高一必修4 unit 4 body language.(词汇与辨析)

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高一必修4 unit 4  body language.(词汇与辨析)_第1页
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高一必修4 unit 4  body language.(词汇与辨析)_第3页
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高一必修4 unit 4  body language.(词汇与辨析)_第4页
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高一必修4 unit 4  body language.(词汇与辨析)_第5页
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《高一必修4 unit 4 body language.(词汇与辨析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一必修4 unit 4 body language.(词汇与辨析)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Body Language(词汇与辨析)(词汇与辨析)【考点一考点一】greet wave 【考点链接考点链接】 greet sb. with a handshake /a smile /by shaking hands/smiling wave goodbye to sb (向某人挥手告别向某人挥手告别) 【考点二考点二】represent present stand for reflect 【考点延伸考点延伸】represent vt.代表,象征代表,象征, 表现,描写表现,描写, 作为作为的代表或代理人的代表或代理人. 象征象征. represent sb. as/to b

2、e 宣称某人为宣称某人为; represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事;向向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事;向陈述陈述 represent sth./sb. as sth./sb. 把把描绘成描绘成 representative n. 代表代表 adj. 典型的,有代表性的;典型的,有代表性的;representation 【考点辨析考点辨析】 represent,on behalf of,stand for present (1)represent 用来表示用来表示“代表某人代表某人/某个团体某个团体/政府等政府等” , “某种标志代表什么某种标志代表什么” ,

3、 “某物某物(书、雕书、雕 塑等塑等)表现的是什么表现的是什么”和和“把某人把某人/物描绘成什么物描绘成什么” 。 (2)on behalf of 只能用作状语,表示只能用作状语,表示“代表代表/代替某人代替某人” 。 (3)stand for 往往用来表示往往用来表示“(字母、数字、符号等字母、数字、符号等)代表代表/象征什么象征什么” 。 (4) present (将某物赠与或交与某人,将某物赠与或交与某人,present sb with sth /present sth to sb ); (正式介绍,优正式介绍,优 指级别或地位较高的人,指级别或地位较高的人,present sb to

4、sb );(出席参加,出席参加,present oneself (for sth);present (主主 持电视剧院节目如;持电视剧院节目如; Who will present the TV show ,while you are away ?; (将某物提请考将某物提请考 虑,虑,present sth for considerration/ approval, present sth to sb 将某事提请某人考虑将某事提请某人考虑) 【即景活用即景活用】 1. 用用 represent 和和 stand for 填空填空The red lines _railways.(represen

5、t) What does “VIP”_ ?( stand for ) 鸽子象征和平。鸽子象征和平。The dove _peace. (represents) 2. The Olympic mascots (吉祥物)(吉祥物)are the Olympic flame, the fish, the panda, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow, _ a close group of friends. Ato represent Brepresenting Crepresented Drepresent 答案:答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。解析:考查非谓

6、语动词。representing 为现在分词做后置定语。为现在分词做后置定语。 3. He has a strong belief that he will _her country to take part in English speaking competition. A. present B. represent C.direct D。stand for 4. Which class do you suggest _our school to attend the tug (拔河拔河) of the war competition. -Class two. A. representin

7、g B. will represent C. represent D. represents 5. UN _the United Nations. Shen Guofang _our government to give peaceful talks. A. represent; represented B. express; stands for C. shows; reprsents D. stands for; reprsented 6. Teaching pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can_a teacher wit

8、h many challenging problems. Aprovide BProduce Cpresent Doffer 【解析解析】 provide,present,offer 都有都有“提供提供”的意思。的意思。provide 意思是意思是“供给供给(某物某物)” ; present 则表示则表示“呈现呈现(某种状况某种状况),使经历,使经历” ;offer 构成构成 offer sb.sth.或或 offer sth.to sb.的结构。的结构。【答案答案】 C 【考点三考点三】associate link connect compare combine 【考点链接考点链接】asso

9、ciatewith 和和联系起来联系起来 compare- with (与与-作比较作比较) combine A with B (A 与与 B 融合(兼并)融合(兼并) connect A with B (A 与与 B 联系起来)联系起来) link to 【即景活用即景活用】 1. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and home- grown food. A. tied B. linked C. involved D. associated 【考点四考点四】association

10、connection combination misunderstanding defence case 的区别。的区别。 student association (学生会)(学生会) ;the waiting area(候机区)(候机区) a major misunderstanding (一个大的误解)(一个大的误解)in defence of sth. (为保卫(为保卫) in most cases 多数情况下多数情况下 up and down (来回,上下来回,上下) in defence (防御防御) combination(融合,兼并)(融合,兼并)association (协会协

11、会) 【即景活用即景活用】 1. The young lawyer became famous throughout the city after her successful _ at the court. A. defence B. speech C. argument D. fight 【考点五考点五】curious curiously curiosity anxious eager cautious strange 【考点链接考点链接】 curious adj.好奇的,爱探究的,奇怪的,渴望知道的好奇的,爱探究的,奇怪的,渴望知道的; curiosity n. 好奇心;古玩好奇心;古玩

12、; curiously adv. 好奇地,奇怪地好奇地,奇怪地 be curious about 对对感到好奇感到好奇; be curious to do sth. 渴望做渴望做 from/out of curiosity 出于好奇出于好奇; meet/satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心满足某人的好奇心 with curiositycuriously 好奇地好奇地; It is curious that.对对感到奇怪感到奇怪 be curious how/why/what.对对有兴趣有兴趣; Curiously enough(说来奇怪说来奇怪) 【拓展延伸拓展延伸】

13、be particular about/over sth.对对讲究,挑剔;讲究,挑剔; be concerned about (对对-关心关心); be worried about (对对-担心担心);be crazy about (对对-痴迷、疯狂痴迷、疯狂); be curious about (对对-好奇好奇); be anxious about/ for ( 对对担心担心) ; be cautious about( 对对-谨慎、小心谨慎、小心);be wrong about each other (彼此误解)(彼此误解) 。be anxious to do sth. 想要做某事;想要做

14、某事;be curious to do sth. 渴望做渴望做; be satisfied/content to do sth; be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事; be eager for 盼望盼望, 想得到想得到 【即景活用即景活用】 1. I was _ to find out what he said. A.strange B. amusing C. curious D.conscious 【答案答案】C 考查形容词词义辨析。考查形容词词义辨析。.strange 奇怪的奇怪的 amusing 令人快乐的令人快乐的 conscious 有意有意 识的。识的。 2. People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began. A. inB. at C. of D.about 【答案答案】C 考查固定短语。考查固定短语。Curious 只能与只能与 about 连用。连用。 3. Mr Brown is very _ about having his breakfast at exactly 8 oclock.Aspecial Bespecial C


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