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1、知识点综合 in prep在之后(用于将来时) in l00 years 在一百年后 People will have robots in their homes in 100 years 一百年以后,人们家中会有机器人。 比较:after 在之后(用于过去时,表示从过去某时间起一段时 间之后) He will come back in two hours他两小时后会回来。 He came back after two hours 他是两小时后回来的。 21ess,fewer 比较少; more 比较多 less 是 little 的比较级,修饰不可数名词 fewer 是 few 的比较级,修

2、饰可数名词 more 是 much 和 many 的比较级 much 修饰不可数名词,many 修饰可数名词 I have less money than he has我的钱比他的少。 There are more buildings in this city than in that city 这个城市的楼房比那个城市多。 3fall in love with. 爱上 Last year l visited the art exhibition and fell in love with the work Of Picasso 去年我参观了艺术展,爱上了毕加索的作品。 4a kind of.

3、 一种 some kinds of. 几种 a kind of book 一种书 five kinds of flowers 五种花 many different kinds of gold fish 各种不同的金鱼 (fish 单复数相同,此处是复数) 5as well as 也;与 too 同义。 He likes this book and he likes that book, too Or: He likes this book as well as that hook他喜欢这本书,也喜欢那本 书。 She can come here, too Or: She can come he

4、re as well她也能来。 6worth adj值;值得;相当于的价值 This house is worth $l0 000这个房子价值一万美元。 be (well)worth doing sth (很)值得做 That film is (well)worth seeing那部电影(很)值得看 These books are worth reading twice这几本书值得看两遍 worth 的用法worth,worthy,worth-while 都为 adj,意为“值得”。1. worth:be worth + n. 当名词为金钱时,表示“值得”be worth doing sth.

5、“某事值得被做”The question is not worth discussing again and again.2. worthy:be worthy of +n. 当名词为抽象名词时表示“值 得”be worthy to be done“某事值得被做”The question is not worthy to be discussed againand again.3. worth-while:be worth-while to do sth“值得做某事”worth while:It is worth while doing sthIt is worth while sb to d

6、o sth.典型例题It is not _ to discuss the question again and again.A.worth B.worthy C.worth-while D.worth while答案 C. 由 worth 的用法可知,此句只适合词组 be worth-while to do sth.因此选 C 7knock down. 击倒,撞倒;拆除 knock down the pins 击倒球柱 knock down the machine 拆除机器 knock 组成的词语还有: knock on(at)the door 敲门 knock into sb撞了某人 kno

7、ck up 叫醒 模拟试题 ( )1I think kids will study at home on computers ten years Aat Bfor Cafter Din ( )2Hurry up! The train in two minutes Ago Bwent Cwill go Dgoes ( )3My father was than he is now Athinner Bthin Cless Dfew ( )4The boy off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday Afall Bfell Cfalls Dwill fall (

8、)5I have homework to do than you Amuch less Bmuch Cvery little Dfewer ( )6Do you like playing football or playing violin? Athe, the Bthe, / C / , the D / , / ( )7I think that England next time Awill win Bwon Cis winning Dwins ( )8His mother in a village five years ago Alives Blived Cis living Dwill

9、live ( )9 seems very hard to work out this problem AThat BThis CI DIt ( )10There is only time leftWe must hurry Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few 知识点综合 1argue v争论;争吵 argue with sb与某人吵架 I argued with my best friend我和我的好朋友吵架了。 2either adv.(用于否定句)也 He doesnt have any money, and I dont, either他没有钱,我也没有。 too

10、 也(用于肯定或疑问句) Im a teacherHe is a teacher, too我是老师,他也是老师。 3ask (sb )for sth向某人寻求某物;要 Dont ask for food every dayGo and find some work别天天要饭,找 点儿工作做。 I dont think you should ask your parents for some money我想你不应该 向父母要钱。 He didnt want to ask his teacher for his book hack他不想向老师要回 他的书了。 4the same as. 与相同 T

11、he clothes are the same as my friends这些衣服与我朋友的一样。 Tom is the same age as Anna Tom is as old as Anna汤姆和安娜一 样大。 5except 除以外;(不包括在内) My class has been invited except me Only I havent been invited 除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。 All the students went to the park except him Only he didnt get to the park besides 除以外(包括在内

12、) 除他以外,所有的学生都去了公园。 We all went there besides him He went thereWe went there, too 除他去以外,我们也都去了。 6wrong adj错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) Ive got a headache我头痛。 adv错误地;不正确地;不对地 He answered wrong他答错了。 7get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 The students will get on well with the teacher学生会和老师相处

13、得非常 好。 We get on well with each other我们彼此相处融洽。 8have a fight with sb fight with sb与某人打架 I dont want to have a fight with my cousin我不想和我的堂兄打架。 中考模拟试题( )1genius ( )2attend ( )3solution ( )4pressure ( )5psychiatrist ( )6upset ( )7family ( )8exhausted ( )9pair ( )10idea astrong or oppressive influence b

14、not happy cpeople with relatives danswer or the way to work out problems etoo tired to do anything fpictures in mind ga person who is very intelligent htake part in iperson who studies how people think jtwo things of the same kind 模拟试题 ( )1I dont have any money and he doesnt, . Atoo Beither Calso Dn

15、either ( )2 do you go to the cinema? Every two weeks AHow long BHow many CHow often DHow much ( )3You can this book for a week Aborrow Blend Ckeep Dbuy ( )4Yesterday Dick made me for a long time Ato wait Bwait Cwaited Dwaiting ( )5I need some money to buy clothes my motherHer clothes are out of style Aafter Bto Cof Dfor ( )6My bike is



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