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1、Marriot(万豪)开业前客房员工 14 天培训计划 williamSAMPLE 14-DAY HOUSEKEEPING ASSOCIATE TRAINING PLAN样本 客房员工 14 天培训计划DAYDAY 1 1 HR Introduction; Welcome to The hotel 人力资源介绍,欢迎来到酒店 HR Hotel Organization; Who is who and departmental relationships 酒店组织结构,部门职能和部门间的相互关系 HR Executive Committee Introductions; Associate In

2、troductions 酒店行政委员会介绍,同事介绍。 HR Your New Hotel/Facilities, segment type and “personality“ 人力资源你的新酒店、设施,部门的类型和特征。 HR Marriott International Structure and Philosophies 人力资源:组织结构和企业文化 HR/DH Hours of Operation 人力资源/部门主管:运做时间 HR/DH Rules and Regulations; The basic ground rules 人力资源/部门主管:规章制度,基本制度 HR/DH Ap

3、pearance and Standards 人力资源部/部门主管:外表和标准 HR/DH Safety; Working in a safe environment; Dealing with emergencies 人力资源部/部门主管:安全;工作环境的安全;紧急事故处理 HR/DH Tour of Hotel 人力资源部/部门主管:参观酒店 If total hotel orientation is a half day, the DH should ensure that the HR/DH training takes place in the afternoon, after th

4、e total hotel orientation, to cover those items as indicated. 如果酒店的入职培训进行半天时间,部门主管必须确认人力资源部/部门主管的培训必须在下午进行,在整个酒店的入职培训结束后,包括了以上所提到的项目。 HRHR = = HumanHuman ResourcesResources 人力资源人力资源 DHDH = = DepartmentDepartment HeadHead 部门主管部门主管 DAYDAY 2 2 CLASSROOMCLASSROOM TRAININGTRAINING 课堂培训课堂培训 IntroductionIn

5、troduction toto thethe HousekeepingHousekeeping DepartmentDepartment Who is Who 谁是谁 Schedules 日程安排 Guest Satisfaction 客人满意度 Guest Response 客人反应 Personal Safety 个人安全 Working Safety 工作安全 Guest and Guest Room Security 客人及客房安全 Lost and Found 失物招领 Fire Drill Procedure and Responsibilities 消防演习程序和应对 Assoc

6、iate Rotas 排班表 Working Areas 工作区域 Responsibilities 职责 HospitalityHospitality 好客好客 Resource: Hospitality Manual; Service Excellence Manual 资源:“好客”手册,卓越服务手册Dealing with Internal and External Customers 接待国内外客人 Interdepartmental Relationships 各部门间的关系 Communication skills 沟通技巧 Resource:Resource: 1st1st 1

7、010 HousekeepingHousekeeping ManualManual 客房手册客房手册 Explanation of Why Housekeeping Duties Contribute to a Smooth Check-In 解释为什么客房的职责是致力于入住的顺利办理。 Process 程序 Video 视频 Self-senioringSelf-senioring 自我提升自我提升 DAYDAY 3 3 CLASSROOMCLASSROOM TRAININGTRAINING 客房培训客房培训 1. Ecolab Guestroom Training 电子化客房培训 Reso

8、urce: “Ecolab World Trainer Services: Video and Test 资源:“电子化的培训:视频和测试” 2.2. DirtDirt SchoolSchool TrainingTraining 清洁学校培训清洁学校培训 Resource: Introduction and explanation of how and when to use cleaning supplies and chemicals 资源:介绍并解释如何与何时使用清扫工具和药水 and their safe use. 并且他们的安全使用。 3.3. Post-ItPost-It Stic

9、kerSticker TestTest 测试测试 Resource: Explanation and testing the acquired knowledge of associates by having them attach the right colored post-its to the right area to clean. 资源:通过他们正确地用颜色帖粘贴到正确的清洁区域,解释并测试员工已经学到的知识。 4.4. FloorFloor andand CarpetCarpet CleaningCleaning 地面和地毯的清洁地面和地毯的清洁 Resource: “Clean

10、ing Certification Manual“ Dirt School: Correct methods for cleaning various floor surfaces, i.e., carpet, marble, etc. 资源:“清洁类别手册”清洁学校:正确的方法清洁不同的地面,地毯、大理石等。 5.5. EquipmentEquipment MaintenanceMaintenance andand UsageUsage 设备的保养和使用设备的保养和使用 Resource: “Dirt School:” Ongoing maintenance of equipment; Sa

11、fe and careful use of equipment 资源:“清洁学校”正在进行的设备的保养;安全和小心的使用设备。 6.6. SpecialSpecial CleaningCleaning SuppliesSupplies 特殊清洁支持特殊清洁支持 ENDEND OFOF CLASSROOMCLASSROOM TRAININGTRAINING 课堂培训结束课堂培训结束 DAYDAY 4 4 - - 1414 ONON THETHE JOBJOB TRAININGTRAINING 在岗培训在岗培训 RoomRoom AttendantAttendant TrainingTrainin

12、g 客房服务员培训客房服务员培训 General Information 总体信息 Master Key Procedure 万能钥匙程序 Usage of Pager/Radio 对讲机、无线电话的使用 Linen Identification 布草鉴别 Stocking the Cart (fun exercise) 布草车的使用 Amenities, Supplies and Linen 易耗品补充和布草 Entering a Guest Room Dos and Donts 进入客房“应做”和“不应做” How to Make a Bed (fun exercise) 如何做床 Cle

13、aning Standards 清洁标准 Working in Rooms 房间工作 EIWO Making a Bed 做床 Cleaning a Bathroom 清洁浴室 Working in the Room the Marriott Way MARRIOTT 的在客房工作的方式 Self Inspection 自查 Updating Room Status 更新房态 Turndown Service 夜床服务 Organization of Linen Room 布草房组织结构 Usage of Work Orders 工作单的使用 Use of Housekeeping Repor

14、t 房务报表的使用 How to Open and Prepare a Sofabed or Rollaway 如何打开和准备加床 Duties on Guest Floors, i.e., Room Service Trays 客人楼层职责,也就是客房服务托盘 Floor supervisors should attend the same training and one day of PMS/FIDELIO training. 楼层主管需要参加一天的电脑系统/FIDELIO(操作系统名)培训 DAYDAY 4 4 - - 1414 ONON THETHE JOBJOB TRAININGT

15、RAINING HousekeepingHousekeeping AidesAides 行政管家助理行政管家助理 General Information 总说明 Master Key Procedures 万能钥匙的程序 Usage of Pager/Radio Cleanliness Standards EIWO (Everything in Working Order) 任何事处于正常运做状态 Usage of Work Orders Entering a Guest Room (Dos and Donts) Organization of Linen Room Working in Pu

16、blic Areas-Floors Duties on the Floors (Dusting, Vacuuming, etc.) 除尘、吸尘等 Use of Vacuum Cleaners, Mops, Buckets 吸尘器、拖把、清洁桶的使用 Usage of Special Materials and Chemicals Daily Maintenance of Equipment 每日设备的保养 Daily Cleaning 每天清扫 Lobby 大堂 Elevator 电梯 Escalators 自动扶梯 Restaurant and Bars 餐厅和酒吧 Hallways 走廊 Carpets 地毯 Marble Case 大理石 Offices 办公室 Tras


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