滑坡整治工程设计 兰州交通大学

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1、兰州交通大学毕业设计I滑坡整治工程滑坡整治工程中文摘要中文摘要滑坡是指在一定的地形条件下,由于破坏力学平衡的各种自然的或人为的因素的影响,山坡上的不稳定土(岩)在重力作用下,沿着山坡内部某一软弱面作整体的,缓慢的,间歇性的滑动的变形现象。它是严重的自然灾害之一,常常中断交通、摧毁厂矿、阻塞河道、掩埋村镇,给人民的生命财产造成巨大损失。同时,它又是一种工程地质灾害,其发生和发展既受制于地质条件和自然力的作用,也受到人类活动的显著影响。本文以位于甘肃省河口地区原兰青铁路 DK+138 处左边山坡的滑坡为例,主要对滑坡的整治工程进行了研究及支挡建筑物的设计,具体进行了以下工作:(1)介绍我国滑坡的地

2、域分布特征和滑坡发生的时间特征。(2)通过对滑坡形成条件及影响因素的详细分析进一步阐述了滑坡整治原则与措施。(3)以甘肃省河口地区原兰青铁路 DK+138 处左侧山坡的滑坡为例进行滑坡支挡工程重力式挡土墙和抗滑桩设计。(4)详细说明挡土墙和抗滑桩的施工工艺。关键词关键词:滑坡;滑坡推力;抗滑挡土墙;抗滑桩兰州交通大学毕业设计IILandslide-treating engineeringAbstractLandslide is a certain terrain conditions, due to destruction of mechanical balance of various na

3、tural or man-made factors, on the hillside, unstable soil (rock) under the action of gravity, along the hillside in a weak surface interior as a whole, slow, intermittent sliding deformation phenomenon.It is one of the most serious natural calamities, often interrupting traffic, destroy factories an

4、d mines, blocking the river, burying villages and towns, to peoples lives and property caused huge losses.At the same time, it is a kind of geological disaster, and its development is restricted by geological conditions and natural forces, but also affected by human activities influence.In this pape

5、r, Gansu province is located in the estuary area of the original Lanqing railway DK+138 left slope landslide as an example, mainly on the landslide renovation project was studied and the retaining structure design, specifically for the following work:(1) Introduced the characteristics of regional di

6、stribution of landslide and landslide occurrence time feature in our country .(2) Through to the landslide formation conditions and influencing factors of detailed analysis further elaborates the principles and measures of the landslide treatment.(3) To Gansu province river original Lanqing railway

7、DK+138 left slope landslide Landslide retaining engineering gravity retaining wall and anti-slide pile design.(4) A detailed description of the retaining wall and anti-slide pile construction technology.Key words: landslide; landslide thrust;retaining wall; anti-slide pile; 兰州交通大学毕业设计I目目 录录第一章 绪 论.1

8、第一节 我国滑坡分布的时空特征.1一、我国滑坡的空间分布特征.1二、我国滑坡的时间分布特征.2第二节 滑坡的灾害性及防治意义.3一、滑坡的灾害性.3二、防止滑坡的意义.4第二章 滑坡及其防治.5第一节 滑坡.5一、基本概念.5二、滑坡发生和发展的条件及主要影响因素.5三、滑坡的分类.6四、滑坡的发展过程.7第二节 滑坡的预防及防治.7一、滑坡的预防.7二、滑坡的防治原则.8三、滑坡的防治措施.8第三章 滑坡的整治工程设计.10第一节工点资料.10第二节抗滑挡土墙的设计.11一、抗滑挡土墙设计的一般规定.11二、挡土墙的设计.13三、墙面尺寸检算.17第三节抗滑桩的设计.19一、抗滑桩.19二、抗滑桩设计的一般规定.20三、抗滑桩的设计.21四、强度校核.



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