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1、智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料GMAT逻辑例题详解-智课教育GMAT逻辑例题详解的内容小编为大家整理了十道题目,希望对大 家备考有帮助,一起来看下面的GMAT逻辑例题详解吧。 1、Snowmaking machines work by spraying a mist that freezes immediately on contact with cold air. Because the sudden freezing kills bacteria, QuickFreeze is planning to market a wastewater purification system

2、 that works on the same principle. The process works only when temperatures are cold, however, so municipalities using it will still need to maintain a conventional system. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for a prediction that municipalities will buy QuickFreezes puri

3、fication system despite the need to maintain a conventional purification system as well? Bacteria are not the only impurities that must be removed from wastewater. Many municipalities have old wastewater purification systems that need to be replaced.Conventional wastewater purification systems have

4、not been fully successful in killing bacteria at cold temperatures. During times of warm weather, when it is not in use, QuickFreezes purification system requires relatively little maintenance. Places where the winters are cold rarely have a problem of water shortage. 答案:C 题干逻辑关系:因果 考点:支持类题目 选项分析:造雪

5、机通过喷撒一层接触到冷空气后立即凝固的薄雾 来运作,这种突然的水汽凝固可以杀灭细菌。QF 公司计划销售一种基于这种原理的废水净化系统 。但是由于这种灭菌过程只能在低温下运作,所以运用这种系统的市政机关还是需要维持传统 的净化系统。 要证明运用新系统的市政机关还是需要维持传统的净化系统必须找 出有力的现象来支持结论。A选项的only太过于绝对话,且只是说细菌 自身的特性,与问题无关。B选项给出的是反对理由,因为如果很多市 政原有的旧废水净化系统需要更新,那么新系统可以代替老系统,而不 需要新旧系统同时使用。D选项无关或给出的信息不影响推理,没有和推 理中的元素 link 起来,只是单纯地说QF废

6、水净化系统需不需要保养的 问题,与问题无关。E选项说冬天比较冷的地方很少会有水资源短缺的 问题,与结论无关。C选项正确。 时长:3分 2. Homeowners aged 40 to 50 are more likely to purchase ice cream and are more likely to purchase it in larger amounts than are members of any other demographic group. The popular belief that teenagers eat more ice cream than adults

7、must, therefore, be false. The argument is flawed primarily because the author fails to distinguish between purchasing and consuming does not supply information about homeowners in age groups other than 40 to 50depends on popular belief rather than on documented research findings does not specify th

8、e precise amount of ice cream purchased by any demographic group discusses ice cream rather than more nutritious and healthful foods 答案:C 题干逻辑关系:因果 考点:逻辑缺陷题中的因果关系类题目 选项分析:The argument is flawed primarily because the author中is flawed表明其为逻辑缺陷题。选项B:题干已给出40至50岁 的家长比任何其他年龄段的人买的都多,而且即使给出其他年龄段人的喜好相关信息,仍然不能

9、支持结论。其它选项分别讲的是大众观点、任 何人购买冰激凌的准确数量以及营养健康食品与结论无关。只有选项A 对成年人买冰激凌和吃冰激凌之间的关系进行了解释,所以正确。 时长:3分 3. Suncorp, a new corporation with limited funds, has been clearing large sections of the tropical Amazon forest for cattle ranching. This practice continues even though greater profits can be made from rubber t

10、apping, which does not destroy the forest, than from cattle ranching, which does destroy the forest. Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why Suncorp has been pursuing the less profitable of the two economic activities mentioned above? The soil of the Amazon forest is very rich inn

11、utrients that are important in the development of grazing lands. Cattle-ranching operations that are located intropical climates are more profitable than cattle-ranching operations that are located in cold-weather climates. In certain districts, profits made from cattle ranching are more heavily tax

12、ed than profits made from any other industry.Some of the cattle that are raised on land cleared in the Amazon are killed by wildcats. The amount of money required to begin a rubber-tapping operation is twice as high as the amount needed to begin a cattle ranch. 案:E 题干逻辑关系:对比 考点:解释题中的解释现象 选项分析:橡胶开发作业

13、不仅不损害雨林而且盈利多,但是这一 公司却选用了畜牧业这个相比之下既损害雨林盈利又少的项目,要解释 这一现象就要挖掘隐含的信息。选项E解释开始橡胶开发作业的初始资 金需求是开始畜牧业的两倍。启动资金少,所以选择畜牧业,尽管它的 利润少。而且文章说的很清楚,这个公司资金是有限的。所以很可能没有足够多的资金用于建立橡胶开发。很充分地解释了这一现象,是正确 的。选项A只解释了为什么畜牧业有利可图,不能解释为什么选择利润 相对少的畜牧业。选项B只关心热带地区公司,和寒冷地区公司不相关 ,选项里的比较没有意义。选项C和选项D的解释与结论相反。畜牧业 税收重,更不应该选择畜牧业,不能解释为什么选择。 时长

14、:3分 4. According to a prediction of the not-so-distant future published in 1940, electricity would revolutionize agriculture. Electrodes would be inserted into the soil, and the current between them would kill bugs and weeds and make crop plants stronger. Which of the following, if true, most strong

15、ly indicates that the logic of the prediction above is flawed? In order for farmers to avoid electric shock while working in the fields, the current could be turned off at such times without diminishing the intended effects. If the proposed plan for using electricity were put into practice, farmers

16、would save on chemicals now being added to the soil.It cannot be taken for granted that the use of electricity is always beneficial. Since weeds are plants, electricity would affect weeds in the same way as it would affect crop plants. Because a planting machine would need to avoid coming into contact with the electrodes, new parts for planting machines would need to be designed. 答案:D 题干逻辑关系:因果关系 考点:逻辑缺陷题中的因果关系类题目 选项分析:Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates



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