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1、条件状语从句练习题条件状语从句练习题清华大学清华大学英语系测试:为英语系测试:为中学英语中学英语量身定做量身定做. .官方网站:官方网站:http:/ 清华大学清华大学英语教授英语教授 5050 年研究成果年研究成果选择正确答案。( )1. It was raining heavily we got to Paris.A. while B. if C. when D. because( )2. I dont know if tomorrow.A. it doesnt rain B. the rain will stops C. the rains wont stop D. it wont ra

2、in( )3 . The volleyball match will be put off if it A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining( )4. Difficulties are nothing if we not afraid of themA. will B. shall C. are D. do( )5. We Beijing tomorrow if it doesnt rain.A. are going to B. would C. shall D. will go( )6. I dont like to be interru

3、pted if I .A. speak B. will speak C. am speaking D. spoke( )7. If you the book you will understand the story better.A. will be reading B. have read C. will have read D. read( )8. If you I will go with youA. go to B. went C. will D. should go( )9. Ill go to meet you,if I free then.A. would be B. will

4、 be C. am D. was( )10. If you to the music, buy a CD.A. will listen B. listen C. listening D. listened( )11. He suggested a pinic tomorrow.A. to have B. having C. have D. to having( )12. Be careful, if you want to make mistakes. A. wont B. dont C. didnt D. not( )13. Work hard if you to get a good ma

5、rk.A. wanted B. wanting C. want D. will want( )14. I want to know if you to the party tomorrow.I will if I free.A. will come; am B. come; amC. will come; will be D. come; will be( )15. The cat him the hand.A. bit; in B. bited; on C. bit; on D. bited; on( )16. There is going to a sports meeting next

6、week. If it , well have to cancel it.A. be; will rain B. have; will rainC. be; rains D. give; is going to rain( )17. If he , I go swimming alone.A. doesnt come will go B. wont come; will goC. will come; wont go D. is coming; dont go( )18. If you a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it.A

7、. getting B. had got C. will get D. get( )19. Frank a film if hes free next Saturday.A. see B. saw C. has seen D. will see清华大学清华大学英语系测试:为英语系测试:为中小学生英语中小学生英语量身定做量身定做. .官方网站:官方网站:http:/ 清华大学清华大学英语教授英语教授 5050 年研究成果年研究成果1. What do you think is the best radio station? / What do you think the best radio s

8、tation is?2. Which movie theater has the most comfortable seats and the best quality screens in northern Zhengzhou?3. Jazz Jeans Store has the worst service of all, but it is the closest to my home.4. Things are getting worse and worse, but you should be positive about them.5. This is the dullest an

9、d the loudest musical group that I have ever seen! 6. Do you want to have great success in performing or live an easy life in southern China?7. She is one of the most lovely girls in our class.8. Lets go to Camel Cinema. Its the nearest one. 9. I bargained with three shop assitants. In the end , I g

10、ot a real bargain! 10.Who lives farthest from school in your class?11.China is the third largest country in the world.12.There is little paper here. Please bring some. We need enough paper.13.The color of this sweater is too dark for me. Could you give me a brighter one? 14.The rich can spend money

11、without thinking. As for the poor, food and clothing are still more important than any other thing.15.The child eats too many snacks between meals.16.I find English spelling easy. Its much easier than English writing.17.The talent show can be a success with even less money and fewer famous performer

12、s.18.No one is so serious as Mary in Henan Province. She cant be more serious !19. Jackie Chan won the prize for the best actor , and the best actress went to YangZiqiong.20.We did a survey of what people think about the distance. 21.Lily is closer to her mother than her father.22.He didnt run fast

13、enough to catch up with others.23.Hebei is in northern China. / Hebei is in North China. / Hebei is in the north of China.1. 你认为哪个电台是最好的?(两种)2. 在郑州北区,哪个影剧院有最舒适的作为和质量最好的屏幕。3. 爵士牛仔店的服务最差,但是它离我家最近。4. 事情变得越来越糟糕,但是你需要积极面对。5. 这是我所见过的最乏味最吵闹的乐队了。6. 你是想在表演方面获得巨大成功,还是想过安逸的生活?7. 她是我们班上最可爱的女孩之一。8. 让我们去骆驼电影院吧。它是最近的。9. 我和三个售货员讨价还价。最后,我拿到了真正的便宜货。10.你们班上谁住的离学校最远?11.中国是世界第三大国家。12.这几乎没有纸了。请拿点来。我们需要足够的纸。13.这件毛衣的颜色太暗了。你能给我件更鲜亮的吗?14.富人花钱时不用考虑。对于穷人来说,衣食还是比其他任何事都重要。15.这个孩子半晌里吃了太多零食。16.我发现英语拼写很容易。它比英语写作容易多了。17.这次才艺演出用更少的钱和更少的名演员也可以是一次成功。18.整个河南没有人比玛丽更严肃了


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