(教科版)五年级英语上册 第三单元试卷(一)

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《(教科版)五年级英语上册 第三单元试卷(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(教科版)五年级英语上册 第三单元试卷(一)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三单元试卷笔试部分笔试部分.将画线部分读音相同的单次归类。A .him B.spring C.leaf D.bring E.teach F.green G.give H.please I.tea J.refrigerator i: i .根据句意及首字母完成句子。1.I p on my hat,scarf and winter jacket.2.In winter, the w is cold.3.S is warm.4.Why? B I like to ski on the snow.5.In s , I like to sit in the sun. .选择最佳答案。1. your fa

2、vourite season. Summer.A.What B.Whats C.Hows 2.He likes in the rain. A.splash B.to splash C.splashed3.I m my winter jacket Im cold.A.put on ,why B.putting on ,why C.putting on ,because4.I have , and he has .A.mittens, a hat B.mitten, a hat C.mittens, hat5. , Jeany! A snowball is coming. A.Look on B.

3、Look out C.Look into .补全句子。1. 我打算穿上夹克。Im my jacket.2. 外面太热,我要脱下棉靴。Its too outside。Im going to my winter boots.3. 这是我的帽子和围巾。Here my and .将下列句子重新排列,组成对话。A.Very cold,isnt it? B.Hows the weather today?CWhatthe temperature outside? DIts snowy. E.Yes。Im going to put on my hat and winter boots. F.Its about

4、 zero degree. B读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There are four seasons in Xian。Spring is warm and rainy。The flowers bloom in spring。 Summer is not hot and dry,but sometimes it rains。In fall,wind blow the leaves off trees。And people have to wear warm clothes。In winter,its always cold outside,but warm inside。Because there is heating(暖气) in the room.( )1.Spring is cold.( )2.Summer is hot and dry.( )3.People have to wear warm clothes in fall.( )4.Wind blows the leaves off trees in winter.( )5.There is heating in winter.


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