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1、智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料GMAT逻辑blank题型真题解析-智课教育其中,有一种常见题型较其它题目来说比较难于把握,这就是填空 题。填空题类似于完形填空,但是考察的方向却是逻辑关系。 一、GMAT逻辑blank题型分析 1、blank题的定义。 blank题型,又称填空题。顾名思义,其形式也是在提干中某处拿 掉一个句子后变成一个空,要求我们根据原文中句子之间或逻辑对象之 间的逻辑关系,将空格上缺少的句子补充完整。 例如:自由女神像坐落在金融中心曼哈顿,因此它鼓舞着很多的金 融才子努力学习,因为_. 2、blank题型题的标志: 1)标志词:blank、_ complete th

2、e sentence这些标志词一 旦出现在某道题目的问题中,我们基本上可以判定这道题目为填空题。 2)典型问法。 Which of the following best completes the passage below? Which one of the following is the best completion of the argument above? Based on the passage above, which phrase does NOT provide a logical completion to the following sentence?(详情请看 GM

3、AT逻辑blank题综述) 二、GMAT逻辑blank题的类型和解题方法 1. 填空题类型一:填原因。 例如:自由女神像坐落在金融中心曼哈顿,因此它鼓舞着很多的金 融才子努力学习,因为_. 1)填原因的标志词: Because _, since _ A, therefore, B since_ A, but, B since_ 2)填原因的做题方法: A, therefore, B since _C_不用考虑文章中的“AB”推导的过程;把A和C放在一块,看其是 否推导出B;越直接,推导的步骤越少越好。 A, but, B since _C_ 直接判断哪个C能够推导出B.正确选项C,是跟A有关系

4、的。 3)填原因题目的特点: 1)空格前面那句话和转折词前面是重点。 2)类似解释题。 2、填空题类型二:填例子和填结论。 1)填结论:(2种形式):一种是用文中的信息点去解释一个未知的事 件;另一种类似归纳题。 2)填例子=高度仿写前面的“推导过程”。 (详情请看 GMAT逻辑blank题解题方法) 三、GMAT逻辑blank题例题分析 为了帮助大家更好地了解填空题型的解题方法如何运用,智课教育 小编为大家整理了下面两道例题。 例题:PG13-P503-12 Which of the following most logically completes the passage?Most bi

5、cycle helmets provide good protection for the top and back of the head, but little or no protection for the temple regions on the sides of the head. A study of head injuries resulting from bicycle accidents showed that a large proportion were caused by blows to the temple area. Therefore, if bicycle

6、 helmets protected this area, the risk of serious head injury in bicycle accidents would be greatly reduced, especially since_. (A) among the bicyclists included in the studys sample of head injuries, only a very small proportion had been wearing a helmet at the time of their accident. (B) even thos

7、e bicyclists who regularly wear helmets have a poor understanding of the degree and kind of protection that helmets afford.(C) a helmet that included protection for the temples would have to be somewhat larger and heavier than current helmets. (D) the bone in the temple area is relatively thin and i

8、mpacts in that area are thus very likely to cause brain injury (E) bicyclists generally land on their arm or shoulder when they fall to the side, which reduces the likelihood of severe impacts on the side of the head. 解析:题干:大部分的自行车头盔都为头顶和后脑提供良好的保护 ,但是却忽视了头两侧太阳穴部位。一项针对自行车事故头部损伤的研 究表明其中的一大部分是出自太阳穴部位损伤

9、。所以,如果自行车头盔 保护该区域的话,自行车事故头部严重受伤的风险将大大降低,因为_ _。 A 质疑了研究的准确性,错误。 B 骑车的人对头盔保护作用认识不够,混淆了关键对象。 C 保护太阳穴部位的头盔会更大更重,引入无关属性。 D 指出了太阳穴部位本身就很脆弱,是我们要找的关键对象的关键 属性。正确! E 指出太阳穴部位不易受伤,逻辑方向错误。 例题:OG16-P515-43Which of the choices most logically completes the following argument? NowNews, although still the most popula

10、r magazine covering cultural events in Kalopolis, has recently suffered a significant drop in advertising revenue because of falling circulation. Many readers have begun buying a competing magazine that, at 50 cents per copy, costs less than NowNews at $1.50 per copy. In order to boost circulation a

11、nd thus increase advertising revenue, NowNewss publisher has proposed making it available at no charge. However, this proposal has a serious drawback, since_. (A) Those Kalopolis residents with the greatest interest in cultural events are regular readers of both magazines.(B) One reason NowNewss cir

12、culation fell was that its competitors reporting on cultural events was superior. (C) The newsstands and stores that currently sell NowNews will no longer carry it if it is being given away for free (D) At present, 10 percent of the total number of copies of each issue of NowNews are distributed fre

13、e to students on college campuses in the Kalopolis area. (E) Now Newss competitor would begin to lose large amounts of money if it were forced to lower its cover price. 解析:尽管NowNews在K这个地区仍然是包含文化事件的最流行 的杂志,但最近由于发行量的下降,广告收入有一个严重的下滑。许多 读者开始购买竞争对手的杂志(50美分一份),比NowNews每份低1.5美 分。为了促进发行量,提高广告收入,NowNews发行商提议

14、免费发行 。然而,这个提议有一个严重的缺点,因为_。 A 对文化事件感兴趣的读者就会成为两种杂志的定期读者。无关选 项。不知道以前是什么样的,成为定期读者不知道会不会对广告收入造 成影响。 B NowNews发行量下降的原因是竞争对手关于文化事件的报道更 胜一筹。跟提议无关。C 如果它免费发行的话,那么报社和商量将不再卖NowNews的杂 志。正确,发行量不会增加。 D 现在,NowNews每次发行总数量的10%将会免费发给K地学校 学生,无关选项。 E 如果NowNews的竞争对手被迫降价,它将会损失大量的钱。无 关选项。 (详情请看 GMAT逻辑OG16) GMAT逻辑blank题型一般会在中高分数段出现,如果大家遇到这 种题型也不要慌张,填空题看似难以琢磨,实际上如果你通过一些关系 词分析出逻辑对象或句子之间的关系,填空解题也是轻而易举的。



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