(人教新版)三年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元测试

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1、(人教新版)三年级英语下册(人教新版)三年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元测试单元测试小学资源网 http:/ 分)分)F_br_ _r_ _ct_ b_ _ f_ _ st tw_lfth _ _ g_ st( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )M_ch S_pt_mb_ _ s_c_nd N_v_mb_ _ tw_nt_ _th( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、选出发音不同的一项。(二、选出发音不同的一项。(5 分)分)A B C D( )1. date father farm army( )2.hair near here beer( )3.say Monday today pl

2、ay( )4.second December bed fresh( )5.fourth sixth eleventh their三、按要求写出下列日期。(三、按要求写出下列日期。(10 分)分)1.十月三日 _ 2.五月一日 _3.十二月十二日 _ 4.八月二十五日 _5.一月九日 _ 6.九月五日_7.二月七日_ 8.七月十四日_9.三月三十日_ 10.六月二日_四、选择题。(四、选择题。(10 分)分)( ) 1. When is your birthday?_A.Its in May 1st . B. Its may. C.Its May 1st .( ) 2._ ? Its July

3、15th .A.Whats the date today? B. What day is it today? C. What time is it?( ) 3. She _ have a computer.A.dont B. doesnt C. isnt( ) 4. You dont like summer.I dont like summer,_.A. too B.either C. to( ) 5.Is her birthday June 9th ? _ A.Yes, it is. B. Yes,she is . C.Yes,is it.( ) 6. When is _ birthday?

4、 In May.A.uncle Bills B. Uncle Bills C.Uncle Bill( )7. When is Tree-planting Day?_.A. Its March 8th . B.Its march 12th . C.Its March 12th .( ) 8. September 10th is _.A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. National Day( ) 9. Its time _ dinner.A. to B. have C.for( ) 10. 请翻译句子:I have a big surprise for you

5、!A. 你会惊喜吗? B. 我会给你一个大惊喜!C. 你会给我一个大惊喜!五、把下列单词排列成句子。(五、把下列单词排列成句子。(5 分)分)1. is date what the today ?2. June Day is Childrens first .3. are to good you too me .4. together next climb Sunday lets mountains .5. birthday 4th what my are is May you about ?六、按实际情况回答下列问题。(六、按实际情况回答下列问题。(10 分)分)1. Whats your

6、favorite season? Why?_2. When is your birthday?_3. Is your mothers birthday in July?_4. Whats the date today?_5. When is Christmas Day?_七、阅读并判断对错,对用七、阅读并判断对错,对用“T”,错用,错用“F”。(。(10 分)分)Hello,my name is Jim. Im ten years old.Im in Class Three Grade Five.Today is April 7th . Its my birthday. Im very hap

7、py,because I can get many presents from my friends. My friend Tom sent me an e-card ,I like it very much.In the evening my father and mother give me a big birthday cake. Can you guess how many candles are there on it? And they sing the song “happy birthday” to me.I like my parents and April 7th ,because today I have so much fun.( )1. Im in Class Five Grade Three.( )2.My birthday is July 4th .( )3.I can get many presents from my friends.( )4.Jim sent Tom an e-card.( )5.I have so much fun on April 7th . 小学资源网 http:/



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