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1、1四年级上册学习重点同学们,我们已经学完了语音课程,已经学会用音标拼读单词了,这是一个很大的进步.在以后的学习中大家一定坚持用音标读单词,用音标记单词,用字母的发音积累单词,自己加以总结。另外我们还要学习一些句型积累句子,才能真正去表达句子,才能学以致用。大家在以后的学习中要努力进取,相信定会取得更大的进步!1. have / has got 句型的用法 陈述句 I have got . .(我有-)We have got . (我们有-) I have got a book . I have got a lion . I have got twenty - two points . We h

2、ave got a good English teacher .2 -Have you got a -? 你有一个-吗? -Yes , I have .(是的,我有) No ,I havent . 不 ,我没有。-Have you got a tiger ? -Yes , I have . No , I havent. 3-Where is the school ?-It is next to the cinema .(电影院)/ Turn right .Go straight on .-Thank you so much .-You are welcome !4 如果想要表达正在做某事时就要

3、学习一种时态了,大家要加油哦 !一、 现在进行时 表示动作正在进行。要用动词的进行式。 (怎么变来的呢)动词的进行式是用动词的原形变来的。 (要记住)2一般在动词后加 ing 如 play -playing talk -talking listen -listening do -doing read -reading watch-watching 以 不发音的字母 e 结尾的,要去 e 加 ing take -taking write -writing make -making 小学阶段一般有几个以重读闭音节结尾的,要双写最后一个辅音子母再加ing swim-swimming run-runn

4、ing (记住这几个就可以了)二、现在要表达句子了,看看怎样表达的,要记住句型模式,加油!想表达“某人正在做某事“时, 用主语+am/is .are + 动词的 ing am is are 用法 我用 am 你用 are , is 跟着他她它 . (he she it ) is 跟着单数走 , 复数一律都用 are 。(很有用的一定要记住呀)如 1 ) “问你正在干什么时 并作出回答时 “要用 - -What are you doing ? - I am listening to music. I am watching TV . I am reading a book . / I am do

5、ing my homework .2) 问“他在干什么”时用-What is he doing ? - What is she doing ? -He is taking pictures . -She is writing a letter . - -He is playing football. -She is talking to her friend .- - -What is Amy doing ?-She is reading a book .33) 当问“他们在做什么”时用What are they doing ? They are rowing a boat .4 在向别人介绍

6、“ 这是我的朋友,这是我的哥哥或姐姐“时要说This is my friend , Lingling . This is my brother ,Tom .表达“这不是我的朋友或姐妹”时,要用到否定句,要在 is 后加 not This is not my friend , Lingling . This is not my brother ,Tom .试着读读这篇文章 并翻译出来。I like taking pictures . It is very interesting .I have got lots of pictures .Look at this one . This is my

7、 father .He is reading a book . And this is my mother .She is watching TV . The boy next to my Mom is my litter brother. He is playing with the toy train .学会了吗,现在进行时的用法,要多加练习呀!5 想要表达“你想要做某事吗”的句型时,要用-Do you want some rice ? -No, thanks . /No ,thank you . -Yes ,please .要注意它的回答。多加练习呀.6 我们已经是大孩子了,能会做很多事

8、了。怎样表达呢?学习一下!表示“能会做某事”时用 can ,后用动词原形。可要注意呀。如 :“我会做某事”可这样说 I can make a cake . I can jump high . 4I can ride a bike . I can play the flute .想表达“你会做某事吗?”要这样说Can you make a cake ? Can you jump high ? Can I ride a bike ?. Can I play the flute ? Can you run fast ?回答 Yes, I can . No, I cant . ( 你学会了吗)表达我想

9、吃些糖果时,要说 - Can I have some sweets ? 可以说 Yes ,you can .也可说 No ,you can not .表示我不会做某事时,只要在 can 后加 not 就可以了。如I can not make a cake . I can not jump high . I can not ride a bike . I can not play the flute . 很容易吧,加油!7 先要学会这几个短语。go to Hainan . by plane visit my grandpa swim get up ride a bike . play the f

10、lute . 我们都有自己的打算和计划,要想表达“我打算做什么事,就用下面这个句型 I am going to +动词的原形就可以了。如我打算去海南。 I am going to go to Hainan .我打算乘飞机去海南。 I am going to go to Hainan by plane我打算拜访我的爷爷。 I am going to visit my grandpa我打算游泳。 I am going to swim我打算在六点起床。 I am going to get up at six oclock 开始时我们学会了“我有什么东西,你有什么东西吗?“现在我们学习另一个“有“的用

11、法。如我们想表达“一年有几个月?桌子上有几本书?五月有几个生5日呀? “就要学会“有什么在哪里“这个句型。记住There is +名词的单数 有一个 东西 在这里。There are +名词的复数 有多个东西在这里。There is a book on the desk .There is one birthday in May .1 How many months are there in a year ?There are twelve months in a year .2 How many books are there on the desk ?There are two books

12、 on the desk. 3 How many birthday cakes are there ?There is one birthday cake s .试着读读下面这篇文章This is Linglings family . Mum is making a cake . Dad is listening to music .Her brother Daming is playing football with Sam . Sam is Daming good friend . Grandpa is taking pictures and Grandma is reading a book .under a tree . Lingling is riding a bike . This is a happy family .


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