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1、专科生毕业设计(论文)I摘 要智能照明控制系统是自动化技术在照明控制领域的应用和推广,它不仅是实现照明艺术性和舒适性的有效手段,而且迎合绿色照明的发展方向,是节约能源、缓解未来能源危机的有效措施,其发展前景非常广阔。现场总线是连接现场设备和自动化系统的通信网络,具有全数字信号传输、控制功能分散、开放等特点。CAN总线是现场总线之一,它具有可靠性高、价格低廉等优势,得到了广泛的应用。本文讨论了CAN总线在照明控制中的应用,分析了基于CAN总线的分布式智能照明控制系统结构,设计了基于CAN总线的分布式智能照明控制试验系统。其主要研究内容如下:根据照明设备的多样性、分散性、广阔性等特点,结合现场总线


3、件以C语言程序设计方式为主,结合汇编语言程序设计的某些优势,适当地嵌入汇编指令,实现了智能继电器、调光器、按键的通信与控制功能。关键词:智能照明;照明控制;CAN 总线;分布式控制专科生毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractThe intelligent illumination conrtolsy stem is the application and popularity of automation technology. It is not only the effective realiz -able methods of aesthetical and comfortable ligh

4、t but also accordance with the “Green Illumination“ and its direction of development that is an app -roval of saving energy and alleviating energy crisis, so that it has a promising brilliant prospect.Field-bus, a communication network for conn -ecting equipments in field and automation system, has

5、lots of prominent features such as totally digital transmission, distributed control func -tion, opening system. CAN-bus, which is one of Field-buses, has advantages in high reliability and low cost so as to it has been used largely in many fields. The dissertation discussed the application of CAN-b

6、us in illumi -nation control, analyzed the system construction of the distributedin telligent conrtol basedon CAN-bus,designeda nexperiment system of inte -lligent illumination conrtol system basedon CAN-bus.The main content ofdissertation is listed as followings:According to the variouse quipment o

7、f illumination extensively distributed separately, concerned the advant ages of CAN-bus inlayer of field equipments,the dissertation analyzed the network construction of distributed intelligent illumination control system based on CAN-bus and the different type of CAN conjunctions and their characte

8、rs, functions, and requirements. Furthermore, an experiment system has been presented to realize the distributed intelligent illumination control system based on CAN-bus PICI8 Fxx8 seriess ingle-chipsw erec hoosed to design different CAN conjuncitons ucha sin telligentde lay,in tellige -ntad just me

9、nt of lighting,of PICI8Fxx8 were in charge of gathering input signal of keys, and driving the LED and the winding of delays. The A/D modes gathered current and voltage signal, the ECCP modes realized how to adjust lighting by SPWM technology, of the experiment system, programming mostly with C langu

10、age. Key words:In telligent Illumination;Illumination Control; CAN-Bus;Distributed Control专科生毕业设计(论文)III目 录第 1 章 绪 论.11.1 引言.11.2 课题的研究意义.11.3 国内外发展现状.31.4 全文主要内容.4第 2 章基于 CAN 总线的分布式智能照明控制系统结构.52.1 照明系统控制方式.52.1.1 传统照明控制方式.52.1.2 自动照明控制方式.62.1.3 智能照明控制系统.72.2 基于 CAN 总线的分布式智能照明控制系统.92.2.1 CAN 总线系统的组成.92.2.2 CAN 总线系统的节点.112.2.3 分布式智能照明控制系统的 CAN 节点类型.112.3 CAN 总线系统的通信方式.122.3.1 多主式结构.122.3.2 主从式结构.132.4 基于 CAN 总线的分布式智能照明控制试验系统.132.5 本章小结.14第 3 章系统硬件设计.153.1 智能继电器的硬件设计.153.1.1 智能继电器原理框图.153.1.2 检测电路设计.173.1.3 接口电路设计.1


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