冀教版(三起)六年级英语上册练习题 Unit 1 Lesson 1(1)

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1、冀教版(三起)六年级英语上册练习题冀教版(三起)六年级英语上册练习题 Unit1 Li Ming Comes to Canada Lesson 1 At the Airport一、将单词补充完整并连线。1. c_ 2. a_ 3. bi_ 4. t_ 5. b_ 6. tr_ 二、填空。1. What time is it? 4:30 It is _ past _.2. What time is it? 5:15 It is _ _past _.3. What time is it? 9:46 It is _ to _.4. What time is it? 8:00 It is _ _.5.

2、 What time is it? 3:20 It is _ _.6. What time is it? 6:55 It is_ _.三、按照所给时间将时针和分针在图上标出。1. a quarter to seven 2. half past seven 3. eight oclock 4. twenty past two答案:一、1. car 2. airplane 3. bicycle 4. taxi 5. bus 6. train二、1. half, four 2. a, quarter, five 3. fourteen, ten 4. eight, oclock 5. three, twenty 6. six, forty-five



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