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1、英语作文中的标点符号英语作文中的标点符号大庆石油高中大庆石油高中 路宝秋路宝秋 不论是在平时的练习中还是考试中,许多同学在写英语作文时不太注意标点符号的运 用,有的同学甚至所有的标点符号都是圆点。其实正确使用了标点符号,有助于使文章的 思路更加清晰,读文章的人也可以很好地理解该文章。因此,大家在平时写英语作文时一 定要注意标点符号的使用,这样才会在考试的时候不会吃这方面的亏。 英语中的标点符号和汉语的标点符号在使用上有很多相同之处,但亦有一些区别。现 将英语中常用的几种标点符号简介如下: 一、句号 (full stop 英 period 美) 句号表示陈述句末尾的停顿。 如:Welcome t

2、o Disneyland. Today Ill show you around it. 句号也用在缩写或简写词的词尾,如 Dr. Smith 等。 注意,英语句号必须用实点“.”,而不是小圆圈。 二、逗号 (comma) 逗号表示句子内部的一般性停顿。 However, in the year 2002 alone, we have earned 10,000 dollars.书信末尾 Yours Sincerely 之后需用逗号。书写日期、地址时,也常用逗号,如: Our new school will be built in Haidian District, Beijing, in De

3、cember, 2003. 三、问号 (question mark) 问号表示疑问句末尾的停顿。 What can we do to show our support? Does it mean that you will live in Hong Kong for ever? 有的句子虽然有疑问词“who”“how”等,但全句并不是疑问句,末尾不用问号,如: Who will do this project is still unknown. 四、冒号(colon) 冒号表示提示性话语之后的停顿,冒号后的内容相当于冒号前面的一个词或更多的词, 其主要用途是阐明、解释或提起下文。 You ha

4、ve to bring these things tomorrow: pen, ruler, paper and eraser. There are four seasons in a year. They are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 但有人认为动词之后最好不要用冒号来引出列举的事物,后一句应改为: There are four seasons in a year. They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 五、引号(quotation marks) 引号标明文中直接引用的话。 “Will you

5、 be free on Sunday?” asked Amy. 引号还用来表明需要着重论述的对象或具有特殊含义的词语。 In our hometown we call it “Apple”. In fact, it just looks like apple, but not really apple. 引号也常用来表示文章、电影等的标题。 “Hero” is one of my favorite films. 六、感叹号 (exclamation mark 英 exclamation point 美)感叹号表示感叹句末尾的停顿。 What a fine day it is! 语气强烈的祈使句

6、或陈述句末尾也用感叹号。 Look! Its him! 但我们在书面表达时,要尽量少用感叹号,因为很多人认为滥用感叹号是写作不老练 的一种标志。 七、分号(semicolon) 分号表示复句内部并列分句之间的停顿,用来代替并列连接词 and,but or 等。 My grandmother seldom goes to bed this early; shes afraid shell miss out on something. 注意 分号后的句子第一个字母不大写。 八、括号(parentheses) 括号标明行文中注释性的话。 Everyone should fight against S

7、ARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). 九、破折号(dash) 破折号标明行文中解释说明的语句。破折号和括号用法不同:破折号引出的解释说明 是正文的一部分,而括号里的解释说明不是正文,只是对句中的某个部分进行注释。 Even when you are asleep, you are using energy? About 65 calories an hour. All four of them? Bob, Jeffrey, Jason, and Brett? did well in college 十、省略号 (ellipsis) 省略号标明行文中省

8、略了的话,是用来表示文中省略或虚缺部分,它的使用往往给人 一种意犹未尽的感觉,欲语还休的意境,为人们打开想象的空间,任其驰骋。 Juan thought and thought and then thought some more. 此外,省略号还用来表示说话的断断续续。 “What time is it?” “12 a.m. err, sorry, 2 p.m.” 十一、所有格符号(Apostrophe) 表示省去某个字母或表示所有格。汉语没有该符号。 Its a big house. Amys mother is in the hospital now. 十二、连字号 (hyphen) 连

9、字号的作用是把意义密切相关的词语连成一个整体。 The third- and fourth-grade teachers met with the parents. 连字号也用来表示移行。如果一个较长的词在一行之末需要断开时,须先在该行之末 加一连字号,其余部分写在下一行行首。但单词移行的规则比较复杂,请同学们在书写时 尽量不要把单词拆分成两个部分。 高考书面表达评分标准指出:“拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时应视 其对交际的影响程度予以考虑”。 但由于平时我们中学英语教学不太重视标点符号知识的 讲授,导致学生在书面表达时,经常出现标点符号使用的错误,最终影响到自己书面表达 的得分

10、。现将学生在书面表达中常犯的错误分析如下: 原文We had a short rest, then we began to play happily, we sang and danced, some told stories, some played chess. 修正After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and playing chess. 将逗号用在两个或几个完整的独立句中间,称之为“串句”(run-on sentences) ,这种错误在学生的书面表达中最为常见。犯这种错误的主要原

11、因是受汉语的影响,因为汉语是重 “意合”而非“形合”,句子的前后连接多靠上下文的逻辑意义来实现,平时使用的连词远远 少于英语。 原文I have two purposes of dieting. To save money on food and to reduce my weight. 修正I have two purposes of dieting: to save money on food and to reduce my weight. 修正I have two purposes of dieting. One is to save money on food; the other

12、is to reduce my weight. 一般句子都有主语和谓语这两个主要成分。 “to save money on food and to reduce my weight”这一不定式短语并不是一个完整的句子,不应用句号与前句断开。如一定要另写为 一句的话,需补上所缺的句子成分。 原文Charging entrance fees for a public park, will no doubt keep a lot of people away. 修正Charging entrance fees for a public park will no doubt keep a lot of

13、 people away. 不要用逗号将主语和谓语分隔开。 原文When I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. I was very excited. 修正When I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, I was very excited. 位于句首的状语从句,常用逗号与主句分开。但在书面表达阅卷过程中,我们经常遇 到上述这种状语从句和主句之间被句号断开的错误,尤其当状语从句比较长的时候,考生 往往会忘记使用逗号,而误用句号。

14、 原文Many people jumped out of the window. Because it was the only way of escaping the fire. 修正Many people jumped out of the window because it was the only way of escaping the fire. 状语从句后置时,主句和从句之间通常不需用标点隔开,更不可用句号将主句和从句 断开。 原文There are forty students in our class in all. Most of whom are from big citi

15、es. 修正There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 修正There are forty students in our class in all. Most of them are from big cities. 非限制性定语从句在书写时,应用逗号与先行词隔开,或干脆不使用定语从句。 原文I wrote letters to: my aunt, the bus company, and my close friend, Jack, who moved to Boston f

16、our years ago. 修正I wrote letters to my aunt, the bus company, and my close friend, Jack, who moved to Boston four years ago. 介词和介词宾语之间不可用标点符号分割开。 原文Tom, the captain of the football team was seriously injured in the game. 修正Tom, the captain of the football team, was seriously injured in the game. 原文Two hundred dollars, I think is not enough. 修正Two hundred dollars, I think, is not enough. 位于句子中间的同位语或插入语,前后均需用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。 原


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