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1、动词的时态小结动词的时态小结一、时态的概念:Tense is just like wearing clothes. We change our clothes according to four seasons.那么,什么是时态呢?Tense is the different shapes of verbs at different times.即时态是在不同的时间动词的表现形式。二、时态的种类:时态共分 16 种,见下表:一般体进行体完成体完成进行体现在过去将来过去将来别着急,初中不要求掌握 16 种,掌握常见的 8 种就够了。三、中考常见时态的讲解:1.一般现在时:表示经常性,习惯性,永久

2、性的动作或存在的状态.通常与副词 sometimes, often, usually, always, every day (year, month ), once (twice, three times) a day,等时间状语连用。They usually go to school by bike.I take the medicine three times a day.She helps her mother once a week.Marys father is a policeman.There are 50 students in my class.表示客观真理,科学原理,自然现

3、象,等客观事实或格言,谚语等。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day.The man who has never been to the Great Wall is not a real man.Tomorrow is Tuesday.只有在主语是第三人称单数时用动词的“三单形式” ,其他用动词的原形。三单变化:1.多数在动词后s play plays like likes(1)直接在动词词尾加-s.ask-asks work-works get-gets stay-stays(2)以字母 s, x, ch, sh 或

4、o 结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-es.watch-watches wish-wishes fix-fixes do-doesgo-goes pass-passes(3)以“辅音字母加 - y”结尾的动词,要先变 y 为 i 再加-es.try-tries study-studies cry-cries fly-flies2.不规则变化:be-am is are have-has一般现在时的句子转换:(1)当句子中有 be 动词或情态动词时,则把 be 动词或情态动词(can,could 等等)提到主语的前面变成疑问句;在 be 动词或情态动词后面加 not 变成否定句.例:陈述句:She is

5、a student.疑问句 否定句 陈述句:I can swim.疑问句 否定句 (2 当句子中即没有 be 动词,也没有情态动词时,则在主语前加助动词 do (you,以及复数), does(单数 she,he,it)变成问句;在主语后谓语动词前加助动词 dont(I,you,以及复数), doesnt(单数 she,he,it)变成否定句,助动词后的动词要变成动词原形。例:陈述句:We get up at 7:00 every morning.疑问句否定句陈述句:She has a little brother.疑问句 否定句 课堂练习:课堂练习:(一) 用动词的适当形式填空1. She

6、_(go) to school at seven oclock.2. Its 6 oclock. They are _ (eat) supper.3. He usually _ up at 17:00.(get )4. She _ (live) in Beijing.5. Amy _ (be) here just now.6. _ (be)there a fly on the table just now?7. My father _ (watch) TV every evening .8. My father _ (make) toys these days.9_ Amy _ (read)

7、English every day?10. Chen Jie sometimes _(go)to the park with her sister.(二).选择填空1I want_ homework now.A. doing B. to do C. to do my D. do my2Its time_.A. go to school B. play games C. to go home D. to do my homework3_go and help her. A. Lets me B. Lets us C. Lets D. Lets to4Do they have a new car?

8、 Yes,_.A .they are B.they have C. they dont D. they do5He often _ supper at 6:00 in the evening.A. have B. has c. is having D. is eating6. We _ any Chinese classes on Friday.A. are having B. arent having C. dont have D. are have(三) 、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _ (have) dinner at home.2. Daniel and Tom

9、my _ (be) in Class One.3. We _ (not watch) TV on Monday.4. Nick_ (not go) to the zoo on Sunday.5. they _ (like) the World Cup?6. What they often_ (do) on Saturdays?7. your parents _ (read) newspapers every day?8. The girl _ (teach) us English on Sundays.9. She and I _ (take) a walk together every ev

10、ening.10. There _ (be) some water in the bottle.11. Mike_ (like) cooking.12. They _ (have) the same hobby.13. My aunt _ (look) after her baby carefully.14. You always _ (do) your homework well.15. I _ (be) ill. Im staying in bed.16. She _ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.17. Liu Tao _ (do) not l

11、ike PE.18. The child often _ (watch) TV in the evening.19. Wang Kai and Wang li_(have) eight lessons this term.20. What day _ (be) it today? Its Saturday.1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)2. I have many books. (改为否定句)3. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)4. She lives

12、in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)7. We have four lessons.(否定句)8. Nancy doesnt run fast (肯定句)9. My dog runs fast. 否定句:一般疑问句:10. Mike has two letters for him.一般疑问句:否定句:一般过去时1. 一般过去时的定义一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。常与过去时间 yes

13、terday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before , when clause, in the past 连用。如:What did you do yesterday? 昨天你干了什么?I met Lin Tao this morning. 今天上午我会到了林涛。I was there a moment ago. 刚才我在那儿。2. 一般过去时对谓语动词的要求一般过去时的谓语动词要用动词的过去式。动词过去式的

14、构成分规则变化和不规则变化两种形式,不规则变化通常需要逐个记忆,规则变化则遵循以下原则:(1) 一般在动词后加-ed。如:playplayed, offeroffered, weighweighed, destroy destroyed, signsigned.(2) 在以字母 e 结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:likeliked, provideprovided, hate hated, datedated。(3) 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改 y 为 i,再加ed。如:supplysupplied, flyflied, study studied. (from )(4) 符合一元一辅一重读的,双写最后的辅音字母再加 ed。如:planplanned, referreferred, regretregretted, banbanned.课堂练习课堂练习1. Tom and Tara _ (come) to Japan last month.2. John _(not go) to bed until 11 oclock last night.So he _ (get) up late this morning.3. Peter _ (read) Eng


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