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1、1名词性从句专练名词性从句专练一、单选题 1. His success was because of _ he had been working hard. A. that B. the fact which C. the fact that D. how 2. _ Tom liked to eat was different from _. A. Thatthat you had expected B. What that you had expected C. Thatwhat you had expected D. Whatwhat you had expected 3. The rea

2、son why I didnt go to Shanghai was _ a new job. A I got B. because of getting C. because I got D. that I got 4. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 5. Have you seen Henry lately? My boss wants to know _. A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting alon

3、g C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 6. When and why he came here _ yet. A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee 7. Output is now six times _ it was before 1978. A. that B. which C. what D. of which 8. _ surprised me most was _ such a little boy of seve

4、n could play the violin so well. A. That.what B. What.that C. That.which D. What.which 9. She is pleased with what you have given him and _ you have told him. A. that B. which C. all what D. all that 10. Excuse me, would you please tell me _? A. when the sports meet is taken place B. when is the spo

5、rts meet going to be held C. when is the sports meet to begin D. when the sports meet is to take place 11. This book will show you _ can be used in other contexts. A. how you have observed B. how what you have observed C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed 12. Last Sunday he promis

6、ed _ today, but he hasnt appeared yet. A. that he would come B. that he will come C. he will come to see me D. whether he would come 13. The little boy ate _ his mother gave him. A. that B. which C. whatever D. no matter what 14. _ we go swimming every day _ us a lot of good. A. If.do B. That.do C.

7、If.does D. That.does 15. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right. A. what that B. that what C. that which D. which that二、用正确的引导词或代词填空 1. Dont ask about _ the meeting is for. 2. _ comes will be welcome. 3. He had a feeling _ she might not approve of the plan. 4. He wasnt sure _ he ough

8、t to laugh or cry. 5. The book is _ you left it. 6. I dont know _ pronunciation is the best in our school. 7. I took _ for granted that you would stay with us. 8. New York is no longer _ it was ten years ago. 9. That city is _ I was born and grew up.210. I hate _ when people speak with their mouth f

9、ull. 11. _ matters most before an examination is keeping confident. 12. Our success depends on _ well we can cooperate with one another 13. _ he has lost his bag is not true, is it? 14. Thats _ makes him an excellent conductor. 15. It suddenly occurred to me _ there was a short cut to the history mu

10、seum.三、改错题 1. Its uncertain that the experiment is worth doing. 2. What the boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry. 3. You cant imagine how excited were they when they received these nice Christmas presents.4. What he really means is what he disagrees with us. 5. We thought strange that Tom d

11、id not attend school yesterday. 6. The fact which she had not said anything at the meeting surprised all of us. 7. The energy is that makes the cells able to do their work. 8. Is this what we met each other two years ago?9. The child is always lying, so none of us will believe no matter what he says

12、.10. The boy dived into the water and, after it seemed to be a long time, he came up again.四、翻译句子 1. 据宣布所有的博物馆将在不久重新开放_. 2. 他坚持认为他身体健康,并且坚持要求被派到那儿去工作_. 3. 无论谁最后离开房间都应该关灯。_. 4. 众所周知,哪儿有污染,哪儿就有伤害。_. 5. 问题在于这部电影是否值得一看。_.3非谓语动词专练非谓语动词专练一、单选题一、单选题 1. This dictionary cost me 25 yuan, post money _. I think

13、 it is worth the price. A. including B. included C. being included D. to be included 2. _ teachers and parents, the books are really worth reading.A. Recommending B. To recommend C. Recommended by D. To be recommended by 3. He selected a tie _ his suit, which made him look more handsome. A. matches

14、B. matched C. to match D. matching 4. I find it quite _ that none of you liked the play.A. astonishing B. to astonishC. astonished D. to be astonished 5. Tax was low and state spending was high, _ a budget deficit (赤字). A. resulting in B. resulted in C. to result in D. result in 6. _ always having to wait for him, yesterday when he didnt arrive on time I left.A. To be tiring of B. Be tired of C. Tired of D. To be tired of 7. We saw a d



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