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1、宿舍管理制度(暂行) Dormitory Rules and Regulations(provisional version)一、目的: 为加强员工宿舍管理, 使员工宿舍保持整洁的环境和良好的公共秩序,以利员工获得充分的休 息,更好地投入工作,特制定本管理办法。Purpose: The objective of the present rules and regulations is to bring clarity to issues related to the operation, management and supervision of dormitories and to prov

2、ide for the needs of employees staying in dormitories by ensuring comfortable, safe and orderly boarding. 二、范围: 凡在公司住宿之职员工。Application scope: All employees in Jinzhou Foundry. 三、职责: Responsibilities 3.1 综合部:负责按本制度的具体实施监督及评定工作。 Administration dept: In charge of the implementation and supervision of t

3、hese rules and regulations. 3.2 宿舍管理员:负责公司所有员工入住安排、登记表更新及纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等 日常管理。(由综合部指定人员)Dormitory keeper: Be responsible for the daily dormitory management, including check-in arrangement for all the staff, electricity security, equipment maintenance etc,.(Dormitory keeper is appointed by the admin

4、istration dept.) 3.3 宿舍长:负责协助宿舍管理员管理宿舍的纪律、卫生、用电安全、设施维护等日常管理。(每 宿舍指定一人)Dormitory leader: Help the dormitory keeper with the daily dormitory management.(For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader designated by the dormitory keeper.) 四、程序: Procedures: 4.1 宿舍长的产生及职责: The responsibilities of the

5、dormitory leader: 4.1.1 每个宿舍员工推举一名,或综合部指定一名,在综合部备案。For every apartment, there is one dormitory leader elected by the staff of the apartment or designated by the dormitory keeper. 4.1.2 负责安排卫生值日表并传达公司新的宿舍管理规定与相关的通知,并确认执行情况。Make sure regulations and arrangements about dormitories is delivered to every

6、 roommate and carried out smoothly. Supervise roommates to do the cleaning work.4.1.3 当发现有违反宿舍日常管理规范的行为及时制止,情节严重时,必须报告宿舍管理员及综合部处理。Maintain the good order and safety of the dormitory. Report any violations of disciplines to the administration department. 4.1.4 当宿舍的水、电等发生故障时,负责及时通知宿舍管理员。Report any dam

7、age of dormitory properties to the administration department. 五、 宿舍安排及规范: Dormitory arrangements and regulations: 5.1 宿舍人员安排: Employee check-in arrangement: 5.1.1 本公司在职员工于附近区域无适当住所或交通不便者,可以到综合填报宿舍申请登记表, 书面申请到公司宿舍区住宿。综合部将视床位空余情况、员工实际困难和该员工日常工作表 现情况,酌情考虑并作出安排。Employees can apply for living in dormitor

8、ies if their home is far away or if it s not convenient for them to go home everyday. Firstly, the employee should fill in a Dormitory Application Form, give it to the administration department, and then the administration department will arrange beds for them according to dormitory vacancy, actual

9、difficulties and performance evaluation of the employee. 5.1.2 新员工如需要入住宿舍应先填写宿舍入住申请表,待公司审批后交宿舍管理员后通知新员 工入住。After the application is approved by the company and is given to the dormitory keeper, the employee will be informed to live in the dormitory. 5.1.3 宿舍管理员应对宿舍所有入住人员的房号及床铺进行统一编号。按照同一部门统一安排的原 则安排

10、人员住宿。Dormitory keeper will number the room and bed of each employee according to their specific department. 5.2 水电费用扣除标准: 公司为员工提供住宿条件,但每月的电费和水费等由各宿舍舍员根据入住时间平摊所有费用。The company provides dormitories to employees, but all employees in the apartment will have to share the charges of water and electricity

11、. 5.3 宿舍日常管理规范及奖惩: Daily management of the dormitories: 5.3.1 凡入住宿舍内的所有员工必须服从宿舍管理员的管理和安排。 All the employees living in the dormitories must follow the arrangement of the dormitory keeper. 5.3.2 晚上 11 点后,严禁男女互访。严禁男女混居一室(夫妻需提供民政部门的结婚证明),违者 给予辞退处理;Dont enter dormitories of opposite sex employees after 1

12、1 O clock at night. Male and female employees are not allowed to live in one room.(Husband and wife need to provide marriage certificate), otherwise the employees will be dismissed 5.3.3 宿舍未经允许不得留宿非本公司员工,如有发现,第一次扣罚100 元,第二次扣罚 200 元, 并取消入住资格。Employees are not allowed to bring non-employees to stay in

13、 dormitories at night without permission, otherwise for the first time, the employee will be fined by 100RMB and for the second time, the employee will be fined by 200RMB and will be cancelled the qualification of living in the dormitories. 5.3.4 晚上 11:30 以后,严禁在宿舍内大声喧哗、开电视、放音响,影响他人的正常作息。Keep quiet i

14、n the dormitories. Dont make noise and play music loudly and knock on the doors heavily after 11:30 at night. 5.3.5 个人床褥、衣服、鞋、桶及个人日常清洁用品须整理好,保持宿舍整齐卫生。宿舍卫生要定 期检查,对卫生不达标的员工予以警告或处罚。Every one is responsible for the cleaning of the apartment. Make the beds and arrange everything neatly. There will be reg

15、ular dormitory check and if the apartment doesnt meet the cleaning standard, the employees in the apartment will be warned or fined. 5.3.6 入住员工应爱护宿舍内的一切公共设施,损坏照价赔偿,不得从阳台、窗户往外乱扔杂物、 倒水、垃圾应集中倒在宿舍过道指定的垃圾桶内。不得在墙壁、橱柜上随意张贴字画或钉物 品,违者处以 1050 元罚款,否则同寝室人员同罚。Employees should keep dormitory properties properly a

16、nd any damage will be paid. Don t throw rubbish and water out of the window. Place trash in designated containers. Don t put up pictures and drawing or nails on the wall, otherwise will be fined by 10 to 50 RMB. 5.3.7 所有员工宿舍均不允许私自拉电线、装接电器、不能超负荷用电、不能使用煤气炉。要保持 高度防火意识预防火灾事故严禁在宿舍内使用明火(如:烧煤气罐、烧酒精炉等)。严禁使用 电炉,电热杯、热得快、电熨斗、伪劣电源插板等电器及非安全器具,如若发现,如若发现, 给予责任人 200 元/次的处罚,否则同寝室人员同罚。Employees are not allowed to connect cables and electrical appliance unauthorized. Keep alert


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