2017届高中英语新课标2轮总复习(广东专版)学案:专题6 第4课时议论文的写作要领

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《2017届高中英语新课标2轮总复习(广东专版)学案:专题6 第4课时议论文的写作要领》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017届高中英语新课标2轮总复习(广东专版)学案:专题6 第4课时议论文的写作要领(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(广东省佛山一中 2010 学年高考模拟)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。I am a 19yearold girl named Gina. When I was 17, I gave blood for the first time. It was a little scary because I dont like needles and I am afraid of looking at my own blood. The blood drive was in the high school gym. I determined to help because

2、 I had read the poster about how much one pint(品脱:计量单位) of blood could do for someone else. After signing a form, I lay in the chair. When I waited for the nurse to get to me, one girl I didnt know well noticed my nervousness and sat next to me, telling me what a good thing we were doing for someone

3、 else. It took a long time to get a pint. But somehow, I suddenly felt like an adult when my first blood donation was finished. I had overcome my fear in order to do something selfless that would benefit others. Now, I still donate blood. The Red Cross calls and invites me to blood drives, and I alw

4、ays try to go. Its not scary any more. Its something you do for others, without getting anything in return. 【写作内容】国外的很多青少年都把献血视为步入成年的标志。请你在看完这篇短文后,就“献血的意义”这个主题,说说你对献血的看法,内容要点包括:1. 以约 30 个词概括短文的要点;2. 然后以约 120 个词写一篇短文,至少包括以下内容要点:(1) 现在社会上人们对献血的看法;(2) 你自己对于献血持什么样的态度,为什么;(3) 你认为献血对于青少年思想成长的意义。【写作要求】作文中可

5、以利用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。 One possible version:In the passage, Gina, a 19yearold girl, shared us her first experience of donating blood, in which she realized that what she did would benefit others and made her an adult. Peoples opinions on donating bloo

6、d vary from person to person. Some people believe its good to both patients and donators. However, others are unwilling to give blood because they think it may be harmful to their health. As to me, I am in favor of the first idea. Those people who need blood must be seriously ill or badly injured, s

7、o you can save a life if you donate blood in time. Besides, donating blood will not do harm to our health. According to doctors, we even can benefit from it physically. When growing up, teenagers should begin to do something for the society and other people. Donating blood is a good way to help us u

8、nderstand our social responsibility and the meaning of giving. 【思路点拨】这篇作文的写作内容是按照“社会上的看法” 、 “个人的看法”以及“个人对献血意义的思考”这样“由面到点”的逻辑顺序而展开的。第一,要指出社会上人们对献血的看法是因人而异的;第二,在表达自己对献血的看法时,重点要放在“为什么” ,可着重讨论献血对人与社会带来的益处;最后,具体献血对“青少年思想成长”的意义,切记不能套用第二点中已经阐述过的观点,而是要抓住“青少年”这一角度,用相对简洁有力的语言概括,并做好整篇文章的总结,起到画龙点睛的作用。一、议论文的基本知识

9、1. 强调语言表达的客观性;2. 时态较为统一,多用现在时;3. 内容通常由论点、论据和论证三部分组成。二、议论文值得注意的几个方面1. 议论文的结构通常是“三段式”:首先,提出问题,即论点;其次,分析问题,这是议论文的主体。这一部分是针对论题进行分析,提出论据,论证论点;最后,解决问题,这一部分或归纳论点,或总结全文,或明确任务,或提出办法。2. 议论文用来论述某个道理,阐明某种观点。要求做到论点正确鲜明,论据充分,论证合理,逻辑严密,层次清楚,并且在整个论证中,论点始终保持一致。3. 议论文要求语言必须简练、准确,尽可能避免使用口语,多用书面语,可适当使用名言警句,加强论证的力度。One

10、possible version: From the passage we know that students in many US high schools are required to offer various community service before graduation, in order to give students chances to know the real world, explore a career and create a habit of volunteering. In recent years, the volunteering spirit

11、has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters. More and more schools in China require students to take part in community service during the vacations. Students are often seen to sweep the streets, plant trees and visit orphanages. Community service is of great benefit to both thos

12、e in need and society. Moreover, community service is helpful to cultivate(培养) our social responsibility. As modern middle school students, we should get actively involved in community service. By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizing ability. Undoubtedly, all of these are important to our development. Therefore, we should treasure all such chances.


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