汉译英 论文摘要翻译的问题

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《汉译英 论文摘要翻译的问题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《汉译英 论文摘要翻译的问题(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、陈老师:您好!我是 05 级 6 班的同学,学习翻译和自己实践着做翻译已有一段时间,且不说进步与否,先谈谈我近来的一些感受。首先,就像您说的“翻译要慢慢磨”,确实,从实践中我也慢慢有了一点感觉,算虽苦尤乐吧但是,我发现自己在选择课外材料做翻译的时候,仍存在一些困惑,即在选择内容方面:是否拿来就翻,别人给你就翻,您发给我们的作业我想都具有代表性,包括论文摘要、散文、评论以及小故事等等。至今,我觉得我们做过的翻译材料并非很难。但是这个星期的作业我都磨了两三天了,汉译英虽然有很多语法错误,但是通过整和句子,我差不多翻出来了,但英译汉就真的是头痛啦,虽然句子意思都理解了,初稿也大概形成了,但翻第二遍的

2、时候,感觉句子还是不通,不知该怎么摆,现在还在“研究“啊!这篇文章应该是科技文吧。我看了一些专八的真题,发现这些真题涉及面也比较广,例如 07 年真题的英译汉是哈佛大学校长劳伦斯萨默斯演讲 Good Bye And Good Luck 的选段,所以我想我们平时应该多涉及一些领域多拓宽自己的知识面,至少当别人提起一些东西的时候,我们不是“门外汉”。但是很多领域对于我来说都是生疏的,例如医学、科技等方面,我想这也与个人兴趣有关吧。现在我们还处于做翻译的初级阶段,怎样选择翻译材料是我最大的困惑,政治、经济、文化各个方面,面真的太广了,我们更多的要选择哪些方面的材料来提高自己的翻译水平呢?还望陈老师指

3、点指点,谢谢!论文摘要翻译的问题论英文报刊的语言特色及阅读技巧(文体?)(湖南农业大学外国语学院)摘要:本文首先从标题、导语和正文三个方面入手论述了英文报刊的文体特点,探讨了英文报刊的阅读技巧和阅读中应注意的问题,以帮助读者提高英文报刊的能力。On the Stylistic Features of English PeriodicalsAbstract: The features of English periodical tiles, bodies and structures are analyzed first, then some strategies of English news

4、 reading have been introduced, so that with the help of this, students can improve their ability of reading English newspapers and magazines.修改译文:On the Stylistic Features of English Newspapers and PeriodicalsAbstract: This paper firstly discusses the stylistic features of the headline, lead, and bo

5、dy of English newspapers and periodicals, and then puts forward some skills and attentions for reading this kind of materials. The purpose of which is to improve the readers comprehension ability.陈老师,这是我写的论文摘要,你看翻译有哪些要更正的地方帮我指出来啊,谢谢啦尹湘林内容摘要:学生听的困难往往来自三个主要的方面。一是语言方面的,包括语音、语调、单词发音在句中的变化,如连读、同化、弱化、失去爆破

6、等。同时还有重音、语调以及口语习惯表达方法、语法结构等。第二个方面的困难来自听的技能,如听文段大意和细节、确定中心思想、理解人物关系,推断作者意图,找出因果关系,做出结论,等等。第三个方面的困难是来自文化背景知识方面的困难。如历史、地理、社会常识、思维方式、社交礼仪、价值观念、禁忌幽默、文化习俗等。Abstracts: There are three main aspects of difficulty for students listening. One is from the language, including the changes about phonetic、intonatio

7、n、words pronunciation of a sentence, such as linking、assimilation、weak forms、and stress、intonation as well as common oral English way of expression、sentence structures and so on. The second aspect is from the listening technique, for example, catch the main idea and the details of the passage, defin

8、ite the central idea, understand the character s relation, infer the author s purpose, find the causation, make conclusion and so on. Last difficult aspect is the cultural background, such as history, geogrophy, social common knowledge, way of thinking, social interaction and etiquette, values, tabo

9、os and humor, cultures and so on.修改:Abstracts: The problems to improve the students listening comprehension mainly lie in three aspects: The first one is caused by the English language itself due to the variations of phonetic, intonation, and words pronunciation of a sentence such as linking sound,

10、assimilation, weak forms, as well as stress, intonation, set oral expressions, and sentence structures and so on. The second aspect is caused by students lack of listening skills such as being unable to catch the main idea and the details of the passage, let alone the central idea, the relationship

11、between the characters, and the cause and effect, etc. The last but not least aspect lies in the students unawareness of the related cultural backgrounds such as the related history, geography, social knowledge, way of thinking, social interaction and etiquette, values, taboos and humor, and customs

12、 and so on.浅析现代的武术形态及特征摘要:武术历史悠久,它在民间广为流传,然而随着社会的进步和时代的变迁,今天人们对武术的需要以及练习武术的价值取向也发生了很大变化。本文以辩证唯物方法论为理论基础,采用文献资料、专家访问等研究方法,对我国现代的武术存在的形态进行研究。本人从人类的生活需要和价值取向来研究现代的武术形态。同时(进而),依据武术形态的流变及现时武术形态的多样性,指出了各种形态的特征以及它们之间的联系及演变规律。通过对现代武术形态及特征的研究,使人们正确理解我国独特的武术文化,体会其所包含的深刻文化意蕴。关键词:现代;武术;形态;特征学生译文浅析现代的武术形态及特征1.2.

13、 General Analysis of the Forms and Features of Modern Material Arts3. A General Introduction to the Forms and Features of the contemporary Martial Art4. Brief Analysis of the Forms and Features of Modern Wushu5. A Brief Analysis on the Form and Feature of Modern Martial Art6. 先把汉译英的译文让您看看,英译汉还在整理当中!

14、以下译文是我对原文进行整和之后并根据自己的理解翻译出来的Analyze Modern Wushus Forms And Characters 7.8.9.我的译文: Briefly on the Forms and Characteristics of Modern Wushu摘要:武术历史悠久,它在民间广为流传,然而随着社会的进步和时代的变迁,今天人们对武术的需要以及练习武术的价值取向也发生了很大变化。1. Wushu has a long history, spread broadly in folk .However, with the development of the societ

15、y and the replacement of the times, today, peoples need for wushu has been changed greatly ,so does the value direction of practicing wushu .2. Excerpts: Material arts, widely prevailing among the people, have a long history. While, with the improvement of society and the change of times, peoples ne

16、eds of material arts and values of practicing it have changed a lot today.3. Abstract: While with the development of society and the change of age, martial art of a long history, once enjoying its popularity among the Chinese people, has been much altered in peoples needs and values to master it.4. Abstract: Wushu has a long history and spreads far and wide among the people. While with the advancement of society and the changes of times. People today have c


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