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1、12009 专八翻译英译汉难点注释及一词多译专八翻译英译汉难点注释及一词多译1.We, the human species, are confronting a planetary 我们人类 面临/遭遇 全球性危机emergency a threat to the survival of our civilization that is 这对人类文明的生存是一个威胁=人类文明的生存受到威胁gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather 我们相聚于此,与此同时,危机依然步步紧逼,前景堪忧,恐将贻害无穷here. 2.Bu

2、t there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to 也有令人鼓舞/鼓舞人心的solve this crisis and avoid the worst though not all of its 尽管不能避免危机带来的全部恶果尽管不能避免危机带来的全部恶果/避免其向最坏的方向发展避免其向最坏的方向发展 consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.敢作敢为 当机立断 行动快捷3.However, despite a growing number of honorable

3、exceptions,尽管越来越多的人做出令人尊敬的特立独行的举动too many of the worlds leaders are still best 世界上太多国家的领导人依然可以恰如其分地用温斯2described in the words Winston Churchill applied to those 顿丘吉尔的话来形容。丘吉尔在责备批评那些忽视(对视而不who ignored Adolf Hitlers threat:见/视若无睹)希特勒所构成威胁的人们时,说道:4. “They go on in strange paradox,他们在古怪稀奇的悖论中前进decided o

4、nly to be undecided, 态度明确却犹豫不决/举棋不定resolved to be irresolute, 决心已下却摇摆不定/骑墙观望adamant for drift, 意志坚定却见风使舵solid for fluidity, 稳固可靠却多变无常all powerful to be impotent.“实力强大却软弱无能5.So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of 如今我们又向环绕地球脆弱的大气层倾倒/排放global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere 污染环境的温室气体3surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And 大气层仿佛成为露天排污管/下水管tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the 变本加厉地排放变本加厉地排放cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more 大气层里温室气体含量越来越高,吸收越来越多的太阳热量大气层里温室气体含量越来越高,吸收越来越多的太阳热量heat from the sun.


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