辽宁省法库县八年级英语下册 unit 1 helping those in need reading 2学案(无答案) 牛津深圳版

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《辽宁省法库县八年级英语下册 unit 1 helping those in need reading 2学案(无答案) 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省法库县八年级英语下册 unit 1 helping those in need reading 2学案(无答案) 牛津深圳版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 1 1 HelpingHelping thosethose inin needneed课题内容Unit 1 Voluntary work reading2.3学习目标1. 深入学习主阅读篇章中的内容。2. 掌握文中重点词和短语。3. 树立为他人服务的意识。4.学习重点通过进一步学习,掌握篇章中的核心单词和短语。学习难点加深对篇章内容的理解。学法指导合作探究法、任务学习法I.Read the passage on P3 and translate the phrases into English . 主动提出做些义务性工作 _在学校放假期间_ 遭受严重疾病的折磨_组织一次绘画

2、比赛 _ 给它拍一些照片_ 表达他们的感情_与一个女孩共度时光_走路或行动有困难_给他们带来快乐和宁静_ 很有勇气 _ 使他们鼓起勇气_II. Translate the English phrases into Chinese .three teenagers_ a childrens hospital_ tell stories_ many children without parents_my mother and I_ continue to visit_hurt his legs_ in the future_III. 列出疑惑: _一、预习案一、预习案21、预习反馈:2、出示学习目

3、标:探究点一: 完成 P4C2 练习题。探究点二: 了解否定前缀。探究点三:完成 P5D1,D2 练习。探究点四:理解课文,归纳知识点。1. offer v. 主动提出offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb.sth./offer sth. to sb. 给某人某物2. in a childrens hospital 在一所儿童医院3. suffer from. 因.受苦4. serious illnesses/sickness 严重的疾病5. serious: bad, dangerous6. a girl called Cindy 一个叫辛迪的女孩7. take s

4、ome photos of it 给它拍一些照片8. use. for doing.use. to do .9. children without parents 孤儿10. a car accident 一场车祸11. happyunhappy: sad12. lonely 孤独的,寂寞的alone 独自,单独e.g. He lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely.13. continue to do/doing 继续做某事go on to do/doing 继续做另一件事/继续做原来的事 14. have difficulty (in) doing st

5、h. 做.有困难have trouble (in) doing sth.二、探究案二、探究案3have problems (in) doing sth.15. raise ones spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气16. raise v. 筹集 raise money举起,升起,抬起 raise ones hand养育,饲养 raise sheep/ keep sheepI.(基础题)记忆知识点II. (提高题)综合阅读ABetty:I did some voluntary work in a childrens (A)_. The children there all suffer fro

6、m serious illnesses. We organized a painting competition for them.I met a girl (B)called Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos of it. Cindy used(C) them for her painting.Mark:(D) There are many children without parents. I metsome of these c

7、hildren with my mother. (E)我们教他们讲故事。Wetaught them to tell stories. This helps themexpress their feelings. One child said, “Myfriends dont understand my pain.”We spent time with a girl called Vivien.(F)_ parents died in a car accident, and she is(G)unhappy and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mo

8、ther and I will continue to visit Vivien.1.在文中(A)和(F)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:(A)_( F) _2.写出文中化线部分(B)和(G)的同义词或近义词语:(B)_ (G)_3.文中划线部分(C)指代的是:_4.将文中划线部分(D)改写为:There are many children _ _ no parents .5.将文中划线部分(E)译成英语:_三、训练案三、训练案4BJoe wanted to do (A)做义务性工作 during the summer holidays, so he offered to help at a lo

9、cal (B)_.Every Saturday, he went there to (C)look after the patients. One of them had (D)difficulty walking, so he helped him move around. (E)Another one could not see. Joe read news and funny stories to her so that she did not feel lonely . Joe also talked with the patients. This helped (F)them express their feelings.Joe enjoyed helping people. He will continue to help at the hospital in his (G)_ time.6.将文中划线部分(A)译成英语:_7.在文中(B)和(G)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:(B)_( G) _8.写出文中化线部分(C)和(D)的同义词语或近义词语:(C)_ (D)_9.将文中划线部分(E)改写为:Another one wasnt _ _see.10.文中划线部分(F)指代的是:_教与学的反思教与学的反思


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