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1、2010 中考完形填空及阅读能力自测试题中考完形填空及阅读能力自测试题(四四)B BSandra ran in and saw Daddy changing his clothes. She stopped to ask, “Where are you going, Daddy?”“To a party, dear,” said Mr. Hill. “My friends are waiting for me in a restaurant.”The little girl asked him to take her there, but he refused. She cried sadly

2、 and he had to give in. Her mother dressed her well and they went happily.Mr. Hill works in a hospital and has saved many people, so he has a lot of friends. Hes always very popular at parties and everybody likes to listen to him. And his funny speech made all the audience(听众) happy. He told a large

3、 number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he finished, Sandra told him she wanted to go home. Mr. Hill was a little surprised by this but he had to do as his daughter asked.On the way home, Mr. Hill was excited, but he noticed Sandra said nothing. He a

4、sked Sandra if she enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she didnt. Mr. Hill asked her why. She told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!Answer the following questions according to the passage.1. What was Sandras father doing when she saw him?_2. Where was Mr. Hil

5、l going?3. Did Mr. Hill agree to take Sandra with him at first?_4. How was Mr. Hills speech?_5. Why didnt Sandra enjoy her fathers speech?_Key:Key:A A 1-5 BACFDB B 1. He was changing his clothes.2. He was going to a party in a restaurant.3. No, he didnt.4. It was interesting and successful.5. Becaus

6、e she thought many people were laughing at her fatherII.II. 阅读理解阅读理解( (共共 1010 分分, ,每小题每小题 2 2 分分) )阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。Animals have the power to make themselves understood by man, especially when they are in serious danger and wish man to help them. And they often unite to help one another. I was

7、on a sheep farm in North America once when one of the sheep came crying to the tent(帐篷) late in the afternoon. She made the most painful cries. My friend, whom I was visiting, told me that something was wrong.Together we followed the sheep back to where she had been feeding on the farm. She rushed f

8、orward and kept on looking back to see if we were coming. She finally led us to an old well, and we heard the sad voice of her young baby that had fallen into the well. As the well had no water in it and was only six feet deep, we got a ladder and after a few minutes the baby went back to its mother

9、. She seemed delighted at the successful outcome(结果) of the accident. She had come and told us her troubles and got help.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )11. In the story the writer “I” was _.A. the owner of a sheep farmB. a visitor of a sheep farmC. feeding sheep on a farm in North AmericaD. helping one of his fri

10、ends to raise sheep( )12. What did the sheep come to the tent for one day?A. For help. B. For food. C. For water. D. For its friend.( )13. How did the farmer know that something was wrong?A. By talking to the mother sheep.B. In a strange way.C. By looking into it together with his friend.D. Accordin

11、g to his experience.( )14. What happened to her baby?A. There was no water for it.B. There was no food for it.C. It was wounded and lay in the well.D. It fell into the well and could not come out of it.( )15. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Animals have the

12、power to make themselves understood by man.B. Animals understand man.C. Animals often help one another especially in danger.D. Animals wish man to help them in serious danger.III. 任务型阅读 (共 20 分, 每小题 2 分)下面是一则关于艾滋病的报道。请仔细阅读,然后填写信息卡并回答问题。World AIDS Report 2005December 1st, the eighteenth World AIDS Da

13、y.HIV-infections(艾滋病感染者) New HIV-infectionsDeaths40.3 million4.9 million3.1 millionRegional(地方的,地域性的) HIV-infections: 2008-01-28 点击数: 3498 3490Information CardQuestions:21. In which region is AIDS less serious, the Caribbean orEast Asia?_22. Are there more HIV-infections in North America than in Lat

14、in America?_23. Does Sub-Saharan Africa have the most HIV-infections?_24. How many HIV-infections are there in Western Europe?_25. Which region has the least HIV-infections?_Key:Key:. 1-5 BCCBB 6-10 ABDCC. 11-15 BADDB. 16. World AIDS Report 2005 17. December 1st18. the eighteenth World AIDS Day 19. 3.1 million 20. 4.9 million21. The Caribbean. 22. Yes, there are. 23. Yes, it does.24. There are 720,000. 25. Oceania.


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