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1、辽宁省大连市美林小学五年级英语下学期期末试卷辽宁省大连市美林小学五年级英语下学期期末试卷姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 听力部分听力部分一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在括号里。一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在括号里。5 分分( ) 1.A. doctor B. daughter C. dog( ) 2.A.driver B. drive C. drove( ) 3.A.fine B. five C .flute( ) 4.A.back B. black C. borrow( ) 5.A.another B. other C. others二、根据问句,选出正确答句,将序号填在

2、括号里。二、根据问句,选出正确答句,将序号填在括号里。5 分分( )1.A. She had eggs and bread. B. I had eggs and sausages.C. He had fish ( )2.A. He was a doctor. B. He is a teacher C. He is policeman.( )3.A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, he has. C. Yes, I am.( )3.A.Yes,I have. B. Yes, he has. C. Yes, he has( )4.A. On Shelf C B. Im from Chi

3、na C. Snow White( )5. A. Make a snowman B. Have a picnic C. Fly a kite三、听对话,选答案。三、听对话,选答案。5 分分( )1. A. In a school. B. In KFC. C. In a hospital.( )2. A. Watched TV. B. Went swimming. C. Sang a song.( )3. A. America. B. China. C. England.( )4. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.( )5. A. At six oclock B.

4、 At five C. At seven.四、听课文,选择填空。四、听课文,选择填空。5 分分( )1. Is Daming ready for his trip ? A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isnt. C.He doesnt know. ( )2.What did Daming put in his bag ? A. a book B. a toothbrush C. chopsticks ( )3. Where will Daming go tomorrow ? A.School. B. Airport. C. Train station . ( )4. When w

5、ill Daming leave tomorrow ? A.Six oclock . B. Nine oclock . C. Half past six . ( )5.Who is going to go to America ? A. Sam B. Daming C. Grandma ( )6. Who will Daming see in New York tomorrow ? A. Sam B. Daming C. Grandma 四、听音排序。四、听音排序。6 分分How I made the kite. ( )I painted it.( )Then, I could fly my

6、kite. ( )I put sticks on it. ( )I put strings on it. ( )I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. ( )I cut the paper with scissors.笔试部分笔试部分一、判断划线部分是否相同,相同打一、判断划线部分是否相同,相同打 V,不同打,不同打 X. 3 分分1. back sandwich ( ) 2 fine give ( ) 3.paper place ( ) 4.piece season ( ) 5.room flute( ) 6.hope solve ( ) 二、

7、译单词,填序号。二、译单词,填序号。10 分分( ).breeze 1.云 ( ).cloud 2.没有人 ( ).helicopter 3.谜 ( ).librarian 4.售货员 ( ).mystery 5.西班牙 ( ).nobody 6.温度 ( ).Spain 7.微风 ( ).temperature 8.图书管理员 ( ).sales assistant 9.直生飞机 ( )type 10.种类,类型三、根据汉语填入单词的正确形式。三、根据汉语填入单词的正确形式。10 分分1.He worked in an _ . (办公室) 2.Where do your _ work ? (

8、父母) 3.Ive got an _ from Lingling . (电子邮件) 4.She had eggs and _ . (香肠) 5.My favourite _ (季节)is spring . 6.Its a very old _ . (地方) 7.Its a computer _ . (信息) 8.I am very _ . (忙) 9.He read a book about Chinese _.(历史) 10.When will you _(离开)tomorrow ? 四、课文填空。四、课文填空。5 分分heavy , take , broken , light , blac

9、k , wheels , new , small , easy , cant Lingling , your bag is _ ! You cant _ it to China . I will buy you a _ one . Thank you . This _ bag is nice . Its big . But its very _ . Look at this green one . Its _ . But its very _ , Ms Smart . I really like the black one . This black bag has got _ . It wil

10、l be _ for her . Great ! Well _ it , please . Thank you very much . 五、写句子五、写句子 3 分请你用词组分请你用词组 eat noodles 的不同形式填空。的不同形式填空。1.一般过去时:I _ yesterday . 2.现在进行时:I am _now . 3.一般将来时:I will _tomorrow.六、四六、四.选词填空。选词填空。 (每个词只用一次(每个词只用一次 10 分)分)A. English B. return C. borrow D. does his homework E. go swimming

11、F. fall from G. heavy H. take I. help J.Who 1. Thank you for your_.2._ is going to England ?3. It will _ four hours.4.Its very_ . I cant lifit.5.Theleaves_the trees.6.I can _in Summer.7.He_at five everyafternoon.8.You can _books, videos and CDs.9.Please_the books in two weeks.10.She had an_breakfast

12、. 七、选择填空。七、选择填空。10 分分1. ( )What music did he _ ? A. play B. drive C. have D. eat 2. ( )What does Sam have _ breakfast ? A. in B. for C. with D. by 3. ( )_ were you before ? A. What B.Who C. Where D. Whose 4. ( )We usually _ to the theatre in winter . A. go B. went C.goes 5. ( )I carry my bag _ my sh

13、oulder . A. on B. over C. with 6. ( )What _ she have for dinner yesterday ? A. do B. does C. did 7. ( )I love summer . I can go _ . A. swim B. swimming C.swims8. ( )Yesterday she _ an English lunch . A. have B. has C. had 9. ( )Your bag is _ . A. break B. broke C. broken 10. ( )Im going to _ my gran

14、dpa . A. visit B. visits C. visited八、连词成句。八、连词成句。5 分分1.lunch , she , what , for , have , did , (?) 2.lot , laughed , a , we , (.) 3.message , your , write , (.) 4.beach , played , I , on , the , (.) 5.them , you ,did , read , (?)九、阅读理解。九、阅读理解。10 分分(一) Dongdongs bag is broken . He cant take it to travel . His mother will buy h


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