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1、I. 补全对话( A ) A: Hello! Could I _to the headmaster, please? B: _ on for a moment, please. Im sorry he isnt here _ now. may I help you? A: Thats very kind _ you, but I want to speak to him _ my son, Jim Green. I would like to _ him as soon as _, please. B: Are you _ later today, Mr. Green? A: Sorry. I

2、m free every day _ today. B: Are you able to come here tomorrow? A: I think so. What time? B: _8:30 and 9:00. A: I think so. Yes, I think that would be fine. B: Ill _ a message on his desk. A: Thank you very much. Goodbye! B: Goodbye!( B ) A: _would you like playing, volleyball or _? B: _. I like fo

3、otball. A: I like playing football, _. Lets go to play football sometime, _we? B: OK. Im very glad _. A: When _ we go, this afternoon _ tomorrow afternoon? B: Im going to _ a football match of World Cup _TV. A: I hear you are going to _ your grandmother. B: Yes. But the match is _ important that I c

4、ant _ it.( C ) A: _ can I _ _ you? B: Im looking for a pair of black shoes. A: _ _ _you like? B: Size eight. A: The shoes you want are here. Which pair do you want? B: The one _ the right _ nice. How much? A: Fifty yuan. B: Im afraid thats _ _ expensive. Do you have any _shoes? A: Yes, _ _ the pair

5、next _them? Only thirty yuan. B: OK. Can I _ them _, please? A: Certainly. B: This pair of shoes _me quite well. Ill take it. Here _ the money. Goodbye A: Goodbye!( D ) A: Can I _ you? Would you like something to _? What _ some cakes? B: No, _. I think Id like some bread. A: Would you like something

6、 to _? B: A cup of coffee, please. A: _sugar?B: Yes, _. A: Some _ bread? B: No. the bread is delicious, _ I cant eat _ more. Thank you.( E ) A: _me, please. Could you tell me _ to get to the East Street Hospital? B: Go _ this street _you _the second traffic lights. _right and youll _ the hospital at

7、 the _ of the road. A: How _ is it? B: About three kilometers. Itll _ you about _an hour. But youd _ catch a bus. A: _ bus shall I take? B: The Number 2 bus will take you _. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre _.( F ) A: Good afternoon! Sit down, please. Whats _with you? B: Good afternoon , Doctor. I _ _ a he

8、adache. A: Have you _ your _? B: Yes, I have. Its a bit higher. A: Jack, _ your mouth and _ “Ahh”. B: AhhA. Its _ _. You just have a cold. A: Ive got a fever, too. B: How _ have you been _ _? A: _this morning. Do I have to _ in bed? B: No, _this medicine and youll be all right soon. A: Thank you ver

9、y much, Doctor. Good-bye.( G ) A: _ to the radio, Jack. The weather report _ its going to rain tomorrow. B: Turn it off, please. I _care about the weather. Im writing a _ and I have to post it before noon. Its _ my penfriend in China. A: Would you buy 10 80-fen stamps _ me, please? B: OK. Oh, its _

10、outside now, not _. Never believe the weather report, Mike. A: What _ weather! B: May I use your raincoat? A: _. I left it at home.补全对话参考答案 (A) speak Hold by of about meet possible free except Between leave (B) What basketball Neither too shall to shall or watch on see so miss (C) What do for What s

11、ize would on looks How much much too cheaper how/what about to try on fits is (D) help eat about thanks drink With please more but any (E) Excuse how along/down/up until/till reach/see Turn find/see end far take half better Which there welcome (F) wrong have got taken temperature open say nothing serious long like this Since stay/lie take (G) Listen says dont letter/postcard to for raining tomorrow bad Sorry


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