定语从句as 和which 的区别讲义

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《定语从句as 和which 的区别讲义》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《定语从句as 和which 的区别讲义(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1名词性从句区别名词性从句区别 名词性从句是一种具有名词功能的非独立分句,可以表示:事实和问题。 1.连接词有: that whether 和 lf 2.连接代词有:who whom whose which what 等 3.连接副词有:when where why how 等另外 whatever whoever whichever 等 也可 以引导主语和宾语两种从句 名词性从句中的“that”没有词义,也不作任何成分。除引导宾从外,主从和表从 中不省 1. 主语从句:从句在句中充当主语成分 1) That the earth is round is true . 2) Whether he

2、 will come is doubtful . 3) What he said surprised me most . 4) Where he hid the money is to be found out . 5) Whoever comes is welcome. 6) Its certain that he will succeed 7) How we can help the twins will be discussed at the meeting. 8) When theyll start the project has not been decided yet It 的用法

3、: (形式主语)It possible/important/necessary/clear that 很可能/重要的是/必要的是/很清楚It said/ reported that据说/据报道Its been announced/declared that已经通知/宣布It seems/appears/happens. that显然、明显、 碰巧Its no wonder that并不奇怪/无疑Its a pity/a fact /a common knowledge (众所周知) / a common saying.(俗话 说 “if” 不能引导主语从句,应有不能引导主语从句,应有“whet

4、her”引导引导 主语从句的主语从句的 “that” 一般不能省。一般不能省。 “what”引导主语从句时,谓语动词:引导主语从句时,谓语动词:1)常与其后作表语的名词一致)常与其后作表语的名词一致 2)根据句子的语境而定。)根据句子的语境而定。 1. What you left are only several old books. 2. What you said is of great importance. 3. What he says and does doesnt concern me. 4. What he says and does dont agree2. 宾语从句:从句在

5、句中充当宾语成分( 可以作谓语动词、介词、不定式等 非谓语动词的宾语)that, whether,if ( that 常可省略)连词:who, what, which, whoever, whatever when , where , why ,how 1). Can you make sure where Alice has put the gold ring. 2). It all depends on whether they will support us . 3). She will give whoever needs help a warm 2support. 4). He ma

6、de it clear to the public that he did animportant and necessary job . 5).I find it necessary that we should do the homework. 3. 表语从句:从句在句中充当表语成分,一般放在连系动词之后.作用:对主语 进行解释说明。 连接词:that / whether /as if /as though( if 不引导表语从句) 连接代词:who / whoever / which / whatever 连接副词:when / where / why / how / because e

7、.g. China is no longer what she used to be. Thats because we were in need of moneyat that time . He looked as if he was going to cry . Tomorrow is when it would be most convenient. 1.在表语从句中,表在表语从句中,表“是否是否” 时,只能用时,只能用 “whether”不能用不能用“If”。 2.一般情况下,一般情况下,“that”不能省。不能省。 3. It is /was because .It is /was

8、 why. 3. The reason (why/for)is /was that. 4 The reason is because /why 4 同位语从句:从句在句中充当同位语成分,一般跟在一些抽象名词(同位语从句:从句在句中充当同位语成分,一般跟在一些抽象名词( idea ;belief ; fact ; truth ; rumour ;news 等)后面,对名词作进一步解释等)后面,对名词作进一步解释 说明说明 同位语从句常用同位语从句常用 that/ whether引导或连接副词引导或连接副词when / where /why / how 1) The idea that compu

9、ters can recognizehuman voices surprises many people . 2)Word came that Napoleon himself wascoming to inspect them . 同位语从句和定语从句的区别: 1. 同位语从句that 只起连接作用,不作任何成分定语从句 that 是关系代词,起连接作用和充 当宾语和主语 2.同位语从句同位语从句和前面的名词是同位关系,对名词进行补充说明定语从句 定从和前面的名词是所属关系,对名词进行修饰,加以限定 3.同位语从句that 不能省定语从句 that 在从句中作宾语时,可以省3关系代词关系代词

10、 as 与与 which 的用法区别的用法区别as 和和 which 的相同点的相同点(1) as 和 which 都可引导非限制性定语从句,放在主句之后;在非限制性定语从句中充当从句的主语、宾语或表语。如:Tom has found a good job, as / which we all hope. 汤姆找到了一件好工作,这正是我们大家所希望的。(2) as 和 which 都可代表整个句子的内容或主句中的某一成分。如:His mother is ill, which makes him very sad. 他母亲病了,这件事情使他很难过。He has made great progre

11、ss, as / which makes us very happy. 他进步了,这使得我们很高兴。以上两句中的 as / which 都指前面整个句子的内容。Though he has lots of money, he still rides his old bike, which was bought ten years ago. 尽管他很有钱,但是他还骑着他的旧单车,这单车是十年前买的。There you can meet many writers as you have ever read in books. 在那里,你可见到你在书中所读过的很多作家。as 与与 which 的区别的

12、区别(1) 当先行词前面有 so + adj. + a / such + (a) + adj. , the same 等词修饰时,引导词只能用 as,而不用 which。如:She is so nice a girl as we all like. 她是个我们大家都喜欢的如此好的女孩。It is such an interesting book as we all want to read. 它是本我们大家都想读的有趣的书。上面两句中的 as 就不能用 which 替换。(2) as 在从句中常作宾语;作主语时,从句的谓语动词常为系动词,即:系表结构或被动结构。如:As you expecte

13、d, he turned up on time. 正如你所愿,他按时到了。4As is said above, he has conquered the difficulty. 正如上面所说,他征服了困难。(3) 当非限制性定语从句放到主句的前面时,引导词只能用 as,而不用 which。如:As is planned, we got there before eight. 正如计划,我们再把店前到达了那儿。(4) As 引导的非限制性定语从句指表示积极的意义,与主句是顺理成章的关系,绝不能与之矛盾。若非限制性定语从句表示一种消极的意义,则只用 which。如:He has succeeded

14、 in his career, as / which we all hope. 他在事业中成功了,这正是我们大家所希望的。Her grandma died last week, which made her very sad. 她的奶奶逝世了,这使得她很悲伤。(5) 当非限制性定语从句的引导词前面有介词时,只能用 which, 而不可用 as。如:He has a new computer, for which he paid nearly ten thousand yuan. 他有一台新电脑,这台电脑花了他将近一万元。(6) 当关系代词代替主句中的宾语从句或复合结构(如:宾+补;不定式短语;

15、动词-ing 形式短语等) 时,一般只能用 which, 而不用 as。如:She told us that there was something wrong with her bike, which was true。她告诉我们说她的单车出了毛病,这话是真的。He asked her to help him with his English, which she did. 他请她教他学英语,她的确帮了。(7) 关系代词仅代表主句中的谓语部分时,从句中谓语部分被省略而只保留情态动词的否定式或助动词否定式,引导词一般只用 which, 而不用 as。如:He speaks English ve

16、ry fluently, which I cant. 他的英语说得非常流利,这我可不行。(8) 关系代词作定语修饰后面的名词时,一般只用 which, 而不用 as。如:He suggested going swimming in the river, which idea we agreed with. 他提议去河里游泳,我们就同意了他的想法。5(9) 当关系代词仅代表主句中单个的名词时,一般只用 which, 而不用 as。如:He sent me a beautiful present, which I valued very much. 他给寄来了一件精美的礼物,我对它非常珍视。(10) as 在非限制性定语从句中,还常跟 such 连用。如:There was a look of love in the teac


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