after-work hours if youre really into a project. 能吸引你和唤起你的激情的计划完成起来会比较省劲。做自己的喜欢的工作会 让你干劲十足,有足够的动力去实现自己的目标。如

10、果项目内容不是让人很兴 奋(比如洗衣服),就给自己一个能唤起自己激情的奖励。如果你真的被某件 事情所吸引,下班之后投入进去会比较容易。 4、Get Some Exercise 4、适当锻炼 Exercise is a must to help extend your hours working on your side projects. Ideally, you should spend at least 30 minutes of your time on exercise. If you cant spend this much time, even a walk around the

11、block can give you an immediate energy boost. Doing exercises regularly increases its benefits. 锻炼绝对是一个利用下班时间的好方法。理想情况下,你每天应该花上半个小 时来锻炼。如果你锻炼不了这么长时间,绕着社区散散步也能让你迅速恢复体 能。经常锻炼能使你获益匪浅。 Start with a 20-30 minute light to moderate workout. You will instantly feel the results and get motivated to be more p

12、roductive instead of wasting your time on your couch. 一开始先从 20-30 分钟的温和锻炼起步。很快你就会感受到锻炼的益处,与窝 在沙发里浪费时间相比,你会变得更有活力,工作效率也会提高。 5、Write Your Schedule 5、写下你的安排 Writing down your schedule will make you feel invigorated and excited throughout the day. Have your evening planned even before you leave the offi

13、ce. Having specific goals makes it easier to get started and accomplish them. 写下你的计划会让你一整天都感到鼓舞和兴奋。离开办公室之前就制定好晚上 的计划。定好具体的目标会使你更容易就着手实施并完成它们。 Keep a check-list in your workspace to keep track of all your goals. Keep your goals realistic so you wont get overwhelmed; you can create more complex goals

14、as you go along. Remember, you also have other commitments to take care of.在工作的地方备一份清单来记录你完成目标的进度。目标要现实,这样你才不 会因为无法实现而泄气;随着你的成长,你也可以定下更复杂的目标。记住, 你同时还有其他的事情要处理。 6、Get Up Early For Your Projects 6、早起 Sometimes taking on side projects can feel like a daunting task especially if no ideas are coming in.

15、When this happens, you can go to bed and wake up early instead. You can spend some time to read or start on your projects before going to work. Waking up early will also help you avoid the stress of rushing to work. 有时候家务劳动会让你觉得很艰巨,特别是没有头绪的时候。出现这种情况的 时候,你可以先上床睡觉,然后第二天早点起床。开始工作之前,你可以先看 看书或着手处理该事。早起同时

16、还可以避免你匆匆忙忙赶去上班的压力。 7、Dont Be Too Hard on Yourself 7、不要对自己太苛刻 You cant stay productive all the time. Some nights youll be in the zone, while on some nights youll feel like sleeping right away. This will happen to you, and when it does, you have to forgive yourself and move on. Productivity after work isnt everything. 你不可能一直都保持高效率的工作状态。有时候你在这种状态,有时候你只想 马上睡觉。这很平常,出现这种情况的话,你要谅解自己。下班后的高效率并 不意味着一切。 Just pick yourself up the next day. If youre t


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