2018年中考英语一轮复习 八下 unit 1 学案(无答案)

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1、18 8 下下 Unit1Unit11、学习目标1.本单元四会生词、重点短语及重点句型2.现在完成时2、学习重难点四会生词、现在完成时3、学习内容Task1:重点单词1. marry v. _ (adj.) 已婚的 2. communicate v. _ (n.)3. north n. _ (adj.) 4. wife n. _ (复数)5. interview v. _ (n.) 采访者 6recent adj. _ (adv.)7. exact adj. _ (adv.) 8pollute v. _ (n.)9possible adj. _ (反义词) 10factory n. _ (复数

2、)11amaze v. _ (adj.) 令人惊异的 _ (adj.) 吃惊的, 惊奇的Task2:重点短语1. 过去常常做某事 _ 2. 搬家 _3. 在的北部_ 4. 结婚 _5. 把变成 _ 6. 在某种程度上 _7. 打牌 _ 8. 感到有点儿寂寞 _ 9. 有时;不时 _ 10某人的一生 _11. 和某人保持联系 _ 12独自 _13. 习惯于做某事 _ 14开阔的空间 _15变化很大 _ 16搬进 _ 17去国外_ 18通过电子邮件交流 _ Task3:重点句型21.“埃迪,你看到我的食物了吗?” “是的,我刚刚把它吃完。 ” Eddie, _ my food?Yes. _2. 你

3、过去对我那么友好。You _ me.3. 自从我出生以来,我就住在这儿。 Ive lived here _4. 后来政府意识到了这个问题,并采取行动改善了这种情况。Later the government _ and _ the situation.5. 对我们来说,像以前一样经常见面已经变得不太可能了。It has become _ to see each other _. 6阳光镇已经发生了令人惊叹的变化。_ in Sunshine Town. 句型透视1 1 IveIve livedlived herehere sincesince I I waswas born.born. 自从我出生

4、以来,我就住在这儿。点拨 since 表示“自从以来” ,常与现在完成时连用。具体用法如下:(1)since表过去的时间点Jack has lived in London since 1999. 自从 1999 年以来,杰克就一直住在伦敦。(2)“since一段时间ago” ,表示“自从前” 。David has been famous as a writer since three years ago.自从三年前,戴维作为一名作家就已经出名了。(3)since从句(从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时)Great changes have taken place in our school sinc

5、e you left. 自从你离开后,我们学校发生了很大变化。3拓展 (1)“It is时间段since/It has been时间段since”表示“从起已经有多长时间了” ,其中 since 从句中的动词为非延续性动词。 It is three years since he began to smoke. 自从他开始吸烟已经有三年了。(2)since 作连词,意为“因为,既然,鉴于” 。Since the rain has stopped, lets go for a walk. 既然雨停了,那我们出去散散步吧。 2 2 LaterLater thethe governmentgovern

6、ment realizedrealized thethe problemproblem andand tooktook actionaction toto improveimprove thethe situation.situation. 后来政府意识到了这个问题,并采取行动改善了这种情况。点拨 (1)realize 是动词,意为“意识到,认识到,实现” 。Youll realize your mistake some day. 总有一天,你会认识到你的错误。Nothing can prevent us from realizing our dreams.没有什么能够阻止我们实现我们的梦想。

7、 (2)take action to do sth 意为“采取行动做某事” 。We must take action to protect the environment actively. 我们必须积极地采取行动保护环境。(3)improve 是动词,意为“改善,提高” ,相当于 makebetter。 In order to improve his life, he has to work harder. 为了改善他的生活,他不得不更加努力工作。Task4:重点考点梳理Step4Step4:重点考点梳理1 1 justjust adv. 刚才点拨 just 意为“刚刚,刚才” ,强调事情刚

8、发生。It doesnt matter. Weve just begun our class. 没关系。我们刚开始上课。拓展 (1)just 还可译为“正好;仅仅;就是” ,用来加强语气。4Its just half past nine now. 现在正好九点半。(2)just 意为“刚刚” ,与现在完成时连用;just now 意为“刚才” ,与一般过去时连用。The sheep have just eaten the grass up. 那些绵羊刚刚将草吃光。Amy finished her homework just now.埃米刚才完成了她的家庭作业。2 2 marriedmarrie

9、d adj. 已婚的,结婚的点拨 a married woman 已婚妇女 a married man 已婚男子be/get married to 与结婚They have been married for five years. 他们结婚已经 5 年了。拓展 marry v. 结婚 marriage n. 结婚,婚礼My sisters marriage will take place at twelve oclock today. 我姐姐的婚礼将于今天 12点举行。搭配 marry sb 嫁给某人,娶了某人,与某人结婚marry sb to 把某人嫁给I am going to marry

10、 John. 我要和约翰结婚了。3 3 wastewaste n. 废品;废料点拨 (1)vt.& vi. 浪费Dont waste the money. There isnt much left. 不要浪费那些钱。 没有多少了。(2)adj. 无用的;废弃的 waste paper 废纸(3)n. 浪费;废品,废料Its a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。It is a waste to throw away good food. 把好的食物扔掉是浪费。The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks. 工厂的废料被装上大卡

11、车运走了。4 4 interviewinterview n. 采访;会见5点拨 interview 作名词时,意为“面试,会谈” ;作动词时,意为“采访,会见” 。interview sbhave an interview with sb,意为“采访某人” 。She became a member of the company after the job interview. 工作面试结束之后,她成了公司的一员。Peter interviewed Mr White yesterday. 彼得昨天会见了怀特先生。The reporter had an interview with the win

12、ner of the competition.那位记者对这次竞赛的获胜者进行了采访。5.lonely5.lonely 和 alonealoneAfter his wife and two children left him, he felt very lonely. 妻子和两个孩子离他而去后,他感到很孤独。The old woman lives a lonely life.老太太过着孤单的生活。The boy was alone in the house. 男孩独自在家。He went home alone. 他独自一人回家去了。6.6. happenhappen 和 taketake pla

13、ceplace happen 与 take place 两者都作“发生”讲,都不能用于被动语态,但它们之间也有差别。(1)happen 指“碰巧发生” ,强调偶然性,常指事情在人们无意识、无准备的情况下发生。The accident happened yesterday. 这起事故发生在昨天。What has happened to his family?他家出什么事了?(2)take place 是不及物动词词组,意为“发生” ,指事情按照计划发生。Great changes took place in our village last year. 去年我们村发生了巨大变化。7.used7.used toto dodo sth,sth, be/getbe/get usedused toto (doingdoing) sth,sth, bebe usedused toto dodo sthsth 和 bebe usedused asas (1)used to do sth 意为“过去常常做某事” ,暗含现在不再这样做了,其中 to 为不定式符号。She us


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