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1、高一英语书面表达复习资料高一英语书面表达复习资料(1)、请根据以下提示写一篇关于早起有益的短文。(100 字左右)1、早起锻炼可使身体健康,强壮。2、早起朗读,有助于记住学过的东西。3、可为一天的活动做好准备。4、坚持早起对培养好的性格也很有益处。Getting up early is a good habit. It is of great importance to our health, our study and our life. First, it can help us to keep fit and strong. We can improve our health by do

2、ing morning exercises, walking, running in the open air. Second, getting up early and reading aloud can help memorize what we have learned easily. Third, if we get up early, we dont need to be in a hurry to go to school or work without having breakfast. So well have a very good mood all day. If we s

3、tick to it, it will benefit us a lot, especially in our character-making.(2)、假如你是一名学生干部,学校要举行一次英语讲座,请你用学生会的名 义写一份一百字左右的通知,包括下列内容:1、时间:2001 年 8 月 5 日,星期三下午 2:00 至 3:00。2、地点:学校餐厅。3、主讲人:山东大学美籍教授杰克逊先生。4、内容:现代美国英语。5、注意事项:可带朋友参加,不要迟到。6、另外说明:我们即将成立英语角,使同学们有机会用英语进行交谈,提 高英语水平。报告会后进行进一步讨论。NoticeThere will be

4、an English lecture on the modern American English by Mr Jackson, an American professor from Shandong University. It will be given in the school dining hall on Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. August 5,2001. Those who are interested in it are welcome. And you may invite your friends to attend it. Be

5、sure not to be late. By the way, we have decided to set up an English Corner in our school. We will be able to have free talks in English and improve our English from then on. Well have a further discussion about it after the lecture.The Students Union August 1,2001(3)请根据下面的表格内容写一篇关于“神舟”(“Shenzhou”)

6、的短文。时 间进 展 情 况 长期以来中国人梦想进入太空 1999 年至 2002 年成功地发射了三艘无人飞船 2002 年 12 月 31 日至 2003 年 1 月 5 日“神舟四号”发射升空,并成功地返回地面,完成了 七项科学实验,为下一步载人飞船的发射做准备“神舟四号”的成功发射和返回,表明中国有能力把 人送入太空 2003 年第一艘载人飞船进入太空,实现了中国人进入太空的 梦想注意:(1)词数 100 左右(2)参考词汇:无人 unmanned 载人 manned 飞船 spacecraft(单复同) 发射 launch(vt. /n.)One possible version:Th

7、e Chinese people have been dreaming of going into(outer)space for a long time. From 1999 to 2002 China had launched three unmanned spacecraft successfully. On Dec. 31th 2002, the launch of the fourth spacecraft “Shenzhou ” was another big success and the spacecraft returned to the earth safely on Ja

8、nuary 5th , 2003. During its flight, seven scientific experiments were carried out. The purpose of the flight is to make preparations for the launch of a manned spacecraft next time. The successful launch and return shows that China is able to send a person into space soon. In 2003, Shenzhou V, the

9、first manned spacecraft, was successfully sent into space, and the Chinese dream came true.How proud we Chinese are! (4)鲁迅是位众所周知的人,请你根据以下英文提示,写一篇关于鲁迅先生的 短文。词数 100 左右。Appearance: a short man, deep-set eyes, thick moustache, broad shoulders, be dressed in a long suit, etc.Character: seldom smile, be d

10、eep in thought, like smoking, etc.Doings: read widely, learn English well, write a lot of novels and essays, fight bravely against the enemy, lead a simple life, etc.Saying: stick to the truth, do everything for the people, etc.One possible version:Lu XunLu Xun was a short amn with deep-set eyes, th

11、ick moustache, short hear and broad shoulders. He used to be dressed in a long suit and seldom smiled. He liked smoking, especially while he was deep in thought. When he was young, he showed a great interest in reading. He learned English very well. He hated his enemies so much that he wrote a lot o

12、f movels and essays to fight bravely against them. He lived a simple life all his life.He loved the people very deeply. He once said, “I should stick to the truth and do everything for the people.”(5)根据提示用英语介绍二十世纪杰出的女性之一:海伦凯勒(Helen Keller.)。内容要点如下:1、海伦凯勒 1880 年 6 月出生于美国。她十九个月大时,由于生病变得 又聋又盲。从此她就生活在见不

13、到天日、听不到声音的世界里。2、七岁时,她的父母给她找了一名老师Miss Sullivan. Miss Sullivan 在教海伦的过程中遇到了许多困难。由于海伦的坚强意志和智慧以及 Miss Sullivan 的技巧和耐心,她们克服了所有的困难,并取得了成功。3、她完成了大学教育,取得了英语文学学位;致力于盲聋儿童的社会工作; 著有多本著作,其中我的一生(The Story of My Life)最为著名。注意:1)介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条翻译。2)可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯。3)词数:130 左右。参考词汇:意志和智慧 will and intelligence;技巧和耐心 s

14、kill and patience;英语文学学位 a degree in English literatureOne possible versionHelen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century. She was born in America in June, 1880. When she was nineteen months old, she became blind and deaf because of a serious illness. From then one she lived in darkn

15、ess and silence.Her parents were greatly worried. When she was seven, they found a teacher, Miss Sullivan, for her. Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulties in teaching Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf. With Helens strong will and intelligence, combined with her teachers skill and patience, they

16、overcame all the difficulties. Helen Keller became an able student and graduated from a college. She finally received a university degree in English literature. Later on she devoted all herself to helping the blind and deaf children. She wrote many books and The Story of My Life is a remarkable one.(6)、根据以下内容,写一篇介绍无锡简况的短文。无锡位于太湖之滨,临近上海,以太湖而文明。是一座历史悠久、风景优 美的城市,有“小上海”和“鱼米之乡”的美称。无锡面积大约有 5,000 平方 公里(square kilometre),人口 420 万。在过去的 20


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