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1、最新最新 2018 新版外研版八年级英语下期末检测试卷新版外研版八年级英语下期末检测试卷带答案一套带答案一套(时间:90 分钟 满分:120 分)第卷 听力部分(20 分)扫一扫 听听力.听下面五个句子,每个句子读一遍,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出对应答语。(每小题1 分,共 5 分)1.A.Yes,please. B.Certainly. C.Thats right.2.A.Sorry,I cant.B.Yes,you can.C.Yes,Id love to.3.A.Me neither. B.So have I. C.I have,too.4.A.Well done.

2、B.Good idea. C.See you.5.A.Its my pleasure.B.I hope so.C.Thank you.答案 15 ACABB.听下面五组对话,每组对话读两遍,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 1 分,共5 分)6.What does the woman need?A.A watch. B.A camera. C.An umbrella.7.What is Tom going to do during the holiday?A.Play the piano.B.Do some reading.C.Check the emails.8.Wh

3、at does Jenny look like now?A.Tall and thin.B.Short and thin.C.Heavy and tall.9.Whose T-shirt is this?A.Bobs. B.Marys. C.Mikes.10.Where are they probably talking?A.At the bus station.B.At the train station.C.At the airport.答案 610 CBACB.听下面一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 1 分,共5 分)11.When di

4、d the boy come back from a holiday?A.On Friday. B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.12.Where was the hotel?A In a city center.B.On the beach.C.In the mountains.13.What sport did the boy enjoy in the holiday?A.Swimming.B.Playing tennis.C.Playing golf.14.How many people went on holiday?A.3. B.4. C.5.15.What do

5、they think of the hotel?A.Comfortable but noisy.B.Comfortable,quiet but expensive.C.Comfortable,not too noisy and inexpensive.答案 1115 CBABC.录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 1 分,共5 分)16.Whom does Li Lei write the letter to?A.His friend. B.His father. C.His classmate.17.Why does Li Lei wri

6、te the letter?A.He wants to relax himself.B.He wants to ask his father for some pocket money.C.He wants to make his pocket money by himself.18.How do western students get their pocket money?A.By asking parents for it.B.They make it by themselves.C.By working in factories.19.Is it easy for many weste

7、rn students to get their jobs?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.We dont know.20.Where does Li Lei want to get a part-time job?A.In his mothers store.B.In his aunts restaurant.C.In his fathers supermarket.答案 1620 BCBAC第卷 笔试部分(100 分).单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)21. 导学号 82654198They didnt provide me D food,so I had t

8、o find something to eat. A.for B.toC.about D.with22.The big desk C too much room.Please take it away. A.tidies up B.sets upC.takes up D.puts up23.Because of the important exam,Susan was too A to fall asleep last night. A.nervous B.crazyC.relaxed D.bright24.I like the programme Sports News.But I A Re

9、aders. A.prefer B.wantC.choose D.miss25.She made some money C selling old books. A.in B.withC.by D.for26. 导学号 82654199I have many hobbies, B swimming,running and painting. A.as well as B.such asC.as a result D.as good as27.Because of a serious illness,the old man is becoming weaker A . A.day by day

10、B.word by wordC.one by one D.side by side28.My grandmother is too old to look after B now. A.himself B.herselfC.myself D.yourself29.This term Jim has made great A in English.His teacher is pleased with him. A.progress B.exerciseC.mistakes D.excuses30. 导学号 82654200Have you C the apples?Can you tell m

11、e the ? A.weighed;weighed B.weight;weightC.weighed;weight D.weight;weighed31. 导学号 82654201I could B speak any English when I first came to England. A.even B.hardlyC.finally D.ever32.The weather reporter says the nice weather will A for another week. A.last B.askC.wait D.search33. D ? Im watching a m

12、ovie.A.Whats upB.Whats wrong with youC.How are youD.What are you up to34.Although crowds of people are around him,he still feels B . A.alone B.lonelyC.happy D.excited35. 导学号 82654202Tom is ill in hospital.He D a cold for several days. A.is B.catchesC.has caught D.has had36.They were all very tired,b

13、ut C of them stopped a rest. A.all;have B.both;to haveC.none;to have D.no one;having37. 导学号 82654203When I heard the missing plane damaged(坠毁) in the sea near Australia and no one was alive,I couldnt help D . A.cry B.to cryC.cried D.crying38.Nobody knows C Nike will come or not.But he comes,I shall

14、give him a warm welcome. A.whether;whether B.if;whetherC.whether;if D.if;if39.Ten dollars for this pair of shoes!You A be joking! Im serious.There was a sale in that shop.A.must B.shouldC.may D.need40.Oh,I cant catch that ball. C It doesnt matter.You should move the bag first. A.Thats the problem! B

15、.How can I help you?C.Let me have a look! D.Are you all right?.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)导学号 82654204(2017 重庆 B 卷)March 22nd is World Water Day.It started in 1993.It not only makes us think about the importance of water,but also calls on (号召) us to 41. B and protect water.Today,were facing terrible water

16、problems.Among them,wastewater problem is especially 42. D .And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”. What is wastewater?It is used water.Usually,wastewater comes from homes,43. A ,hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities,including washing the machines,taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also 44. C wastewater when it is running down the street du


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