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1、套语翻译及背诵套语翻译及背诵致欢迎词致欢迎词尊敬的 Johnston 先生,尊敬的各位美国朋友,女士们,先生们:今天,非常荣幸也非常高兴在这里设宴欢迎 David Johnston 先生以及美国友好代表团一行。/ 中国有句古话:“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎。 ”所以首先让我代表浙江省委、省政府和浙江人民,向我们远道而来的各位贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。/ 我相信友好代表团的此行一定能够进一步增进相互了解,加深友谊,推进双方在经贸、教育等领域展开更为深入和广泛的合作。最后,我祝代表团的所有朋友浙江之行愉快!/在此,让我们共同举杯,祝此次访问圆满成功!祝我们的友谊地久天长!谢谢。Respected Mr. J

2、ohnston, Distinguished American guest, Ladies and Gentlemen:Its my great honor and pleasure to hold this banquet in honor of Mr. Johnston and all American friends in the Good-Will Delegation. An ancient saying in China goes that it is such a delight to meet friends coming afar. So, hereby, on behalf

3、 of Zhejiang Provincial Government and our people, I would like to extend our warm welcome to our American friends. I am convinced that your visit to Zhejiang will deepen our understanding, enhance friendship between our people and promote more extensive cooperation in economy, trade, education and

4、other fields.In closing, I will all of you a pleasant stay in Zhejiang!May I have the honor of inviting you to join me in a toast? To the success of this visit!To the ever-lasting friendship between us! Thanks!听录音,两人小组口译,之后请个别学生上台翻译,然后背诵听录音,两人小组口译,之后请个别学生上台翻译,然后背诵致答谢词致答谢词 (新理念英语口译教程)(新理念英语口译教程)Gover

5、nor Li, distinguished guests, our Chinese friends, ladies and gentlemen,It is a special honor for me to have this opportunity to speak on behalf of all the members of our delegation. First of all, I would like to express our sincere thanks to Governor Li for inviting us, and all the hard work youve

6、done to the arrangement of our visit. We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight./Every member of our delegation and I hope that we shall enjoy the friendly contact and exchanges in the following days. We are convinced that this visit will surely help enhance the understanding and frie

7、ndship between us./I am very impressed by the hospitality and warmth we have received here. You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation./ I hope that Mr. Li and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that

8、we will have the opportunity to return some of your kindness as a host./ We are convinced that our cooperation will become more extensive through frequent mutual visits and exchanges. Now, we are making the first step. Well begun is half done, as we said. So this visit will pave the way for our furt

9、her cooperation./In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast. To the friendship between us! To the health of our Chinese friends! Cheers!Thank you.李省长,各位嘉宾,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:李省长,各位嘉宾,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:非常荣幸代表我们代表团的所有成员上台致词。首先我要向李省长表达我们衷心的谢非常荣幸代表我们代表团的所有成员上台致词。首先我要向李省长表达我们衷心的谢意,谢谢您的邀请,也感谢你们为我



12、位中国朋友的健康,干杯,谢最后,我建议大家共同举杯,为我们的友谊,为在座各位中国朋友的健康,干杯,谢谢!谢!复习练习,两人练习,讲解,上台表演复习练习,两人练习,讲解,上台表演Steven Walker 来访主题导入:某大学外事办主任韩芳在她的办公室迎接来华参加国际材料科学大会的美国教授主题导入:某大学外事办主任韩芳在她的办公室迎接来华参加国际材料科学大会的美国教授 Steven Walker 先生先生韩:韩:您是来自斯坦福大学的 Steven Walker 教授吧,我叫韩芳,是国际学术交流中心的主任。这是我的名片。欢迎您。Steven Walker: Yes, its very nice t

13、o be here. This is not my first time in China, but I havent been to this prestigious university before。韩:韩:您的旅途还顺利吧,从机场到学校的路上有没有欣赏一下海滨的风光?Steven Walker::This flight is OK, but a little tiring. The seashore scenery is magnificent! You have a beautiful city!韩:韩:我们为您预订了学术交流中心宾馆的一套客房。宾馆位于校园的中心,在湖边,去明天的会

14、场走路几分钟就到。待会儿我送您去宾馆。如果您有什么需要,请一定告诉我。Steven Walker: Thank you for being so helpful. Can I just check a few things with you now? When do we start tomorrow? Also are there any last-minute changes to the programs?韩:韩:只有一些小小的波动,这是您的会议议程表。Steven Walker: Thank you! Thats fine. By the way, how many people will be at the conference tomorrow?韩:韩:到目前为止,报到的海内外专家和企业界人士已经超过 160 位。您将作为第一轮报告会的主要发言人。会场准备了笔记本电脑和投影仪。如果你还需要什么,请一定和我联系。Steven Walker: Thats great. I will keep that in mind in case anything arises韩:韩:今天晚上校长将为来宾设宴洗尘。我先带您去宾馆去休息一下,6 点再来接您,顺便逛逛校园,您看好吗?Steven Walker: Perfect. After you, Ms. Han.


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