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1、 I中 文 摘 要 玻耳兹曼是物理学研究处于从经典到微观转型期的一位理论物理学家、统计力学的奠基者和原子实在论的坚定的辩护者。由于他的物理学研究涉及到对物理世界的存在性的根本理解,致使他不得不在从事物理学研究与教学的同时,介入对关于概率、决定论、实在论等哲学问题的思考,甚至有人把他自杀谢世的原因归结为他孤独的哲学思考。 本文力图对玻耳兹曼的科学哲学思想进行系统的探讨,揭示他基于理论物理学的研究所阐述的一系列哲学思想。本文主要分两部分:第一章为第一部分,主要考察了玻耳兹曼的科学哲学思想形成的背景。第二至六章为第二部分。这一部分根据玻耳兹曼在不同时期的科学研究中形成的不同的科学哲学思想,分章探讨了

2、他的统计决定论、实在论、对原子的辩护、图象论和语言哲学观五个方面的思想。其中,玻耳兹曼的语言哲学观在内容上是他的前期哲学思想的综合。各章的要点归纳如下: 第一章的阐述表明,玻耳兹曼是在研究麦克斯韦工作的基础上,登上了科学顶峰的,他从事统计物理学研究的哲学基础与牛顿力学研究纲领蕴含的哲学思想并行不悖。克劳修斯提出的熵概念和麦克斯韦的物理类比方法为玻耳兹曼统计物理研究奠定了概念前提和方法论基础,自身的科学素养为玻耳兹曼的研究工作提供了理论基础,自己所选的研究方向,进行的科学论战为他的科学哲学思想的形成提供了实践基础。 第二章考察了玻耳兹曼的统计决定论思想的产生与形成过程。玻耳兹曼是在不断地解构传统

3、物理学研究方式的同时,逐渐地形成了分子混沌假设与各态历经假说的思维方式,在重新阐述热力学第二定律和取得统计物理学研究成就的过程中,形成了他的统计决定论思想。他对熵的概率解释是他的统计思想的实质内容,也对后来的物理学哲学问题的研究提供了有益的启迪。 第三章重点论述了玻耳兹曼的实在论立场。玻耳兹曼的实在论思想是在他与当时的唯能论者、实证论者、工具主义者和现象主义者的争论中形成的。其中,他与马赫和奥斯特瓦尔德的争论最为激烈。在本体论意义上,他认为,作为统计力学基础的原子具有实在性;在认识论意义上,他认为,以原子假说为基础的物理学理论是对客观世界的正确描述;在方法论意义上,他认为,想象是理论的摇篮,理

4、论是实践的工具,计算在理论物理中是必须的,是用来求解方程,联系不同表述有效工具,因此,数学方法是整理物理思想的真正有效的工具。 II第四章主要追溯了玻耳兹曼为原子辩护的心路历程。玻耳兹曼是一位笃信原子的人,他对原子的存在性的辩护不仅与他的实在论立场相一致,而且,他的辩护本身是内在于他的物理学成就(特别是以他的名字命名的玻耳兹曼方程和玻耳兹曼原理)的,或者说,他的原子实在论思想一方面是对 19 世纪的牛顿、博斯科维奇、克劳修斯和麦克斯韦等人的原子论思想的综合,另一方面,是他在为涉及到时间之矢和概率本性的热力学第二定律和统计力学作出辩护的过程中,通过与洛希密特、策梅洛等物理学家的不断讨论与争辩,体

5、现出来的。 第五章主要论述了玻耳兹曼的图象论思想。玻耳兹曼图象论思想是在深受波尔查诺的学生齐默尔曼阐述的心理图象理论和伽利略与牛顿描述的力学图象观的影响之基础上,在研究电磁学、力学和统计力学的过程中运用类比方法形成的。他试图通过图象论的观念来捍卫原子实在论的思想。他认为,心理图象既有必然性,也有偶然性,必然性说明了心理图象是对物理现象的内在本质的一种反映,偶然性说明即使是错误的心理图象也会对科学研究起到一定的启发作用。因此,心理图象既不是对实在的绝对客观的描述,也不是完全随意的主观构想,而是既包含了新的物理思想,因而具有可预言性,又不可避免地包含了时代认识的局限性,因而具有可错性。 第六章考察

6、了玻耳兹曼的语言哲学思想的形成过程及其主要观点。玻耳兹曼晚年成为马赫哲学讲座的继任者,这个机会使他于 1904 和 1905 年间,从自然哲学讲座转向语言哲学讲座。他认为,从事哲学研究最简单和最经验的方法是语言分析和数学分析,解决语言问题最简单和最经验的东西是确定数学符号和表达的意义和指称,语言使用要与科学思想的表达相一致。 关键词:玻耳兹曼;原子辩护;模型;心理图象;哲学病 IIIAbstract Ludwig Boltzmann is a Theoretical Physicist, Statistical Mechanics founder and firm defender of At

7、omic Essentialist during the transitional period from classic to micro of physics research. Because his physics research involves the radical understanding on existence of the physical world, so he has to engage himself in the physics research and teaching and learning, in the same time devote himse

8、lf in the thinking on the philosophy problems such as Probability, Determinism and Realism, and someone even attributes his suicide to his lonely philosophical thought. This thesis tries to systematic discuss Boltzmanns Scientific Philosophy Thoughts in order to reveal a series of his Philosophy Tho

9、ughts based on the Theoretical Physics. This thesis mainly divides two parts: the first chapter is the first part, which mainly investigates the background of the formation of Boltzmanns Scientific Philosophy Thoughts. The second to sixth chapter is the second part. These chapters respectively discu

10、ss Boltzmanns Statistical Determinism, Realism, Defense of Atom, Pictures, Linguistc Philosophy according to scientific philosophy thought produced in different periods of Boltzmanns scientific activity. Among them, Boltzmanns Linguistc Philosophy in the content is also the comprehensive of his form

11、er scientific philosophy thoughts. Key points of every chapter are summarized as follows: The first chapter suggests that Boltzmann Boarded scientific peak on the basis of studying Maxwells work, and that the philosophy foundation of Boltzmanns Statistical Physics Research runs parallel with the phi

12、losophy thoughts contained in Newtonian Mechanics Research Program. Clausius concept of entropy and Maxwells research methods on physical analogy are a premise of the concept and methodology basis for Boltzmann statistical physics study, his scientific literacy provides theoretical basis for Boltzma

13、nns research, research direction chosen by himself and ongoing scientific controversies provide practical basis for the formation of his IVscientific philosophy thoughts. The second chapter investigates the generation and forming process of Boltzmanns Statistical Determinism Thought. Boltzmann const

14、antly deconstructs the conventional physics research way, and meanwhile gradually forms the thinking way of Stosszahlansatz and Ergodicity, and he forms Statistical Determinism in the process of expounding the Second Law of Thermodynamics newly and making achievement in the Statistical Physics resea

15、rch. His probability explanation on entropy is his substantial contents of statistical thoughts, and also provides the beneficial enlightenment to the subsequent research of physics and philosophy problems. The third chapter mainly discusses Boltzmanns Reality Theory position. Boltzmann forms Realis

16、m thought in the process of his debate with the only- theorists, empirical theorists, instrumentalist and phenomena activist. Among them, his debate with Mach and Ostwald is the most intense. In ontology sense, he thinks, Atom as the foundation of Statistical Mechanics have quality. In epistemological sense, he thinks, physics theory based on Atomic hypothesis is the correct description of the objective world. In methodological sense, he thinks, the imagination is the cradle o


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