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1、1(定稿)中央电视大学英语教育专业学员毕业论文封面姓名: 唐启容学号: 200815123500522总 目 录1. 中文标题页-32. 英文标题页-43. 致谢-54. 中文摘要-65. 英文摘要-76. 分目录-87. 教师指导记录表-98. 阶段任务表-109. 开题报告-1110. 论文正文(后附问卷调查和教案)-123培养学生学习英语的兴趣的方法项目设计者唐启容中央电大提交日期 2011 年 2 月 20 日课程名称: 教学实践设计4How to Improve Students InterestIn English LearningInvestigatorTang QirongFe

2、ng Jie TV UniversitySubmitted on 18th Nov2009In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project Design5AcknowledgmentI really appreciate my tutor Liu Daoke, whose help and patience made this project get off the ground and come to a close smoothly.I am also grateful to my colleagues Zhang Qin, Li Zhihua a

3、nd Wang Hui for their time spent on brainstorming and panel discussions with me.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students, without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not least, thanks are given to my husband and my daughter,

4、who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project. 6摘要兴趣对英语的教与学有很大的帮助。它是学生学好英语的内在动力。教师要想方设法把学生吸引到教学活动中,让学生体会到学习英语是一种乐趣,才能调动学生的积极性和主动性,从而提高教学质量。本文主要讨论如何提高学生学习英语的兴趣。分为以下三部分:建立和谐师生关系,有效组织课堂和设计多种多样的作业。只有提高学生学习英语的兴趣才能提高他们学习英语的能力,让英语

5、课堂生动,深刻和轻松。关键词:兴趣;英语学习;提高How to Improve Students Interest in English LearningAbstractInterest is a useful auxiliary in English teaching and learning. It is a kind of internal motivation to push students studies. Teachers need to try every way to attract students to the teaching activities and make t

6、he students experience that English-learning is a kind of interest. That will help to stimulate the enthusiasm and motivation of students and improve the teaching quality. This thesis is talking some methods to improve students interest in English learning. Only if students interest in English-learn

7、ing improved can students ability of English-learning which will makes the teaching vivid, impressive and easy.Key Words: interest; English-learning; improveAcknowledgement 5Abstract ( in Chinese) 67电大英语专业教学实践设计教师指导记录表(由教师填写)中文题目 培养学生学习英语的兴趣的方法Abstract ( in English) 7Contents 8Introduction 12Theoret

8、ical foundation1.Positive effects of music and importance of music intelligence122. Positive effects of musicImportance of music intelligence123 Characteristics and Advantages of English Songs 164 Feasibility of using English songs 205 How to Use English Songs to Improve Oral English 205 1 Select Go

9、od English Songs 205.2 When an English learner listens to and learns English songs alone, he/she can follow the following steps:215.3 When listening to and learning English songs with another person or more 225.4 When listening to and learning English songs in class 226.conclusion 23NotesReferencesA

10、ppendix A 258英文题目 How to Improve Students Interest in English Learning 学生姓名唐启容学号 20081512350052方向 英语教育本科毕业第一次指导指导时间:2010 年 1 月指导内容:论文及实践写作体例介绍为主。第二次指导指导时间:2010 年 2 月-3 月指导内容:立题及发现问题的选择选择课题并理出流程第三次指导指导时间:2010 年 4 月-5 月指导内容:尝试解决问题,找出理论依据,完善思路寻找依据,问题的尝试第四次指导指导时间:2010 年 6 月指导内容:论文修改学生签名唐启容 教师签名: 9实践方案:第

11、 一阶 段项目启动 介绍研究原则和研究方法,布置研究任务第二阶段问题分析和方案设计分析根据学生自己课堂教学中反映的问题涉及问题解决方案第三阶段项目实施 通过课堂教学具体实施方案第四阶段项目评估 运用评估的手段与方法,对项目的事实情况及结果进行评估第五阶段研究报告 英语写出正文 4000 词左右的研究报告10奉节电大英语专业教学实践设计开题报告学生姓名 唐启容学号 20081512350052 方向 本科毕业指导教师 刘道可职称 中学二级工作单位 奉节电大站教学实践设计题目培养学生学习英语的兴趣的方法一、选题的目的、意义和必要性:英语作为一门语言学科和交际性的工具,已成为当今世界最为广泛应用的交

12、流工具。时代的发展已将英语教育推上了空前的地位,而英语教学也正在发生翻天覆地的变化。能在课堂上利用歌曲来提高学生的口语,能显著地促进学生运用英语交际的能力。二、研究的重点与过程设计:: 初高中学生学习英语时的障碍,研究激发学生的学习兴趣。在研究过程中由实际出现的一些状况和问题而进行讨论,一步一步的对英语学习的实践指导的重要性进行阐述。得出运用口语的必要性和重要性。三、研究方法:阐述法和辩证法四、预期结果:改变以往教学以教师为中心,为现在的以学生为中心,教师的最终任务是使学生养成英语语言习惯,引导他们走向令人兴奋的、自由交际王国。指导教师审定意见:指导评分: 签名:_2010_ 年_6 月_17

13、_日111.IntroductionI have been a teacher for eight years since I came to Feng Ping Middle school in the country side .Its a great honor for me to become an English teacher. I teach the senventh grade students this year .In todays English language teaching,the students in English testing are extremely

14、 troublesome especially in countryside because they didnt study English at all in primary school. As a result,the most important thing is to improve their interests in English learning.But how? 2.Problem and Problem AnalysisEnglish teaching is not a piece of easy work. Especially, many students are losing their interest and showing negative attitude towards English learning. Teachers are always complaining that it is ha


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