基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化教学实验研究 云南师范大学

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1、 分类号分类号 密级密级 UDCUDC 编号编号 硕士专业学位研究生学位论文基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化 教学实验研究教学实验研究学 院 数学学院数学学院 专业学位类别 教育硕士专业学位教育硕士专业学位 专业学位领域 学科教学(数学)学科教学(数学) 研究生姓名 马勇马勇 学 号 Z10420104003 导 师 姓 名 孙莅文孙莅文 职 称 副教授副教授 2014 年 5 月 5 日云南师范大学学位论文云南师范大学学位论文独创性声明及学位论文版权使用授权情况表独创性声明及学位论文版权使用授权情况表姓姓 名名马勇马勇性性 别别男男学号学号Z104201040

2、03Z10420104003所在学院所在学院数学学院数学学院所学专业所学专业学科教学(数学)学科教学(数学)学位论文题目学位论文题目基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化教学实验研究基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化教学实验研究学位论学位论文独创文独创性声明性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 2014 年 月 日学位论文版学位论文版权使用授权

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4、浪潮中去。如何把信息技术与教学问题联系起来,让信息技术的优势有效的整合到教学问题中去,达到提高教学和学生学习效率的目的,是每一位新时代教师必须考虑的问题。这项研究使用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法、实验法和案例研究法,对文山市第一初级中学八年级的学习与教学现状进行调查,查找教学中存在的问题,之后在文献分析和理论探索的基础上,思考信息技术与问题化整合的教学方式、构建教学策略和教学模式,进行为期 5 个月的教学实验研究,目的是通过学习方式与教学方式的转变来提高课堂教学的效率。通过实验研究,得出了如下的研究结论:首先,基于信息技术环境的初中数学问题化教学方式能关注学生的学习需求,学生能更好的参与到教

5、学中来;其次,这种教学方式能较为有效的培养学生问题解决的能力,在对话、互动、交流的过程中,学生能逐渐培养自身的问题意识和初步的问题解决能力;再次,信息技术手段介入课堂教学中,能丰富教师的教学素材,方便教师课堂教学能做到信息丰富、条理清楚,直观形象,有利于学生知识的建构。当然,信息技术与问题化教学的教学实验只进行了 5 个月,还有许多问题需要在今后长期的教学改革中加以研究。通过这一次的教学实验研究,个人感受到不管是教授什么样的科目,其教学的功能有这么五个方面:一是教学能让学生对社会有所适应;二是实现学生与社会之间的交往功能;三是能发展学生的个性;四是能让知识有所传承;五是情感的归属。随着信息技术

6、的发展,信息技术又让教育方式和教学观念有了更深层次的变革,它能让教学变得更为高效。关键词:信息技术;问题化教学 ;数学教学;调查研究;教学实验AbstractIIAbstractThe education structure in the 21st century on information technology from primary education to higher education has been involved in all aspects. And it is inseparable with teaching. It is directly reflected in

7、 the teaching and learning process, as an educator needs to revisit teaching methods in the information technology environment to adapt the development of information technology. The issue how to link information technology with teaching problems to make advantages of effective integration of inform

8、ation technology into teaching problem to improve teaching and learning efficiency purpose. That is every teacher must be considered in the new era.In order to find the problems in teaching, this study uses literature analysis, questionnaires , interviews , experiments and case study to study the te

9、aching and learning situation of the eight grade students in first junior middle school. On the base of analyzing literature and exploring theory , the author is thinking the issue of information technology and teaching methods , teaching strategies and building model. The experimental study for fiv

10、e months is to transform teaching and learning to improve teaching efficiency.The author reaches the following conclusions by this research. First , it can pay more attention on students learning needs by basing on teaching mathematics of IT environment in junior high school. And students can partic

11、ipate in the teaching well. Second, this teaching style can develop students ability of problem-solving in dialogue , interaction, communication process. Students can develop awareness of their own problems and problem-solving ability. Third, teachers can do make the class colorful by facilitating i

12、nformation-rich , well organized , intuitive image and it will help students construct knowledge . It is sure that the problems the time for only five months to study the information technology and teaching experiment. It may be short and there are some issues that need to be studied in the future l

13、ong-term educational reform.According to this study , the author surely knows no matter what subject to teach, AbstractIIIit should consider five aspects . First, the teaching allows students to adapt to society. Second, it is achieved between the students and the community communication function .

14、Third, it is important to develop students character. Fourth, it allows some continuity of knowledge . The last but not least, the way to go of emotional attribution . With the development of information technology, education and teaching ideas. The education is deeply change. And it makes teaching become more efficient.Key words: information technology;problems teaching ;mathematics teaching research; teaching experiment目录IV目录目录摘要.IAbstract .II目录 .



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