(新标准(三起))四年级英语下册 Module 5测试题

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1、新标准(三起)四年级英语下册新标准(三起)四年级英语下册 ModuleModule 5 5 测试题测试题班级_姓名_分数_一、照样子写出下列单词的反义词和比较级。反义词比较级bigfatoldlongtallhotcoolthinyoungshort二、将同类的单词放入同一花框内。A. short B. mother C. panda D. book E. hand F. Monday G. winter H. he I. pear J.cold例:(A)longbigyoung( )springsummerautumn( )penpencilruler( )eyeearhead( )fath

2、erbrothersister ( )sheyouthey ( )appleorangebanana ( )tigerlionmonkey ( )TuesdayWednesdayThursday ( )windysunnywarm三、按要求写出各词语。1. I(宾格)_ 2. young(反义词)_3. we(宾格)_4. did not(缩略式)_5. thin(反义词)_6. child(复数形式)_7. right(同音词)_8. take(现在分词)_9. meet(同音词)_10. bad(比较级)_四、中英文搭配( )1. the Changjiang River A.白金汉宫(

3、)2. the River Thames B.长城( )3. Buckhaming Palace C.珠穆朗玛峰( )4. Mount Qomolangma D.长江( )5. the Great Wall E.颐和园( )6. the Summer Palace F.泰晤士河五、单项选择( )1. Lucy: Is Xiaogang older than Xiaoyong? Lily:_A. Yes, he is. B. Yes ,I am.C. No, Im not. D. No, she isnt.( )2. Tom: Is an elephant bigger than a monke

4、y? Jim:_A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, he is.C. Yes, it is. D. No, it is.( )3. Mary: Will it be sunny in Guangzhou? Tom:_A. No, it will. B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, they are. D. No, it wont.( )4. Peter: Where will it be hot tomorrow? Mary: _A. It will be hot in Chongqing. C.Yes, it will.B. Will it be hot in Chon

5、gqing? D. No, it wont( )5. Kate: Where are you from? Jim:_A. Im from Chinese. B. Yes, he is.C. Im from China. D. No, he is.六、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1. a, than, monkey, is, an, elephant, bigger(?)_2. a, shorter, bus, is, a, car, than(.)_3. Tianjin, than, smaller, Beijing, is(?)_4. the,is,newer, Great, Summe

6、r, Palace, Wall, the, than(.)_5. a, writing, I, letter, am, friend, my, to(.)_6. is, shorter, than, tree, the, flower, the(.)_7. stand, please, Daming, up, and, Sam_七、为下列的问句选择合适的答句,写出序号。A. Yes, she is. B. Its a robot.C. No, they wont. D. No, he isnt.E. Yes, it will. F. Ill visit my grandma.( )1.Is S

7、am older than Lingling?( )2. Will it be snowy in Xinjiang tomorrow?( )3. Whats that, Daming?( )4. Will they play football on Monday?( )5. Is his mother very nice?( )6. What will you do on Friday?八、阅读短文,判断正“T”吴“F” 。Hi! My name is Lily. My friends name is Weihua.My hair is shorter. Weihuas hair is lon

8、ger. She is taller and Im younger and she is older. Im fatter and she is thinner.根据短文内容,判断正“T”吴“F” 。( )1. Lilys hair is shorter than Weihuas hair.( )2. Weihua is shorter than Lily.( )3. Lily is younger than Weihua.( )4. Weihua is a girl.( )5. Lily is Weihuas friend.根据短文内容填空。1.Lily is _ than Weihua.2. _ is thinner than _.3._ is fatter than _.


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