(冀教版)五年级英语下册 期中测试

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1、冀教版五年级英语下册冀教版五年级英语下册 期中测试期中测试班级:姓名:成绩:班级:姓名:成绩:一、选出不同类的一项。(10 分)( )1. A. baby B. man C. woman D. goat( ) 2. A. draw B. mother C. point D. sleep( )3.A. some B. quick C. loud D. quiet( ) 4.A. look B. read C. now D. see( ) 5.A. train B. on C. in D. behind二、英汉互译。(10 分)1. take a picture_ 2. go for a walk

2、_3. 放风筝_ 4. Dont worry!_5. look out of the window_ 6. 购物_7. arrive in_ 8. read the newspaper_9. take a cab_ 10. 许多人_三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1. Li Ming, here is _ (a) apple for you.2. Danny walks _ (slow) to school.3. Li Ming and Jenny _(am/is/are) slow.4. They laugh _(loud).5. These are many _(baby).四、单

3、项选择。(20 分)1. Look, the man and woman are _.A. talk B. talking C. talks2. Danny is looking _ of the window.A. for B. at C. out3. _ you having fun? Yes, I am.A. Do B. Are C. Is4. What would you like _?A. drinking B. drink C. to drink5. Danny is playing _ the baby.A. with B. for C. to6. You are a boy.

4、I am a boy, _.A. either B. too C. to7. They are _. They walk _.A. quick, quickly B. quickly, quick C. quick, quick8. _ Im watching TV.A. What do you do? B. What are you doing? C. What is he doing?9. There _ many people _ the street.A. is, in B. are, at C. are, on10. Everyone _ scared.A. feel B. to f

5、eel C. feels五、句子搭配。(20 分)( )1. Is Danny quiet now? A. No, I cant.( ) 2. Whats he doing now? B. Sure.( ) 3. What would you like? C. No, he is loud.( ) 4. Can you find the children? D. Its about five hundred years old.( ) 5. How old is the Palace Museum? E. No, he cant.( ) 6. What do you see? F. He is

6、 eating.( ) 7. Can Danny fly a kite? G. Its film.( ) 8. Who is thirsty? H. Id like some pop.( ) 9. May I have your camera? I. I see a big tree.( ) 10. Whats this? J. Its Danny.六、情景交际。(10 分)1. 当你想让别人保持安静时,应说:( )A. Youre quiet. B. He is too loud. C. Please be quiet.2. 当我们问“詹妮会放风筝吗?”时,应说:( )A. Is Jenny

7、 flying a kite? B. Jenny can fly a kite?C. Can Jenny fly a kite?3. 当有人受伤了,你要怎样安慰他( )A. You are Okay. B. Dont worry. I can help you. C. You are hurt.4. 当别人要给你拍照,而你不想拍时,要说:( )A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. No, please.5. 当我们问别人“你想要一杯牛奶吗?”时, 应说:( )A. What would you like? B. Would you like a cup of te

8、a?C. Would you like a glass of milk?七、选择句子,完成对话。(10 分)Jenny: Look, The Palace Museum is so beautiful. Li Ming: _.Jenny: _. Li Ming: Its about five hundred years old.Jenny: _. I want to take a picture. Li Ming: _.Jenny: Thank you. Li Ming: _.A. How old is it? B. Let me help you.C. Yes, you are right. D. Youre welcome.E. Its too old.八、连词成句。(10 分)1. children , I , see , playing , some._2. I , May , picture , take , your ?_3. glass , a , Would , of , milk , like , you ?_4. her , Jenny , picture, sister, a , buys , for._5. now , is , baby , doing , What , the ?_



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