2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅱ unit 6 life in the future

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《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅱ unit 6 life in the future》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅱ unit 6 life in the future(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版此学案为此学案为 QQ1084591801 原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。Unit 6 Life in the future 未来生活未来生活核心词汇核心词汇1In _ (城市的) areas there are more opportunities for women with high school education to find jobs.2The teacher _ (预测) that 15 of his pupils will pass the examination.3I will

2、shortly let you know when Ill start but now I still have no _(精确的) date.4The fast food restaurant tries to _(确保)that customers are served quickly.5The arrow on the map _(表明)where the accident happened.6Things might get better,but it doesnt look very _(有希望的)right now.7He has formed the habit of getti

3、ng up and going to bed early and does everything _(有规律地)8In my opinion,we should _(改革) our old teaching methods.9Not all goods can satisfy the customers requirements,so the situation _ that we should take immediate action to solve the problem.(require)10用 important 的适当形式填空:(1)All three teachers beli

4、eved in the _ of kindness and good government.(2)Reducing air pollution is really very _.1.urban 2.predicts 3.exact 4.ensure 5.indicates 6.hopeful 7.regularly 8.reform 9.requires 10.(1)importance (2)important高频短语高频短语1_ 与保持联系2_ 注意;留意3_ 处理;安排4_ 贮藏着;准备着;就要来到5_ 陪伴某人6_ 照常;像往常一样7_ 变成现实8_ 打扫干净;整理9_ 做出预测10_

5、 导致;引起11_ 瞥见1.keep in touch with 2.pay attention to 3.deal with 4.in store 5.keep pany 6.as usual e true 8.clean up 9.make forecasts 10.lead to 11.catch a glimpse of重点句式重点句式1The Internet also _ customers and companies in other countries.互联网也使得公司可以和国外的客户及公司更容易地保持联系。2Real classrooms will always be pop

6、ular,but distance education will help people study _ they have time and wherever they may be.真正的教室还是广受欢迎,但远程教育可以帮助人们随时随地学习。3_ things will change.将来情况肯定会发生变化。4If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be wellprepared for _ in store.如果我们学会接受变化,学会欣赏新的不同的东西,我们就能有准备地迎

7、接未来带给我们的一切。1.makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with 2.whenever 3.It is certain that 4.whatever the future may have知识详解知识详解1.ensure vt. 保证;担保;保护【教材原句】(P43)To ensure safety,the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.为了确保安全,火车由先进的计算机系统控制。(牛津 P665)Please ensure that all lights a

8、re switched off.请务必将所有的灯都关掉。(朗文 P675)All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure their safety.已采取所有必要措施确保他们的安全。A good sleep will ensure you quicker recovery.充足的睡眠能保证你早日康复。We should ensure ourselves against all possible risks.我们要保护自己,以防备任何危险。1Careful planning and hard work ill_our final success.

9、Aenclose BensureCdischarge Ddeny解析:选 B。句意:精心的计划和辛勤的工作将能保证我们最后的成功。enclose 围住,围起;discharge 排出,卸货;deny 否认。即境活用2.cure 【教材原句】(P44)With a better understanding of the human body,scientists and physicians will be able to cure more diseases.随着对人体结构的更好了解,科学家和医师将能够治愈更多的疾病。(1)vt.治疗,治愈The number of people in Eur

10、ope who are being cured of cancer is rising steadily.在欧洲正在接受癌症治疗的病人的数量在稳定增长。We should cure a child of his bad habit.我们应该纠正小孩的不良习惯。(2)n.治疗法;治疗药;对策An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found.对付癌症的有效疗法目前尚未发现。(朗文 P492)Scientists still havent found a cure for the common cold.科学家们尚未找到普通感冒的疗法。2With

11、 no hope for _and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease,the patient sought her doctors help to end her life.Atreat BcureCache Dlove即境活用解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。句意:由于没有了治愈疾病的希望,又没有办法减少这种绝症给她带来的痛苦,病人寻求她的医生帮忙结束她的生命。第一个and 连接两个名词短语作 with 的宾语,即 no hope for cure 和 no way to reduce . ,表示原因

12、;第二个 and 连接 pain 和 suffering 作 reduce 的宾语。cure“治愈” ,与句意吻合。treat 对待;ache 疼;love 关爱,均与句意不吻合。3_admitted to famous universities,parents should try to cure their children _ bad habits.AIn order to be;from BSo as to be;ofCSo as to be;from DIn order to be;of解析:选 D。so as to 不能置于句首,故可排除 B 和 C。cure sb.of sth.

13、为固定搭配。3.require vt.& vi. 要求;需要【教材原句】(P45)You are required to pay for your purchase before you leave the supermarket.要求你在离开超市前,把你所买的东西的款付一下。(朗文 P1737)The job requires a college degree and a knowledge of computers.这份工作要求具有大学学位和计算机知识。Please telephone this number if you require any further information.如

14、需更多信息请拨此电话号码垂询。(朗文 P1737)You are required by law to wear seat belts.法律规定你要系上安全带。【温馨提示】 (1) require 表示“(某物)需要”时,接 doing 表示被动意义或者接动词不定式的被动式。类似的词还有 need,want 等。(2) require 及其名词 requirement 后加名词性从句,谓语动词要用“(should)动词原形”形式,表示虚拟。Our classroom is so dirty that it requires/ needs/wants cleaning/to be cleaned.我们的教室太脏了,需要打扫。 即境活用4_in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires解析:选 C。本题考查句型:It is required that.(


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