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1、九上九上 Unit3 单词释义单词释义allow allowance n. allowable adj.l To let do or happen; permit:准许,容许:准许:We allow smoking only in restricted areas.l To permit the presence of:允许的进入:No pets are allowed inside.allow+(名)/doing: Ill never allow such behavior.allow+(名)人+to do: My parents wont allow me to stay out late

2、.piercepiercing adj. piercingly adv.(副词)(常与 with 连用)刺穿;戳入The man pierced it with a knife.The needle pierced the material.licensen. 执照;许可证a license to drive a car 驾驶汽车的执照The policeman asked to see his driving license.警察要求看他的驾驶执照。vt.准许;发给执照;批准We are sure that these purchases will soon be licensed.我们相信

3、订货不久可得到批准。注意在美语中名词和动词均为 license,而在英语中 license 是动词,而名词则为licence。sillysil.li.er, sil.li.est sillily adv. silliness n.be silly to do=it is silly +of +人to doYou are silly to spend so much on clothes.=Its silly of you to spend so much money on clothes.earring通常用复数形式 She wore golden earrings.她戴金耳环。instead

4、 ofprep.(介词)In place of; rather than:代替;宁愿:ordered chicken instead of fish.点了鸡而不是鱼stay up 熬夜 stay on 续留;不走 stay away from 离开某人; 缺席 stay out 在外过夜strictbe strict with 对于严格 First of all, you must be strict with yourself.in the strict sense of word 严格说来 concentratel 集中(注意力、思想等+on)Concentrate on your wor

5、k.集中精神工作。A driver should concentrate on the road when driving.l 集中于某处;使集中于一点concentrate rays of light into a focusIndustrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country.volunteervt., vi.(常与 to 连用)自愿去做,主动请求去做 We all volunteered to paint the house.(常与 for 连用)作为志愿者,志愿参军 volunteer for t

6、he armyn. 常与 for 连用, 表“对的(自愿)” Are there volunteers for the event?locallocally adv.) localness n.adj. 某地的特别是自己所居住的local news 当地新闻 local customs 某地特有的风俗 local government 地方政府n.c. 通常用复数形式 locals, 本地人,当地居民local color 地方色彩 local time 当地时间performper-彻底,完全+form 形状。造成完全的形状即为完成,执行performance n. perform a tr

7、ick 表演特技 perform ones promise 履行承诺perform, execute 5eksikju:t, accomplish E5kCmpliF, achieve E5tFi:v, effect i5fekt, fulfill ful5fil, discharge dis5tFB:dV 这些动词都表示执行以完成。l Perform 是采取某行动、任务或步骤;通常暗含对适当形式的遵守或技艺或小心的执行:The orchestra and chorus performed an Easter oratorio. 乐团和合唱队表演了复活节圣乐。l Execute 暗指根据计划或

8、设计来完成任务或使某事产生影响:execute the terms of a will 执行遗嘱l Accomplish 暗示成功地完成某事,常指需要坚韧与才能来完成的事:“Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week” (Robert Louis Stevenson). “做一次勇敢的尝试看看一周后能获得什么” (罗伯特路易丝史蒂文森)。l Achieve 尤指通过努力或克服困难而获得某物; 本词常意指重大的结果:“Some are born great . . . Some achieve greatness

9、. . . And some have greatness thrust upon them” (Shakespeare). “一些人天生伟大一些人取得英名而一些人则具有强加于他们的伟大” (莎士比亚)。l Effect 指某因素造成预定结果的力量:The new manager effected several changes in the company.新来的经理在公司里促成了好几次改革。l Fulfill 指达到某期望或满足某要求、愿望或需求: It is unrealistic to hope that all ones desires can be fulfilled. 希望自己的

10、所有欲望都得到满足是不现实的。She fulfilled her obligations7Cbli5eiFEnn.义务, 职责 to her parents.她尽了自己对父母的责任。 primaryadj. more, most primarily adv.l 主要的;首要的 a matter of primary importance 头等重要大事l 根本的,原始的无比较级变化the primary meaning of a wordl 初级的,初等的无比较级变化primary educationmaterialn. c/ul 素材,材料for: material for a comedy

11、喜剧的素材l 用具、设备用复数:writing materials 书写工具raw material 原料Plastic is a widely used material. 塑料是使用广泛的材料。adj.spirituall 物质的 material civilization 物质文明l 决定性的,关键的有比较级变化material evidence 5evidEns证据, 证物chat谈天;闲聊withn. An informal, light conversation to have a chat 闲聊v. The two friends sat in a corner and chat

12、ted away about their vacation plan.两个朋友坐在角落里闲聊假期安排。chatter5tFAtE :喋喋不休的谈speak: 演说相关词汇:babble5bAbl:呀呀学语 talk:谈论或讨论,说服某人做事 prattle 5prAtl:说孩子气的话, 说半截话, 闲聊gossip5Csip:流言蜚语;背后议论人长短 lecture5lektFE:学术演讲,训诫, 说教lifestyle相关词组:lifetime 一生lifelike 逼真的lifeboat 救生船lifeless 无生气的the latest style 最新流行样式a friendlier

13、 style 更亲切的态度out of style 过时in a formal style 正式的文体includeinclusive adj. including prep. inclusion n. exclude反 contain 同include, comprise, comprehend, embrace, involve, contain这些动词都有把某事物包括进另一些大的事物,使之成为其一部分的意思。l Include 和 comprisekEm5praIz 均指把人或事物包括进去并成为其组成的部分。 l Comprise 通常指所有的成分都是固定的:The book compr

14、ises (that is, consists of or is composed of) 15 chapters. 这本书有(意思是由组成) 15 章。 l Include 和其余的几个词语一样,更多是指不完全的纳入:The price will include an amount for postage in my payment. 我的付款将包含邮费。l Comprehend 7kCmpri5hend 和 embraceim5breis 通常指纳入一些附属性的成分: The study of art comprehends both aesthetic and intellectual

15、considerations. 艺术学习中既包括美学,又包括知识的学习。No single theory can embrace and explain every facet of human behavior. 没有一种理论能包括并阐释人类行为的每个方面。l Involvein5vClv 通常作为一种逻辑推理的结果或必需条件而被包括进去:All the children were involved in the school play.所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。l Contain kEn5tein 表示包含或拥有(某物)以作为一部分或一组分:This drawer contains all the cutlery5kQtlEri we own. 这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的刀叉餐具。stuffn. u.口语中指不知名字的情形或不需要清楚说出来的东西或事情l 材料;物品 green stuff 蔬菜l 原料;物质 Theres some


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