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1、考研英语复习资料考研英语复习资料 考研英语作文写作指导考研英语作文写作指导(二二)作文中的部分新颖表达及部分垃圾词汇的替代作文中的部分新颖表达及部分垃圾词汇的替代考研英语作文要想拿高分,就必须有一些与众不同的词汇或表达方式,笔者在这里所 说的“垃圾词汇”并没有贬低这些表达的意思,大家可以想象一个阅卷老师在阅几千份试 卷的过程中就看到几千次相同表达,分数可想而知,所以如何取舍你懂的。A、认为(尽量避免的表达,以下例句同,不再重复说明:I think/I believe/As far as I am concerned)1.别人认为:assume, argue, contend, maitain,

2、 hold the perspective that2.我认为: I am inclined to the view that(开头引入自己观点)convinced thatI aware that (比较弱)I cling to a belief thatB、不同人有不同看法(Different people have different opinions)Peoples perspective diverge on this controversial issue.There is no consensus among people concerning this controversia

3、l issue.C、举例(for example/for instance/let me give you an example)1.A fitting/ telling/ apt/ striking example is that2.A case in point is that(口语常用)3.Further lending credence to my position is the example of (*倒装)4.This can be aptly/ well exemplified and illustrated by the case of+n.the fact that + 句

4、子the following case5.I can think of no better illustration than the example of, who.(*最高级)6.When it comes to music talent, eminent individuals ranging from Mozart to Beethvoen come immediately to me. (*此处也是细节)7.To illustrate this, we need no look further than the case of(举例)8.Imagine/ Visualize/ Pic

5、ture/ SupposeD、迷恋,喜欢,上瘾(少用具体多用抽象)I am invariably fascinated/ captivated/ enchanted with/ byHardly can I resist the temptation of sth.be obsessed with/by E、数据引用Statistic figures show/ manifest thatMany surveys/ investigations 显示 that 越来越多的 universities have 重视 the credit system, which peobably would

6、带来不好的呃影像.(中文从一下中选词)显示: manifest/ illustrate重视: place a great/ considerable emphasis onattach great importance to (不用换词)on no account can sb. ignore/ turn a blind eye to sth. (*倒装)越来越多的: a increasing number带来不好影: exercise an unpredictable/ unforseable consequence(不好的结果都用这个) uponF、正反论证It is not diffic

7、ult to imagine that ifIt is modern technology that makes our life simple, healthy and dynamic/ vibrant/ fantastic/ active/ alive, without which our life would probably pale.Hardly can I imagine the world without the fascination of whichG、然而(引出事物的反面)on the contrary/conversely/by contrastH、利弊及其影响利:mer

8、its/benefits/advantage弊:drawbacks/risks/disadvantage弊:exercise an unforseable and unprediactable/ adverse/ unfavorable/ deleterious consequence onundoubtedly and undeniably sound an alarm to sb.put a enormous pressure uponput a potential and probable threat onadversely affectundermine利:1. exercise a

9、 far-reaching influent on2. undoubtedly serves as a catalyst/enzyme for3. play a(n)irreplaceable/crutial/indispensable role in4. lay a solid foudation for“As it vividly shown in the picture,. .”相信大家对这句话都不会不熟悉吧?为什么所谓的模版用了会分数很低呢?为什么所谓的模版用了会分数很低呢?一、因为全国人民都在用它。二、大家都在用的话就看不出考生的真实水平了。三、阅卷老师一遍又一遍的看难道不会烦?所以

10、,这就是为什么用模版分数低的原因,也是为什么阅卷老师看到模版不愿意给分 的一个因素。而笔者这里所给出的并非纯粹的模版,而是在简单模版的基础上的更为新颖的表达方 式,对于所谓模版,的确,用的人多了,老师就烦了,所以我们必须时刻自己总结出新颖 的东西来避免。而其中的方式之一就是使用更为高级的词汇和表达方式,说实话吧,在笔者的这个总 结里,大部分的表达是雅思和托福作文表达,这样就能有效避免表达方式的雷同和词汇的 陈旧。写了这么相信大家应该能理解我想表达的意思,模版,没有统一的,没有固定不变的, 只有不断更新和不断总结的新颖表达方式和词汇,这样的模版才是真正实用和能拿高分的 模版。最后,祝福大家都能运

11、用好这个所谓的“模版”里的表达方式,在写作中拿下高分。垃圾词汇的替代垃圾词汇的替代1: help典型例句:I“ll help you 。替代语 accommodate/assist/ availE.g: I“ll endeavour to accomodate you。2: helpful典型例句:Sth is helpful (to sb)替代语 conducive/ time-honored 时代赋予的/ do credit to our forbears 继承先辈的优秀 传统/ assistingE.g Sth is conducive to sb3: show典型例句:as it sh

12、ows in the picture替代语 betray4: think典型例句: i think - -替代语 deem5: ugly典型例句: xxx is ugly替代语 hideous6: by the way典型例句: by the way,.替代语 incidentally.7: because典型例句: xxx because xxx替代语 in that/in as much as E.g: xxx because xxx8: consider典型例句: We must consider xxx替代语 allow for E.g : We must allow for xxx9

13、: much典型例句: there has been a much increase in the world population替代语 there has been a drastic increase in the -10: about典型例句:it is about 250 times of that替代语 it is approximately -11: buy替代语 purchase作文中的部分新颖表达及部分垃圾词汇的替代作文中的部分新颖表达及部分垃圾词汇的替代考研英语作文要想拿高分,就必须有一些与众不同的词汇或表达方式,笔者在这里所 说的“垃圾词汇”并没有贬低这些表达的意思,大家可以想象一个阅卷老师在阅几千份试 卷的过程中就看到几千次相同表达,分数可想而知,所以如何取舍你懂的。


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