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1、未来教育事业单位公共基础知识英语阅读理解练习阅读理解短文(70 篇)P a ssa g e 2People can be addicted to different thing s - e .g ., a lcohol, drug s, certain foods, or even te levision. People w ho have such an addiction ( 癖 好 ; 瘾 ) are compulsive ( 难 以 抑 制 的 ) ; i .e ., they have a very pow erful psy cholog ical need that they f

2、eel they must satisfy . A ccording to psy cholog i sts, m any people a re com pulsive spenders. They feel that they m ust spend m oney . This compulsion, like m ost others, i s irra tional - impossible to explain reasonably . For compulsive spenders w ho buy on credit ( 赊 购 ) , charg e accounts ( 赊

3、购 帐 户 ) are even more ex citing than money . In other w ords, compulsive spenders feel that w i th credit, they can do any thing . Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts i s actually g reater than the pleasure that they g et from the thing s they buy .There i s even a special psy cholog y of ba

4、rg a in hunting . To save money , of course, m ost people look for sa les, low prices, and discounts. C ompulsive barg a in hunters, how ever, often buy thing s that they dont need just because they a re cheap. They w ant to believe that they a re helping their budg ets, but they are really pla y in

5、g an ex citing g am e . W hen they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they a re w inning . M ost people, experts c la im , have tw o reasons for their behavior: a g ood reason for the thing s that they do and the real reason.It i s not only scientists, of course, w ho under

6、stand the psy cholog y of spending habits, but a l so businesspeople. S tores, companies, and advertisers use psy cholog y to increase business: They consider peoples needs for love, pow er, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sa les metho

7、ds.Psy cholog ists often use a method called “behavior therapy ( 疗 法 )“ to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the sam e w ay , they can help people w ho feel that they have problems w ith money .1. . A ccording to the psy cholog i sts, a compulsive spender is one w ho spends la rg

8、 e amounts of money .A ) and takes g reat pleasure from w hat he or she buy s B ) in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in l i feC ) just to m eet his or her strong psy cholog ica l need D) entirely w i th an i rrational eag erness2. . A ccording to the w ri ter, compulsive barg a in hunters ar

9、e in constant search of the low est possible prices .A ) because they w ant to save money to help their budgetsB ) because they can openly boast of their trium ph over others in g etting thing s for less C ) and w i l l not have m oney problem s i f they can keep to their budg etsD) but they seldom

10、adm it they feel satisfied i f they can g et thing s for less than others 3 . W hich of the follow ing is true?A ) A l l people spend money for exactly the sam e reason that they need to buy thing s . B ) B usinesspeople and advertisers can use the psy cholog y of m oney to increase sales.C ) B usin

11、esspeople understand the psy cholog y of compulsive buy ing better than scientistsdo.D) com pulsive barg a in hunters do not have problems w ith money .4. . The a rticle i s m a inly about .A ) the psy cholog y of m oney -spending habitsB ) the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders C ) a special

12、psy cholog y of barg a in huntingD) the use of the psy cholog y of spending habits in business5. . From the passag e w e m a y safely conclude that com pulsive spenders or com pulsive barg a in hunters .A ) are really unreasonable B ) need special treatmentC ) a re really bey ond remediesD) can neve

13、r g et any help to solve their problems w i th money P a ssa g e 4In 1838 the polical econom ist M a l thous predicted that in time mankind w ould face starvation, having outg row n the availa ble food supplies. Today , a century and a half l a ter, there are stil l ex perts w ho forecast the same g

14、 lobal disaster unless urgent measures are taken to prevent i t.B y the end of the present century there ma y w ell be over five thousand million people l iving on this g lobe, an increase of over fifty percent of toda y 5 fig ure. In order to keep pace w i th this increase in m ankind the farmers o

15、f the w orld w ould have to step up their production of food by a t least tw o percent every y ear. S uch a rate of increase has never been m a intained in any country by conventional methods of ag riculture, despite m odern m echanization and the w idespread use of fertilizer. There a re no la rg e

16、 w orthw hile reserves of potential farm land rema ining , and g ood fertile land is continually being diverted to industrial use. M oreover, erosion of the soil takes a constant toll.Intensive research, carried out over many y ears in a l l manners of climatic conditions, has produced a revolutionary m ethod of g row ing crops w i thout using any soil a t a ll . Hy droponics, as this techniq


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