英文原著moment in peking

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《英文原著moment in peking》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文原著moment in peking(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、翻译作业京华烟云 林语堂著 张振玉译Moment in Peking Mannians(曼娘)(曼娘) Wedding Day Lin Yutang The next day, May the twenty-fifth, was Mannias wedding day. While her mother was getting things ready with the assistance of Coral(珊瑚) and Mulan(木兰), and they were waiting for the sedan(轿子)chairs to come at the proper hour,

2、the Tseng house(曾府) was in a great turmoil(混乱) . There were a thousand things to prepare for the bride, and red sashes((妇 女、儿童用的)饰带,腰带)and colored festoons(花彩)of silk and big lanterns (灯笼)to be hung up(to be hung up 仅用来修饰 lanterns), and the bridegrooms (新郎)rooms to be decorated. Everything had to be

3、 new, tables, candle stands, wash basins, spittoons(痰盂), commodes(衣柜), even the curtains(窗帘)and bedding on Pingyas(平亚)bedpractically everything except the bed itself on which he was sleeping. The leeks(青蒜) and mint(薄荷)herbs(药草)hung above the door by every family on the Dragon-Boat Festival (端午节)at t

4、he onset(开始) (这个 onset 用得 好) of summer, had to be taken down, and red festoons hung (hang 的过去 式及过去分词,这里作谓语)in their place above the door and along the door jambs(门侧柱). A disinfection(消毒剂), to drive away evil air, was usually done by burning mint herbs(这里在 mints 前似应加 the)in the house on the Dragon-Bo

5、at Festival and children carried beautiful colored silk pendants(垂饰) on their breasts, containing fragrant powder from herbs to ward off(挡住) disease for the summer, which was the usual season for epidemics(流行病). In this way Pingyas room had been fumigated(熏蒸消毒) before he was moved in. The idea now h

6、owever, was to make as great a change of atmosphere in the sickroom as possible, (这句写得很漂亮,原来只是 as great as possible,可是在 great 后加 a change of atmosphere in the sickroom ,文章就显得生动了)showing every where the red color of happiness to drive away anylurking(潜藏) evil air. On top of(除外)all these preparations,

7、 Pingya had taken a turn(转变) for the worse(恶化,向坏的方面). He complained that he could not see clearly, and his bowels(内脏) would not function(不及物动词:发挥作用). His tongue showed a thick coating, and his limbs(四肢)were cold while he felt hot inside. His pulse was weak and sluggish. The doctor had to press all t

8、hree fingers on his wrist(手腕)to feel the pulse beat, and this was a sign the volume of blood(血量)was decreasing. Upon the varied nuances(细微差异) of the pulse beats and their undertones(小声) , the yun(韵), the old doctor relied as the modern doctor relies upon the temperature chart; but it was something f

9、inely felt, to be recognized only by experience and impossible to state in figures. Although Pingyas mind was clear, he was too weak to talk, and all morning and afternoon, he lay half- dormant(睡眠状态), vaguely(含糊地) conscious that(conscious 是形容词,conscious that 自己知道的)this was his wedding day.参考译文: 京华烟云

10、京华烟云 曼娘出嫁的日子曼娘出嫁的日子 林语堂 第二天,五月二十五日,是曼娘出嫁的日子。他母亲请珊瑚、木兰帮着整理东 西,也正等着花轿准时到来的时候儿,曾家则忙得一团乱,千百件为新娘的事 在等着办,红带子,丝绸彩饰,红灯笼都要悬挂,新郎的屋子要装饰。一切都 要焕然一新。桌子,蜡签儿,脸盆,痰盂,平亚床上的帐幔,被褥,除去他还 躺在上面的床,可以说件件要换新。五月节大门上换的艾蒲也要拿下来,在原 地方儿与门框上要挂上红彩绸。在五月节,都按老规矩在房里点艾草驱邪避虫, 孩子们在胸前要带五彩丝绸的小包,叫“方胜儿”,里面装着香料以防夏天的疾 病。所以平亚搬进他的新屋子之前,也得要用烟熏,现在尤其是为

11、了使病房气 象一新,处处都是喜气洋洋的红颜色,要驱除一切不祥之气。 纵然大家准备这些事忙得不可开交,平亚的病却日渐严重。他说眼睛看不清楚, 大便不同,舌苔很厚,内部发热,四肢发冷。脉搏微弱而迟滞。一是必须把三 个手指头按在手腕子上才摸得到脉跳,这是血亏的征兆。有经验的老中医之看 脉搏的“韵”,也可以辨别出脉跳动下细微的差别,正如西医之看体温表;不过 手指头的感觉很细微,可意会而不可言传。平亚一上午一下午,始终躺在床上, 是半睡状态,对今天是他的花烛大喜之日,只是影影绰绰地感觉到而已。赏析: 英文原著 Moment in Peking 是林语堂先生旅居巴黎时所作,写成于 1939 年。 描述了社

12、会大动荡和历史变迁中几个大家族的荣辱兴衰,如史诗般波澜壮阔, 同时又蕴含着极其深刻的文化内涵,是一本译介和弘扬中国文化的经典佳作。 张振玉深为此书译者“两脚踏中西文化,一心评宇宙文章;挚爱故国不泥古, 乐享生活不流俗。 ”的情怀和胸襟所感动,其书名译为“京华烟云” ,本身就是 归化理论的佳译。他在翻译过程中有归化、也有异化,既保持其文字精华,赋 予其独特的文化内涵,又充分尊重译作读者的理解力和接受力。那么今天我就 我认为翻译的好的作简要赏析: 首先,用词广泛生动,那么我就用词比较新颖,比较体现作者选词的功底 的查了出来,并且写在旁边。这段写曼娘出嫁的译文,即写出了曼娘出嫁时的 周围环境以及平亚

13、他未来的丈夫的具体情况,据林语堂先生的原著,我们可以 看出平亚一生体弱多病,那么如此喜庆的结婚事宜,他还躺在床上,试问新娘 曼玉的命运能如何,在英译是,张振宇翻译得恰到好处,译出环境人物的冲突。 其次原文表达细腻,用词典雅古朴那么英译时,翻译的语法正确灵活。那种古 朴典雅直接体现了出来。最后,情感翻译得也恰到好处,用意深刻感人。令人 佩服的是,在当时工具书籍十分稀少的条件下,能直接写出这样优美的英文好 文章。除了谈到的之外,在林语堂原著当中,有一段话是描述曼娘的命运,林语 堂先生用梅花来形容曼娘坎坷的一生,梅花在中国传统文化中,一直被赋予深 义,具有独特的意象,那么在这里可以说如同人早秀先凋的

14、身世之悲,译文原 文都显得贴切传神。“The girlhood of Mannia was like the blossoming of the plum flower in cold January growing on hardened, twist branches without leaves thriving in the cold air between the end of the winter and the coming of the spring solitary and without companions and destined to retire and enjoy

15、 its own fragrance and dream its hour away within the hard bark of the branches when the peaches and pears and other spring flowers begin to flower”“曼娘的少女时代就像寒冬腊月盛放的梅花,生在苍劲曲折的枝头上,在冬末 春初的寒冷 中开放,无绿叶为陪衬,无其他鲜花为伴侣,命中注定幽峭隐退,孤芳自赏; 在桃李及其他春花初开之时,她在苍老挺硬的枝丫上已度过了梦幻的韶华。这段文字,十分符合英语用语规范,对于译者来说,这段话很容易理解和领 悟,却难于表 述。我们可以比较原著与译文看出,原文中的形象在译语中有相同或相似的寓 意,且着眼于语篇的通达顺畅。在句式上,注意到了英汉语表达习惯和常用句 式的差异。从而与严复的信、达、雅三标准相契合。


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