2018年中考英语一轮复习 九上 unit 3 学案(无答案)

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1、19 9 上上 unit3unit31、学习目标掌握重点单词,词组,语法2、学习重难点掌握重点单词,词组,语法3、学习内容Task1:重点单词1. mad adj. -madder-maddest 2. perhaps 3. suggestion n. 4. stomach n.(复数) stomachs5. valuable adj. 6. silence n.7. pronounce vt. pronunciation n. 8. choice n. 9. awake adj. 10. hardly adv. 11.imagine 12. strict a 13.friendship 14

2、.reply15.dictionary n 16. chemistry n 17.progress n 18.metion vTask2:重点短语1.be worth doing sth 值得做某事 2. be strict with sb in sth 在某方面对某人严格 3.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人4.keep sth to oneself 不将说出去 5. be of sbs age 与某人同龄 6. drive sb mad 使某人受不了7. stay awake 保持清醒 8.acording to 根据 9.make little progress in sth 在某事上几

3、乎无进步 10.be unhappy with 对不满意 11. feel stressed about sth 对感到有压力 12. pronounce all the words correctly 所有单词发音正确 13. deal with 处理 14. have no choice but to do.别无选择只能去某事Task3:重点句型1. I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day.有时我发现第二天保持清醒很难。2. I have no choice but to do it. 我别无选择,只能去做。3.I often

4、 doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.2我经常怀疑是否值得花如此多的时间在作业上。4. I dream of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.我梦想有个长假好让我有更多的时间从事我的业余爱好。5. 1What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have ?根据你有的时间选择你的爱好怎么样?6. Perhaps you should go over wha

5、t youve learnt as often as possible.或许你应该尽可能经常地复习学过的知识。Task4:重点考点梳理1. suggestion n. 建议 suggest vt. suggest doing 建议做某事a suggestion 一条建议 advice a piece of advice 不可数名词,advise 动词 advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做.2. awake adj. 醒着的 在句中只能作表语wake vi. 醒来,与 up 连用。wake-woke-woken wake sb up “叫醒.” 3. choice n. 选择 h

6、ave no choice but to do sth choose vt. 选择 choose- chose - ch osenShe has no choice but _ hard. ( study )4. worry n. 担心;令人担忧的事 复数 worriesLets forget about those _. (worry)worry vt. 使烦恼, I dont know what _ her .(worry)worry vi. 发 愁、担心、烦恼常与 about 连用。Mr Brown always _ about his sons lessons.( worry)worr

7、ied adj. be worried about“为.担心/发愁”feel worried “感到担心”The old woman looked very _. ( worry)5. I have a problem, and I do not know how I should deal with it.我有一个难题,不知该如何处理它。deal with,” 处理,对付” 。We must learn to _ all kinds of difficulties by ourselves.3我们必须学会自己处理各种各样的困难。deal with 与 do with (1) deal wit

8、h sb.意为“对待某人” ,deal with sth 意为“解决某事”The man is hard to deal with . 那个人难打交道。(2) do with 也有“处理”的意思,但它要与 whatwhat 连用。Task5:重点语法回顾A. 连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句1.用连接代词或连接副词引导宾语从句,此时从句部分的语义相当 于一个特殊疑问句。We dont know whose pencil this is. 我们不知道这支铅笔是谁的。常见的连接代词有:what、who、whom、whose、which;连接副词有:when、where、how、why.2.宾语从句

9、的语序必须是陈述语序陈述语序。如:She wants to know why that little boy is crying.(2017新疆建设兵团) Could you please tell me _?At 8:00 p. m.A. where will the train goB. where the train will goC. when will the train leaveD. when the train will leave3.3.宾语从句的时态宾语从句的时态当主句是一般现在时,宾语可以根据需要用任意一种时态。当主句的谓语动词是过去时,从句的谓语动词,选用过去的某一时态

10、。B 提建议的句型1. Why not .=Why dont you ?的省略形式,意为“你为什么不.?”,后面跟动词原,Why not donate your pocket money to charity?(2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔) It is raining outside. Why not_ an umbrella?A. to takeB. takeC. taking42. What/How about .? 意为怎么样?后跟名词、代词或动名词。What/ How about havinghaving a cup of coffee ?3.Lets . “让我们吧!”,后跟动词原形。L

11、ets listen to the teacher.4. Shall we .? “ 我们好吗?” , 后面跟动词原形。练习:1. I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice? _ sharing your worries with your parents?A. Why dont you B. How about C. Why not D. Would you like Task6:重点话题再现A Many students of my age have problems. I feel sleepy in class.B. perhaps you should manage your time better.学 习 感 悟


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