外研版(三起)英语五下 Unit 9基础知识检测 试题

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1、BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具五年级英语下册 Unit 9 基础知识检测一、 将下列短语译成汉语。1. football game _ 2. carry the ball _3. get a goal _ 4. corner kick _5. come back _ 6. cheer for the team _7. up and down _ 8. three to five _9. a big day _ 10. run into the field _二、写出所给动词的过去式。have_ want _ go _ jump _can

2、t _ dont _ play _ get _fall _ hurt _ win _ read _三 单项选择。1. There is a basketball game _ Blue Team and Green Team.A. behind B. from C. between D. with2. Yesterday was a big day _ them.A . to B. for C. in D. on3. Mocky got the ball and did a beautiful _.A. header B. head C. heading D. hand4. _ all go

3、to the volleyball game today.A. Robin and me B. Robin and I C. I and Robin D. Me and Robin5. When our team got the first goal, Mocky was very _.A. excite B. exciting C. exciteing D. excited6. My brother can _ very well.A. plays football B. play the footballC. play football D. plays the footba四 仿照样子写

4、出单词,短语和句子。例:(I, every Sunday, at school, volleyball)volleyballplay volleyballI play volleyball every Sunday.I play volleyball at school every Sunday.班级:_ 姓名:_ 1. ( my brother, on Tuesdays , in the park, basketball )_ _ _ _2. (we, every weekend, at the gym, table tennis)_ _ _ _3. ( Tom, after homewor

5、k, at home, flute)_ _ _ _5. ( I , next Monday, at the movie theater, movie)_ _ BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具_ _五 根据答语,选词填空。1_is your birthday? My birthday is in October.2. _ is your best friend? My best friend is Lin Fang.3. _ row are we in? We are in Row F.4. _ are you? Im eleven yea

6、rs old.5. _ backpack is it? Maybe its Kens.6. _ is Peter? Hes over there, under the tree.7_ games do you like? Football and badminton.8. _ do you like playing piano? Because its very interesting. 六 根据提示回答问题。1 When do you play football? _ (after school)2 Where do you play football? _( at school)3 Who is the man? _( my uncle)4 Whats your favorite sports? _ (排球) 5


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