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1、婴儿的房间能不能使用加湿器初冬天气干燥,湿度在下降,空气中水分减少,很多家庭开始长时间使用空气加湿器,却因使用不当而引发了一些疾病,甚至个别婴儿患上了轻度哮喘。那么婴儿房能用加湿器吗?滥用加湿器,危害宝宝健康婴儿肌肤的厚度只有成人的十分之一,极其娇嫩, 又容易流失水分,天气干燥皮肤就容易起皮、干裂,重者有可能发生皲裂,引起疼痛,所以在房间内添置加湿器对呵护婴儿肌肤有一定好处。 通过吸入大量加湿器振荡在空气中的水分,有利于保持呼吸道的湿润,但如果使用不正确,非但不能净化空气,反而会增加婴幼儿患呼吸道疾病的可能性。专家表示,空气湿度在40%至 60%,人体感觉良好。一旦空气湿度低于20%,室内可吸

2、入颗粒物增多,就容易使人患上感冒。若空气湿度太高,如超过90%,会使呼吸系统和黏膜产生不适,免疫力下降,会诱发幼儿患上流感、哮喘、支气管炎等病症。如果没有得到定期清理, 加湿器中的霉菌等微生物还会随着气雾进入空气,再进入人的呼吸道中,容易患“加湿性肺炎” 。专家提醒, 长时间使用加湿器并不利于人体健康,所以加湿一定要适度。长期用加湿器的家庭,使用时最好配置湿度表,将室内湿度保持在一定范围,同时加湿器应该每天换水,并做好清洁消毒工作。婴儿加湿器使用注意事项:一、加湿气要放在离地面1米的高度,这样加湿的效果才好。二、加湿气只能用纯净水和凉白开。三、加湿气的水必须24 小时更换一次。四、加湿气装水的

3、瓶需每周清洗一次,其他部位每月清洗一次。五、将加湿气开到最大档,没有白雾为好的加湿气。六、不能长时间使用加湿气,否则孩子会得过敏性(好象是哮喘 )。那就停停用用吧,反正我束之高阁,招到我LG 的嘲笑。大家可以想别的方法:养鱼可以增加室内湿度;屋里放盆水;多擦几次灰;在暖气上放湿毛巾。A decline in winter the weather is dry, humidity, less moisture in the air, many families began to use a humidifier for a long time, but some disease, caused

4、by improper use or even individual infants suffering from mild asthma. Can the babys room humidifier? Abuse of humidifier, harm to babys health A babys skin is only about one over ten of the adult, extremely delicate, and easy to loss of moisture, dry skin is easy peeling, dry weather, the person th

5、at weigh possible cracked, pain, so buy humidifier in the room to care for the baby skin have certain advantages. Through inhalation humidifier oscillation in the moisture in the air, is beneficial to keep the respiratory tract moist, but if you are using is not correct, not only can purify air, it

6、 will increase the possibility of breathing way disease in infants. Experts said that the air humidity in 40% to 60%, the body feel good. Once the air humidity is below 20%, indoor particulate matter increased, is easy to make people suffer from colds. If the humidity is too high, such as more than

7、90%, the respiratory system and mucous membrane causes discomfort, immune suppression, can induce children suffering from the flu, asthma, bronchitis and other diseases. If you dont get regular cleaning, humidifier in the mold and other microbes can also with the aerosol in the air, then enter the h

8、uman respiratory tract, prone to “add wet pneumonia“. The expert reminds, long time use of humidifier is not conducive to human health, so the humidifying must be moderate. With humidifier family for a long time, the best configuration when using humidity table, keep indoor humidity within a certain

9、 range, the humidifier should change water every day at the same time, and do a good job cleaning disinfection. Baby humidifier use notice: A, add moisture should be put in the height of 1 meter from the ground, so the effect of humidification. Second, to add moisture can only use pure water and col

10、d boiled water. Third, add moisture of water must be replaced every 24 hours. Four, add moisture water bottles should be cleaned once a week, other parts of the cleaning once a month. Five, to add moisture to the largest, no white mist for good with moisture. Six, cannot be used for a long time to add moisture, otherwise children will have allergic x (like asthma). And use it for you, anyway I on the shelf, to laugh at my LG. You can think other way: fish can increase the indoor humidity. The house put a basin of water; Brush a few times more grey; Put wet towels on the heating.



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