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1、Memorial Day:Arlington Nationgal Cemetery Memorial Day is a national holiday observed in the United States on the last Monday in May. It is the day when Americans honor the women and men who have served in the military.The Memorial Day holiday was firet observed in 1868. The holiday was called Decoe

2、ation Day. The observance was at what was known as the National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington,D.C. It is now known as Arlington National Cemetery. More than 4 million people visit the cemetery every year. It is most famous national burial place in the Unit

3、ed States. It includes about 250 hectares of rolling hills, and trees that were planted hundreds of years ago. There are more than 8,000 trees of 300 species in the cemetery. Up and down the hills are lines of simple white headstones marking the graves. About 400 of the markers have gold letters on

4、them. These are the burial places of those who have been awarded the Medal of Honor,the nation s highest military honor. Among those buried at the cemetery are political leaders, cabinet officers and Supreme Court justices. Astronauts, explorers and athletes are also buried there. So are chaplains,

5、nurses, slaves and even war correspondents. Arilington is the land that once belonged to George Washington Parke Custis ,a step-grandson of George Washington. The cemetery holds the graves of soldiers who died in every war in American history. Some who fought and died in the Revolutionary War in the

6、 1700s were moved there from a nearby cememtery. The first military burial was on May 13,1864 for Private William Christman, who died in the civil war. On May 15,1864, two unknown Union Soldiers were buried at Arlington. They were the first of almost 5,000 unknown who are now buried at the cemetery.

7、 On March 4,1921,Congress approved the burial of an unidentified American soldie rfrom World War I. It is now the site of the famed Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Two American presidents are buried at Arilington National Cemetery. Willam Howard Taft was president in the early 1900s. John F.Kennedy was

8、 president in the 1960s. More people have visited his grave than any other in the United States. Other famous people buried at the cemetery include Joe Louis. He was an Army sergeant in world War II. He was a world champion boxer. Robert E.Peary discovered the North Pole. Dr.Anita Newcomb McGee foun

9、ded the Army Nurse Corps. And the remains of the seven astronauts who died when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded are buried in Section 46. Sixty-five foreigners are also buried at Arilington National Cemetery. Britain has the most ,with 26. South Vietnam has 10,including nine unknown soldiers.

10、阵亡将士纪念日:阿灵顿国家公墓每年 5 月最后一个星期一为美国阵亡将士纪念日,是美国的法定节假日。这一天美国举国上下纪念战争中阵亡的美国将士。阵亡将士纪念日设于1868 年,当时称之为扫墓日。纪念仪式在弗吉尼亚阿灵顿市的国家公墓举行,隔着波托马克河与华盛顿遥遥相望。这也就是如今闻名于世的阿灵顿国家公墓。每年有超过四百万人参观此公墓。这是美国著名的国家公墓。250 公顷连绵的山脉,几百年的参天大树巍然挺立。公墓内8000 株树木,一共有300 多个品种。山脉上下井然有序地竖立着白色墓石。400 多个墓碑上用金色字体书写着墓志铭。这里埋葬的是那些被授予荣誉勋章的烈士,那是美国最高的军事荣誉。除此之

11、外, 安葬在这里的有军事和政治领袖、内阁官员及最高院法官。宇航员、 探险家、 运动员也长眠于此。牧师、护士、奴隶甚至战地记者也在这里安眠。阿灵顿的这片土地曾经属于乔治华盛顿的继孙,乔治华盛顿帕克卡斯蒂斯。美国历史上每次战争牺牲的士兵都被安葬在此。十八世纪在独立战争中牺牲的烈士也从附近的公墓移至阿灵顿公墓。 1864 年 5 月 13 日这里举行了第一次军事葬礼,悼念在内战中牺牲的二等兵威廉克里斯特曼。 1864 年 5 月 15 日,两名无名联军士兵的遗体被安葬于阿灵顿。他们是那5000名未知身份的士兵中第一批埋葬于此的烈士。1921 年 3 月 4 日,国会正式批准安葬一战中牺牲的身份未知的

12、美国士兵。这也就是著名的无名战士纪念碑。阿灵顿国家公墓安葬着两位美国总统。 20 世纪初任职的威廉霍华德塔夫脱,以及二十世纪六十年代任职的约翰肯尼迪。两位总统的墓地也是参观人数最多的墓地。安眠于此的名人还有乔路易斯。他是二战中的一名陆军中士,也是世界级拳击冠军,发现北极的罗伯特培利,组建陆军护理队的安妮塔纽康麦基医生,他们都安葬于阿灵顿公墓。死于挑战者号爆炸事故的七名宇航员遗体安葬于46 号墓地。 阿灵顿国家公墓中还安葬了65名外国人。英国人居多,有26 名。越南共和国10 名,其中 9 名身份未知。Vietnam Slow To Start Up Renewable Energy Vietn

13、am might seem like a good candinate for renewable energy project. With plenty of sunshine and ocean winds, Vietnam seems like the right place to capture energy from the sun and wind. But there are only three big wind considerable solar investment. That puts Vietnam far behind Indonesia, Thailand and

14、 other Asian countries in the development of renewable energy. Critics say the reason is easy to recognize : price controls. Vietnam keeps a ceiling ,an upper limit ,on electricity prices. On averagy that is about seven cents per kilowatt hour. Investors say they need a feed-in tariff that is at lea

15、st two times that amount. Feed-in tariffs are policies that give money to renewable energy producters. Renewable energies can be costly to start up and the tariffs would help with the price of production. People working in the power market have suggested other ways to support renewable. These includ

16、e a reduction in taxes for energy-related training and education. But when talking about electricity in Vietnam , it often comes to the same criticism. “ There s nothing that can make up for a feed-in tariff that s in the single digits,”said Daniel Potash, Chief of Party for the Private Finance Advisory Network for Asia Program. The program is part of the United States government s Agency for international Dvelopment. Mr.Potash spoke earlier this month at the U.S.-Vietnam Clean Energy Conf



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