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1、辽宁工程技术大学应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)用纸I通风选型设计矿山机电毕业设计摘要随着煤矿工业的发展,安全生产已经成为其中重要的部分。为确保煤矿的安全生产,对煤矿的安全设计十分重要,矿井通风就是其中的一个重要组成部分。矿井通风的作用就是不断地向井下各个作业地点供给足够数量的新鲜空气,稀释并排出各种有害、有毒及放射性气体和粉尘。调节井下空气的温度和湿度,使之保持在合适的状态,给井下工作人员创造一个良好的工作环境,以便劳动生产率的不断提高。本次论文设计是基于阜矿五龙煤矿流体机械选型设计,完成煤矿主通风设备离心式风机的型及设计,通风机选型与设计和 4-72 和 G4-73 型离心式风机房的布置、降噪

2、设计三大任务旨在提高设备利用效率,降低风机房的噪声,实现最大经济效益。此况井年产量 85 万吨,矿井通风方式为抽出式,风量为 2362 m3/min ,瓦斯浓度低,初期负压 1025Pa,末期负压 1654Pa。经过对风量、负压的计算,绘制曲线图,选择风机,确定风机工况,用经济计算比对不同方案,并确定其中一组最适合的方案,进行核查计算。 根据煤矿安全规程和煤炭工业设计规范所规定的有关条款,本次设计以安全为主,经济为辅。在安全生产的大环境下,如何做到经济损失最小化,能源利用的最大化,也是本次设计的研究方向。关键词:安全生产;通风机;选型;工况点辽宁工程技术大学应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)用纸II

3、A bstractWith the development of coal industry safety has become an important part of them. To ensure the safety of coal mine production mine safety design is very important mine ventilation is one important component. The role of ventilation is to keep the various operating locations to the undergr

4、ound supply sufficient quantities of fresh air dilution and discharge of harmful toxic and radioactive gases and dust. Regulate air temperature and humidity underground so that it remains in the right state to the underground staff to create a good working environment for the continuous improvement

5、of labor productivity.This design is base on the coal mine fluid machinery chooses type and design ,to complet three main task :coal-master catchment equipment chosen design, ventilator bloser chosen design and 4-72 and G4-73 centrifugal fan vibration rdduction design. The last purpose is to improve

6、 the facility efficiency , reduce centrifugal fan vibration ,so we can carry out the biggest economic benefit.Annual production of 85 million tons this well borehole diameter of 4 meters air flow is 2362 m3/min gas concentration is low the initial negative pressure 1025Pa the late negative 1654Pa. A

7、fter the air volume, the calculation of negative pressure drawing graphs select the fan to determine the fan operating conditions with different options than economic calculations and to determine the most suitable one of a group of programs verification of calculations.According to “Mine Safety Reg

8、ulations ”and “Coal Industry Design Specification” 辽宁工程技术大学应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)用纸IIIunder the relevant provisions of this design to safety economic supplement. Production in a safe environment how to do to minimize economic losses maximize energy use but also the design of this research.Key words: safety

9、fan selection save energy 辽宁工程技术大学应用技术学院毕业设计(论文)用纸IV目 录0 前言.11 离心式通风机.11.1 离心式通风机的构造和工作原理.11.2 离心式通风机的性能参数及性能曲线.11.2.1 风量.11.2.2 风压.11.2.3 功率.11.2.4 效率.11.2.5 转速.11.3 通风机的性能曲线.11.4 离心风机行业未来发展趋势.11.5 本课题的研究目的和意义.12 矿山风机设备的选型要求与原则.12.1 矿山风机设备的选型要求.12.2 矿山风机设备的选型原则.12.3 选择设计的任务.13 离心式通风机的初步预算.13.1 设计参数.13.2 选择风机类型和型号.13.2.1 估算通风机必需产生的风量.13.2.2 估算通风机的风压.13.2.3 对离心式通风机类型的选择.14 4-72 型离心式通风机的选型计算.14.1 离心式通风机台数的计算.14.2 确定通风机工况点.14.3 电动机的选择.14.4 计算年电耗量.15 G4-73 型离心式风机选择与设计.15.1 离心式通风机台数的计算.


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