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1、List 1economic a.经济的,经济学的e.g.The GEI initiative will become the new engine of economic growth.GEI 倡议将成为经济增长的新引擎。n.经济学;经济状况e.g.A researcher at the institute of industrial economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing.一个北京社会科学院产业经济研究所研究员。concern n.关切的是,有关的事;关心,挂念;关系,关联;公司,企业e.g.I have

2、 been inspired by my parents deep concern for Wuxi since childhood.我从小就深受父母对无锡的深切关怀。vt.涉及,关于;使关心,使担心e.g.“We will promote certification in important service sectors that concern peoples daily lives, such as medical care and education, as an important means to improve the quality of the services,“ she

3、 said.她说:“我们将促进有关医疗和教育等日常生活的重要服务部门的认证,以此作为提高服务质量的一个重要手段。”。author n.著作人,作者e.g. The author is an entrepreneur from Uruguay and the former head of the international department of the Foshan Bureau of Commerce.作者是乌拉圭企业家,曾任佛山商务部国际部主任。remain vi.剩下,余留;保持;仍然是e.g. Rafael Dudamel has signed a deal to remain c

4、oach of Venezuelas national football team for the next four years, the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF) said on Monday.委内瑞拉足球联合会(FVF)星期一表示,Rafael Dudamel 已经签署了一项协议,在未来四年保持委内瑞拉国家足球队主教练。n.残余;残骸;遗迹e.g. On the ground floor of the memorial, a cavern-like enclosure holds the remains of Guevara and 30

5、of his comrades who fell in Bolivia. 在纪念碑的底层,一个像洞穴一样的封闭物存放着格瓦拉和他的 30 个在玻利维亚阵亡的同志们的遗体。comprehension n.理解,理解力,领悟;理解力测验e.g. These senses channel data to brains capable of processing volumes of information that are beyond our human comprehension.这些“感官”通道数据“大脑”能够处理我们人类无法理解的大量信息。individual a.个别的,独特的e.g. T

6、hrough nine rounds of competitions, eight people were awarded individual prizes, while group awards were given to six teams.通过九轮比赛,有 8 人获得个人奖,6 个队伍获得团体奖。n.个人,个体e.g. The championship organized by Pingyao Sports Center consisted of individual and group competitions, attracting around 60 Chinese chess

7、lovers from 10 different teams.由平遥体育中心主办的锦标赛由个人和团体比赛组成,吸引了来自 10 支不同球队的 60 名中国象棋爱好者。management n.管理;处理管理部门,管理人员e.g. And we will invest more in the R询问 e.g. Its a battle that demands long-term commitment.这是一场需要长期承诺的战斗。n.要求,需要e.g. sticking to supply-side structural reforms and moderately expanding tota

8、l demands.坚持供给结构改革,适度扩大总需求。project n.方案,计划;课题;项目;工程 e.g. In 2010, she was appointed director of the Angdong Hospital Project.2010 年,她被任命为这个昂东医院项目主任。v.(使)伸出;投射,放映e.g. Images ae projected onto the retina of the eyes.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。aspect n.方面;样子,外表;(建筑物的)朝向,方向e.g. One aspect of its wisdom is inclusiven

9、ess.其智慧的一个方面是包容性。issue n.问题;发行,分发 e.g. The third is on security issues.第三个问题是安全问题。v.发行,分发,发出e.g. encouraging overseas institutions and companies to issue yuan-denominated bonds and asset-backed securitization products.鼓励海外机构和公司发行人民币债券和资产证券化产品。accident n.意外,事故e.g. I rode horses when I was a little gi

10、rl, but I had an accident on horseback.我小时候骑马,但骑马时出了意外。predict vt.预言,预告,预测e.g. The experts told him they couldnt predict what the camera would capture.专家告诉他,他们无法预测相机将捕捉到什么。various a.各种各样的,不同的e.g. A great number of government-controlled funds are set up in various forms.大量政府控制的资金以各种形式建立起来。consumer n.

11、消费者,消耗者e.g. It will mainly affect automakers and importers, but the direct impact on consumers is going to be limited.这将主要影响汽车制造商和进口商,但对消费者的直接影响将是有限的。essential a. 必要的;本质的 e.g. The device proved to be essential in transporting the Ebola vaccine during the outbreak of the disease in West Africa in 201

12、4.该装置被证明是在 2014 西非爆发该疾病期间运送埃博拉疫苗必不可少的设备。n.要素;必需品e.g. to ensure that Britains Chinese consumers continue to see Lee Kum Kee as their kitchen essentials.为了确保英国的中国消费者继续视作 Lee Kum Kee 为厨房必需品。reflect v.反映,显示;反射,映像;深思,考虑,反省e.g. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.观点并不一定反映中国日报。advanta

13、ge n.优点,优势,好处e.g. The answer is another advantage of online charity programs: transparency.答案是在线慈善节目的另一个优势:透明度。graduate n.毕业生;研究生e.g. While a large number of graduates and entrepreneurs flock to Shenzhen each year, low-price and high-quality rental homes are in short supply.尽管每年都有大批毕业生和企业家涌向深圳,但低价位、

14、高质量的出租房屋供不应求a.研究生的e.g. Fanny Wu Fan, a graduate student at HKU majoring in shipping and logistics.Fanny Wu Fan,香港大学研究生,主修航运及物流。limitation n.限制,限度;局限e.g. But due to the limitations of space, we can only showcase the most delicate ones.但由于空间的局限性,我们只能展示最精致的部分。critical a.决定性的;批评的e.g. It is highly critic

15、al for automakers to respond to consumer feedback regarding the quality of new vehicles.汽车制造商应对消费者对新车质量的反馈非常重要。previous a.先的,前的,以前的e.g. Previous eruptions of the volcano have lasted from four to six weeks.以前的火山喷发持续了四到六个星期。evidence n.根据,证据;证人e.g. The US authorities shared evidence with their Chinese

16、counterparts and asked them to investigate.美国当局与中国同行分享证据,并要求他们进行调查。avail n.效用,利益;帮助e.g. Everybody is desperately trying to save lives, but often to no avail.每个人都拼命想挽救生命,但往往无济于事。involve vt.使卷入,牵涉;包含,含有e.g. Does the case involve any trade under the table?这个案子涉及到任何交易吗?blank a. 空白的;茫然的,无表情的 e.g. Minutes later, the dejected Americans filed into the locker room with blank looks.几分钟后,沮丧的美国人带着茫然的表情走进了更衣室。n.空白;空白表格e.g. He said the sailing in the northwestern lane along the northern boundary of


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