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1、模联必备词群模联必备词群1、“化化”现代化modernize 市场化marketize地区化regionalize多极化polypolarize干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化。The ranks of the cadres become more revolutionary, younger in average age, better-educated and more professionally competent.Cadres are more revolutionary, younger, better-educated and more professional.国际关系

2、民主化Democracy should be practiced in international relations.We should practice democracy in international relations.企业化turn into business institutions makefunction as an enterprise集团化incorporateinto an enterprise公开化to be brought into the open股份化transferinto share holding如果两岸客运包机实现“节日化”,还可以向常态化发展。节日化

3、on all festivals and holidays常态化develop toward normalization develop into a regular practicedevelop and normalize/regularize this practice2、“在在的的下下”在改革开放的推动下Thanks to the further push by the opening-up and reform在中国共产党的领导下Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party在盟友的帮助下With its allies help

4、在改革开放政策的带动下Driven by the reform and opening-up policy3、“是是”constitute/represent/form/prove/系表结构以外的形式已是世界文化遗产之一.has been included in the World Cultural Heritage List旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。Tourism has demonstrated the happy wish for more knowledge, varied experience and good health.21 世纪头 20 年,是中国

5、全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的重要战略机遇期,也是中国旅游业发展的有利时期。The first 20 years of the 21st century represents an important strategic period for China to achieve all-round construction of a better-off society and to speed up its socialist modernization.4、“对对表示赞赏表示赞赏”we appreciatewed like to express our appreciation

6、forwe think highly ofdeserve our admirationwe see something constructive/admirable/meaningful/inspiring in your5、正向强化、正向强化 +加强合作strengthen cooperation促进发展promote development增加机会increase opportunities深化改革deepen reform推动贸易facilitate trade万能动词 further6、“值得(我们)欣慰值得(我们)欣慰/高兴高兴/欣喜欣喜/庆贺庆贺/的是的是”It is gratif

7、ying/delightful/pleasing/wonderful/great (for us) to know/seeWe/people are gratified/delighted/pleased/happy/glad to know/see7、“是是的原因的原因”be the instrument ofA generates/gives rise to/gives birth to/leads to/results in BAs a result/Consequently/Finally/各国有着不同的发展历史、文化传统、政治制度和经济模式,这是亚太地区富有发展活力的重要原因。Cou

8、ntries are different in history, cultural tradition, political system and economic model, which gives the region its very vigor and vitality.8、“问题问题”problem安全问题security concerns/security issues/security threats台湾问题Taiwan issue/problem/question根本问题basic question原则问题matter of principle找出问题locate the f

9、ault扬声器有问题There is a fault in the loudspeaker.我今天谈四个问题Id like to make four points today.9、“方式方式”ways/approaches工作方式work pattern管理/领导方式style of management/leadership各种付款方式various methods of payment经营方式mode of operation生活方式way of life/life style/mode of living运输方式means/forms of transport方式更加隐蔽,手段更加残忍。

10、Their activities are becoming more secretive, and means more brutal.用和平谈判的方式解决问题solve a problem by peaceful negotiation他做什么事都有自己的一套方式。He has a style of his own in everything.10、主张、主张/坚持坚持/提出提出/倡议倡议/倡导倡导stand for/maintain/hold/believe/agree/put forward/proposeadvocate/affirm/attest/avow/aver主张改革favor

11、 reforms/in favor of reforms主张维护世界和平stand for the maintenance of world peace坚持全面的、历史的、发展的观点persist in the comprehensive, historical and developmental viewpoint倡导禁止核武器take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons11、“重点重点”重点项目key project重点工作focal point of the work重点发展put priority on the development o

12、f sth重点推广make sth the keystone of popularization主张改革favor reforms/in favor of reforms重点支持生产区发展粮食生产Support will be focused on increasing production in major grain producing areas.12、“工作工作”、”现象现象”、“形势形势”大多数美国人,尤其是少数民族,都确信美国经济制度中存在着不公正现象。Most people in America, minority people in particular, are convin

13、ced that injustices exist in their economic system.最高级会议的准备工作继续进行。Preparations for the summit meeting continued.promote innovation on a national scale促进全国的创新工作世界形势继续发生深刻变化。The world is further witnessing deep changes.13、“充分发挥充分发挥/发扬发扬”充分发挥积极性 give full play to ones initiativebring ones initiative in

14、to full play我们应当充分发扬自力更生的精神。We should give full play to the spirit of self-reliance.科研机构转制为企业后,将建立现代企业制度,适应市场需要,从而充分发挥其研究、开发和创新的优势。Scientific research institutions, when transformed into enterprises, shall establish the modern enterprise system and orient/gear themselves geared to the needs of the m

15、arket, giving full play to their strength in research, development and innovation.14、“有利于有利于”beneficial/conducive/advantageous/wholesome/favorable/helpful中国将扶持有利于高新技术发展的资本市场。China will help foster capital markets conducive to the development of high-tech industries.15、“携手携手”hand in hand/join hands/w

16、ork jointly/make a concerted effort中国的科技部门将与国际科技界和全球经济界、商界携手共建新世界的创业平台。Chinas science and technology sector will work in partnership with the international community of science and technology as well as the economic and business circles of the world to build up a platform for innovation in the new century.16、“关键关键”key/decisive factor/hinge/crux关键的一年crucial year关键人物person of importance到关键时刻when it comes to t



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