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1、人教人教 PEPPEP 小学六年级英语上册期末试卷(附听力)小学六年级英语上册期末试卷(附听力)班级 姓名 听力部分:听力部分:一、一、 ListeningListening andand choosechoose (听音,选出合适的答案)(听音,选出合适的答案)1010 分分( )1. A. by ship B. by subway C. by train D. on foot( )2.A. stop B. traffic C. wait D. go( )3.A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. bookstore( )4.A. going to t

2、he cinema B. visit my grandparents C. take a trip D. read newspapers ( )5.A. post card B. magazine C. dictionary D. comic book二、二、 ListenListen andand drawdraw oror (根据听到的对话,判断图片正误(根据听到的对话,判断图片正误, ,对的对的 , ,错的错的 )1010 分分1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5 ( )三、三、listenlisten andand writewrite thethe numbersnumbers

3、 听音写单词听音写单词. .(选择方框中的单词,(选择方框中的单词,并将其标号填入短文中的横线上。)并将其标号填入短文中的横线上。) A.SundayB. piano C. library D. weekend E. favourite Hi, My name is Zhang Yan, Im going to have a busy_ _! On Saturday morning, Im going to have lessons by bus; I like playing the _ _ very much. Then, on Saturday afternoon, I want to

4、go to the to borrow some books, on , Im going to visit my grandparents, we watch TV together, In the evening , Im going to the supermarket, with my mother , I want to buy some fruits, they are my food, Oh, that will be fun.四、四、ListenListen andand arrangearrange (听音,给下列句子排序)(听音,给下列句子排序)1010 分分( 1 ) W

5、hat are you going to do this Sunday?( )First, Im going to buy a plant, then dig the soil.( )How do you plant a tree?( )Put the plant in the soil, water it often.( )Im going to plant a tree.( )What should you do then?(7 ) Finally, wart for it to grow.笔试部分:笔试部分:五、用下列所给单词填空:(五、用下列所给单词填空:(5 5 分)分)When W

6、here What Who Why How 1) _ can I get to the zoo? You can go by bus. 2) _ do you go to school on foot? Because my home is naer. 3) _ are you going after lunch? I am going to the bookstore. 4) _ are you going? I am going at 4 oclock. 5) _ are you going to do? I am going to play football.六、读音选择(六、读音选择(

7、8 8 分)分)/mir / / g:l/ /n:s/ /b:d/ /m / /sk:t/ /sist/ / bna:n/( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. mirror B. mother C. skirt D. girl E. bird F. nurse G. sister H. banana 七、选择答句七、选择答句 (1010 分)分)1.where does your pen pal live? ( ) A.A. No, he live in the country. B.B. He live in the city. C C. He lives i

8、n the village. 2. Does she watch TV at night? ( ) A A. Yes, she do. B.B. Yes, she does. C C. No, she does. 3. What does Miss White do? ( ) A.A.She likes English. B.B. Shes a teacher. C.C. At a school. 4. When does she go to school? ( ) A.A.She go to school at 8:00. B B. She goes to school at 8:00. C

9、.C. Yes, she does. 5. Does Liu yun go to school by subway? ( ) A.A. No, she doesnt. B.B. No, -he doesnt. C.C. yes, on foot.6Marys uncle is doctor, her aunt is artist.A. a , a B. a, an C. an. a7 does your brother do? He is a student. A. where B. What C. How8 does your father work? In a post office. A

10、. Where B. What C. How9 Does Marys grandpa go to work by bus? A Yes, he does. B. No, he isnt. C. No, she doesnt. 10 My father helps the sick people in the hospital. He is .A. doctor B. a doctor C. an nurse. 八、排序(八、排序(1414 分)分)A. He is a policeman . B. Hi, Zhang Peng . What does your father do? C. Ho

11、w cool! Where does he work? D. Hello, Ming Ming. E. How does he go to work? F. He works in a police office. G. He goes to work by car. 九、阅读九、阅读, ,判断对错判断对错, ,对的写对的写“T”“T”错的写错的写“F”:“F”:(1010 分)分)Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here? P: No, there isnt. But there is one next to the hospital

12、. Z: Where is the post office, please? P: Its west of the hospital. Z: Is it far from here? P: Yes. Z: How can I get there? P: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross the street. Youll be in front of the post office. Z: Thank you. P: Youre

13、welcome. ( ) 1 There is a bookstore near the school. ( ) 2 The post office is next to the bookstore. ( ) 3 The post office is west of the hospital. ( ) 4 Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore. ( ) 5 Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.十、阅读理解(十、阅读理解(1212 分)分)Hello, everyone. Im Liu Yun. I have a big fam

14、ily. My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He is kind. He always help people in trouble( 有困难的) My mom is an actress. She is very beautiful, she likes music and she dances well. She often goes abroad(出国) by plane. My aunt is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She often goes to work by subway. But sometimes she goes there by taxi. I have an uncle, too. Hes an artist. Hes tall and thin. He has long curly hair. His paintings looks terrific( 棒极了)1).What does Liu Yuns father do? 2).How does Liu Yuns mother go to work?



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