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1、6 第九章 民国时期的武术 Martial Arts in the Republic of China目录 CONTENTS壹武术成为学校体育课的重要内容贰中华新武术的兴起与衰微叁上海精武体育会的创立与发展 Martial Arts became the important part of physical education The Rise and Decline of Chinese New Martial Artsthe establishment and development of Shanghai Jingwu Sports club 肆南京“中央国术馆”的发起与没落 the e

2、stablishment and decline of National Central Martial School in Nanjing 壹OfficePLUS武术成为学校体育课的重要内容 Martial Arts became the important part of physical education 武术成为学校体育课的重要内容 Martial Arts became the important part of physical education 壹民国初年至北洋军阀政府 时期,学校体育课程日益 受到重视。辛亥革命后, 近代教育逐步发展,各级 各类学校陆续建立,武术 作为中国传

3、统体育被列为 学校体育课程,其最直接 的原因是受尚武图强、振 奋民族精神的浪潮影响。From the early years of the Republic of China to the period of northern warlords government, school physical education has being attached with increasingly more importance. With the boom of modern education and establishment of various schools after the Revo

4、lution of 1911, Martial Arts, which was mostly influenced by the thought of admiring war affairs and national rejuvenation, was listed into the course of physical education as a traditional Chinese sport. 壹“兵操废存”之争与武术回归学校 the dispute on reservation and abolishment of Military Gymnastics and Martial

5、Arts coming back to school武术成为学校体育课的重要内容 Martial Arts became the important part of physical education 辛亥革命后,一些爱国人士主张以中国之击剑、枪 术、骑法等作为学校体育课内容,并以代西式体操, 关于将武术增设为课程的舆论也已形成影响。 After the Revolution of 1911, some patriotic personage stood for fencing, spear play, horse riding and etc. as the courses of scho

6、ol physical education to take place of western gymnastics. The public concern that Martial Arts would be listed into the course has made a difference. 19151919In 1915, the first meeting of National Union of Education Committee(全国教育联合会) held in Tianjin passed a resolution that all nationwide middle s

7、chool added the course of Martial Arts, which symbolized that Martial Arts activities circulated in countryside and market streets at the ancient time formally came to school. Since then, it also ended the influence of Militarism Education and Military Gymnastics in school physical education. 。1915年

8、,在天津召开的“全国教育联合会”第一次会议上通过决议,全国中学校一律添习武术,这标志着旧时基本上流传于乡村市井的武术活动正式走向学校。从此也结束了“军国民主义教育”及“兵式体操”在学校体育中的影响力。 In 1919, Huang Xing enumerated 3 reasons of abolishing Military Gymnastics in Sports Journal. What really abolished the Military Gymnastics was Renxu Education System published in November 1922, expl

9、icitly repealing the contents about Militarism Education. So far, school physical education got rid of the influence of Military and Civilian Education and spread among schools.1919年,黄醒在长沙体育周刊上列举了废除兵操的三个理由。真正废除兵操的是1922年11月发布的学校系统改革命令,也叫壬戌学制,明确规定废除军国民教育的内容。至此,学校体育才摆脱了“军国民主义”的影响,而武术在学校蔓延开来。壹武术成为学校体育课的

10、重要内容Martial Arts became the important part of physical education 壬戌学制1922年11月,中华民国北洋政府以大总统令颁布 的学校系统改革案中规定的学制系统。为区 别于壬子癸丑学制,又称新学制。此改革案由全 国教育会联合会提出。 学校系统改革案列有 七条标准:适应社会进化之需要,发挥平民教育 精神,谋个性之发展,注意国民经济力 ,注意生 活教育,使教育易于普及,多留各地方伸缩余 地。壬戌学制的主要特点是:缩短小学修业年限,延长中学 修业年限。若干措施注意根据地方实际需要,不作硬性 规定。重视学生的职业训练和补习教育。课程和教材 内

11、容侧重实用。实行选科制和分科教育,兼顾学生升学 和就业两种准备。 由军国民主义教育转向了平民主义教育新学制的颁布和实 施,标志着中国资产阶级新教育制度的确立,标志着中国 近代以来的学制体系建设的基本完成Chinese gymnastics school established in 1907 set the Quan Yong, attack art, bayonet operation and etc 1907年创立的中国体操学校,就开设 有拳勇、技击、刺刀术等武术内容。 In 1912, Nanyang Public School (the predecessor of Shanghai

12、Jiang Tong University) formally established the Martial Arts Department and hired famous temple monks and folk boxers to teach toad training skill, Xingyi skill, and etc. and assigned these to the perform at the sports meeting. 1912年南洋公学(上海交大前身)正式设立了 技击部,聘请多名寺院高僧、民间拳师,传授 蛤蟆功、形意功、白水功和技击术等,并将此 作为运动会的表

13、演、比赛内容。 Physical education courses were established in Beijing Higher Normal University in 1917, and Martial Arts were listed into the first place which mainly consist of boxing and Jujitsu. 1917年北京高等师范学校设立了体 育课,武术列为术科课程首位,主 要有拳术和柔术 武术成为学校体育课的重要内容壹Martial Arts became the important part of physical e

14、ducation 兵式体操的存在曾引起中国人本能 排斥,所以一些学校始终没有停止 对武术的传授。 summary这些学校和会社以国有的武术内容作 为主体,抵制住了西方文化的体育、 军事内容,在社会上产生了积极影响 ,但发展很不平衡。有人主张从师 资、教材和教法三方面促进国术的科 学化,以利于学校武术发展。 These schools and clubs stated the contents of Martial Arts as the main body, resisted the western culture of sports, military contents and produc

15、ed a positive effect on society but developed out of balance. Someone insisted that they get Martial Arts scientific in terms of teaching faculties, teaching resources and teaching methods for development of Martial Arts.从教育杂志的资料看来, 1913年开始,各级各类学校运动 会中陆续出现了武术项目,但展 情况不够普遍。原因与武术师资 不足、教材缺乏等因素有关,也 受“兵式体

16、操”内容和人观念的限 制。 From the documents of education magazine, since 1913, Martial Arts appeared in the various levels of schools but appearance is not universal because of the lack of teachers, teaching materials and other factors, and also the Military Gymnastics contents and the restrictions of the perspectives.叶问武功:咏春拳 影响:“咏春拳王”梁赞高 足陈华顺的关门弟子,以 一人之力,把咏春拳推广 到世界各地,故被门人推 举为“一代宗师”。但他最 为名扬海外还是在于晚年 收了一个比他更出名的关 门弟子李小龙武功:八级拳、劈


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